Archive for the ‘Postmodern Journeys’ Category

Postmodern Journeys 07

March 13, 2008

Walk On  07

By Joseph Natoli

Translated by Springhero

     One asks if such a free-floating faculty existed would not it thread, however faint,  link paradigms, insure the commensurable within the seemingly incommensurable? And surely the thread is there—in the eyes of the modernist. At any point in time, one can go back and discern, with the necessary critical eye, the thread of continuity, of coherence, of unity.


       Whatever reason may be or has been, a postmodernist would observe, it must in the present lay claim to its reasonableness by tracing its path in the past and from the past to the present. It must sow itself working toward progress, however slowly, and overcoming obstacles to that progress. But what is the nature of this progress. We are becoming more reasonable, more civilized, more adept at controlling the irrationalities of nature outdoors and Human Nature within.


        We are succeeding to do so through the steady implementation and instrumentation of our logics, our knowledge, our expertise, our technology, our science. In this way every reason in every state of historical ‘ throwness” validates itself and renders, As Nietzsche says, an alibi by which it can perpetrate what in another more reasonable climate will stand forth as heinous, inhuman, irrational.


      But the force of the paradox persists: If reason prevails in every state of throwness by securing its own reasonableness and tracing itself as a supracultural, supraparadigm faculty—otherwise it is replaced by a reasoning that can do so—then we are never free of an everydayness in which reason propounds the unreasonableness of paradigm—relative reasoning, of reason emerging from a lifeworld in motion. Thus, only the modernist staying behind In order to critique and question the journey the postmodernist has undertaken.


      The modernist also has a story of journeying, so in the present we wind up with conflicting stories of how we journey, which in turn tell different stories regarding the necessity of journeying, the effects of journeying on individuals, societies, and cultures, the stories we tell of past journeys—that is, our histories—and the journey into the future that we chart for ourselves, i.e. our notions of progress.


        But how do you choose what journey to take? I mean how do you take the postmodern journey—the journey that validates itself by saying that since we live in stories of reality we are bound to journey out of the limitations of our own stories by journeying into other stories—if you have no reason to do so? This story only becomes conceivable if we are already in a postmodern way of “ story making” or “ reality making.” Or, what I think is more the case, we have already been shifting along with our American culture from one way of story making to another. We have, in short, already been thrown into the journey.


Postmodern journeys 06

March 13, 2008

Walk on  06

By Joseph Natoli

Translated by Springhero

      What is needed in the end is a jump from one paradigm to another, one social/cultural/personal lifeworld to another, one way of perceiving, knowing, and therefore producing the world to another. William Blake writes of such epistemological alterations that have ontological effects, of moving across paradigms, or what he calls ‘ visionary modes,” from one-fold to four-fold perceptions.


       I have no trouble with this ; as a postmodernist I first want to know what “ reality frame” someone is in, or some society, or how many reality frames does this culture now express, and so on. What reality am I dealing with here at this time and in this place? What are the special circumstances of “ being” in this world at this time? Into what are we here thrown, and how does this produce a state of throwness which we mistake for stable being, for the ineluctable conditions of human nature and existence.


        But only a person who already has made the jump perceives the necessity of making the jump, or, perceives where one is jumping to and from where. If you already believe that reason and all its foundational artifacts are transpersonal ( it’s the faculty by which humans communicate and get to know themselves and the world, although they possess it to varying degrees), and transcultural ( it travels even to cultures “ steeped in superstitions” and irrationalities), then it certainly is transparadigm( it works within whatever theoretical frame you construct).


       If you take Kuhn’s original notion that paradigms are not merely discursive, theoretical frames but cognitive/perceptual/affective frames that societies and cultures adopt at various times and then proceed to reality make and reality test within the parameters of those frames, and that, further, paradigms can follow each other in time but remain incommensurable, then the idea of a special faculty lying outside the influence of the paradigm becomes very moot.



postmodern journeys 05

March 13, 2008

Walk On 05

By Joseph Natoli

Translated by Springhero

       If critical, discerning reason came out of the lifeworld and the lifeworld was in motion with a changeable everydayness, was a result of our throwness here and now and not there and then, then I could make a case which countered the Western Tradition of Rationality and Realism mindset which produced the questions. I could question the presence of a reason operating outside or independent of the life world.


       I could not, however, at the same time summon that sort of reason in order to negate the validity of the questions themselves. In fact, these questions that I call “ modernist” are a greater part of that everydayness we are in and out of which we construe scenarios of being-in-the-world than are my postmodernist answer.


       I, as a postmodernist, am in a dilemma that the modernist is not in. I face a paradox that the modernist has no trouble resolving. My seeing where the reasoning behind the questioning comes from does not enable me to discount that reasoning; it is in fact a reasoning I too am thrown into, although I resist the way a supposedly a detached reason ‘ self-reasons’ itself out of any such throwness.


      I want to trace the semiotics of this reasoning, trace it to its social and cultural lifeworlds, to the horizon of a certain time and place, but I can’t sever it from this web of interconnections. What I can do is deny its foundationalism, its Kantian transcendent credentials, but not its operating force within an everydayness we experience in ways this transcendent reason has produced for us.

       我要追蹤這種理性的語意學,追蹤它社會和文化的生存世界,以及在某個時間和空間的地平線,但是我無法將它自互動的網絡中分割出來。我充其量只能否定它有不可動搖的基礎,或「康德哲學」的超驗不可質疑,但是我無法否定它的運作力量,因為我們日常所經驗的,也是這種超越理性所賦予的。        In other words, when I reason, I reason this way too; I am, like you, if you are reading during my lifetime ,thrown into a world in which we have sculpted reason in this way. But as this world is already shifting into another way “ making” itself—a postmodern way—I am also trying to “ reason” in a postmodern way.        換言之,當我推理時,我是以理性方式推理。我像芸芸眾生一樣,被拋棄到這以理性方式運轉的世界。只是這世界尚以現代主義的方式自行運轉,我也以後現代主義的方式來推理而已。 

Postmodern Journeys 04

March 13, 2008

Walk On ! 04

By Joseph Natoli

Trnaslated by Springhero

     Let me put the paradox on a less abstract level, in fact, on an everyday level: In order to test my theory that we journey in a different way as postmodernists than as modernists, that the postmodern take on the encounter between identity and difference necessitates a whole new way of “ studying other cultures and peoples, “ I proposed to do a series of “ study abroad” programs, specifically rail and hostel tours of Europe.


       While I proposed that our journey include stays in several European countries, I announced that mastery of the different languages, histories, politics, arts, literatures, folkways, and so on was not claimed by me, nor was it a goal of the program, although I didn’t set the program up to discourage interest in any of these. Here’s my argument in one long sentence:


      If the world is configured differently in different states of “ throwness,” different latitudes and longitudes of mediation, within each of which we “ make” the world differently by encouncing different stories about it, and we have neither an unimpeachable rod by which to measure the value of each nor a foundation of prior absolute and universal judgment upon which to stand, then no one’s mastery can stand unimpeached and each of us is compelled to ‘ walk on!” both geographically and ontologically.


        Indeed, what I hoped to reach through these journeys was a perception of what comprises our being-in-the-world as humans as well as, through a continual clash of identity and difference, what is shackled or rejected by the particular circumstances of our own societal and cultural throwness.


       In short, the journey was toward making conceivable what previously had no existence in the mind of the traveler and thus toward extending the panorama of human awareness, imagination, empathy, sympathy, understanding. We were traveling along the hermeneutic circle of contrastive, differently situated, and contextualized cultural interpretations.


        My intent here was countered by a series of questions. While I had answers to all of these questions, my answers emerged from a postmodern way of knowing the world and that way produced the reasoning that made my “ answers” answers. The questions, on the other hand, emerged from a modernist way of knowing the world and that way produced the reasoning that asked the questions and could not at the same time find my answers to be reasonable, or “ good answers.”


      I was inferring that “ reason” came out of the lifeworld and did not exist outside it or prior to it, although stories of what is reasonable vary according to time and place. So we were back to the lifeworld, to the notion of everything, being sculpted or worded or sounded from within a personal, social, and cultural framing of the world, including our entire “ critical reasoning” enterprise.


Postmodern Journeys 03

March 13, 2008

Walk On  03

By Joseph Natoli

Translated by Springhero

       But I say I am suited to journey in a postmodern way and I am not in any of these categories. Where am I then? I am “ adjunct”: Quite literally academic title is “ Adjunct Lecturer.” But is there an ontological connection here, one that connects me to postmodern journeying? I want to describe what I will call an “ adjunct Lebenswelt” or life world in which one’s connection with the center is marginal, and with the social order, subordinate and temporary.


       Firstly, we have to consider that the life world becomes important only because a separation between world and self cannot be maintained; in other words, we drift into certain connections with self and world that shape or sculpt future interactions. The lifeworld is a product of being thrown into the world, the site of our “ throwness,” by which I mean it is an accidental, “ at this time and in this place, “ interfacer of the ‘ everyday” out of which we can concoct and even hook up with grand, transcending ‘ everydayness” stories.


      Paradoxically, these grand stories tell us that we are not accompaniments to the “ flux of the everyday” but can transcend that flux. We live in the myth that we can remove the lens of the lebenswelt from our gaze and encounter our being severed from where it has its being ( its state of throwness). We live in the myth that we can apprehend from “ the outside “ world as it is severed from it being always already caught in its own everydayness.


        This is not a “war” that can be brought to closure through either peace or extermination; this is a true paradox. Either we are inevitably questioning what we are and what the world is from within lifeworlds, already complicit with the everydayness out of which our questions arise, or we have already separated ourselves from both the lifeworld and the world’s everydayness and are asking questions and getting answers that bring both the flux of being and the worldly flux to a stop. Baldly put: We can either tell a story of being “ inside” things or are able to get “ outside” things.


        As soon as you say something that pretends to be outside the contingencies of self and world, outside the force of the everyday, you can say that only those contingencies at that time and the everydayness you are in at that time engender such a story of detachment. But in the modern world, we have been striving strenuously to transcend the stories of “ always already” worldly attachment. We have been placing our bets on “ methods of detachment” that winnow “ storymaking” from “ reality.”


       Being “ thrown into” the modern world means that we are thrown into a world in which such stories of detachment flourish—and since the Enlightenment and the “ rise of of Science,’ they do. Such stories are employed to transcend the stories of no detachment, of “ always already-ness,” the stories of being inseparable from the world and world accessible only in its perplexing, changeable ‘ everydayness.”


Postmodern Journeys 02

March 13, 2008

Walk On  02

By Joseph Natoli

Translated  by Springhero

       Unfortunately, we spend most of our lives at rest; call it grounded, call it centered; call it home base, call it the still point, the contemplative heart of your being from where, like the Buddha, you sit in the lotus position, eyes half closed, and integrate the fury, solitary at the very center of the garden to which all paths ultimately lead..


      A sweet image, a sweet story, that, like all stories, has its own “ otherness.” There is the emaciated Buddha as well as the fat Buddha; the dark soul journeying as well as the sedentary soul in peace, the Buddha whose last words are “ Walk on!” The Hindu dancing Shiva is never at rest, enacting in his dance somehow the endless fluidity of time, space, self, objects, others, laws and dreams, desire and science, mind and world.


        We are thrown into a world that is always already in motion and whose always alreadyness we immediately inherit. The image of ourselves, then, as quietly sitting someplace, or centered for dominating viewing in Foucault’s pan-option, taking in a world that is somehow “ out there”—that image and the story it spins encourages what I call a “ modernist” way of journeying. How do you journey toward another story—let’s call it the postmodernist—of how the world and ourselves exist and we “ correspond” with each other , another story of how we travel, if you will, from self to world?


        It seems to me that you cannot do so unless you first perceive that you have been thrown into, say, a modernist story of things and not into the world itself. We are now living at the crossroads of both kinds of awareness, although only the postmodern awareness allows us that awareness.


      In the last decade of the second millennium, we have our so-called cultural wars, the semiotics of such proliferating each day. Perhaps it is all about traveling, about the journey, not only—as Rod Serling used to say at the beginning of every segment of Twilight Zone—of time and space, but of mind. Again, the Buddha: “ You cannot travel on the path before you have that Path itself.”


        Some are secure and content, for whatever reason, and want to journey little from that contentment and security, except perhaps to augment it. Others are unsatisfied with their present lot and continue to journey toward a goal that promises what is yet not theirs. Still others have no journey in mind but are on the road because one place is good as another. There is for them no place to rest. Perhaps, like Rimbaud, they are not going to any place but merely fleeing from ‘ apparitions assembled in the brain.”



Postmodern Journeys 01

March 13, 2008

Walk On 01

By Joseph Natoli

Translated by Springhero

      “ And sedentary species, “ she said, “ like sedentary genes, are terribly successful for a while, but in the end they are self-destructive.”

                                  —Bruce Chatwin, The Songlines


      I was forced to travel, to ward off the apparitions assembled in my brains.                                  —Arthur Rimbaud,


     The journey thus pre-empts the need for hierarchies and shows of dominance. The “ dictators’ of the animal kingdom are those who live in an ambience of plenty. The anarchists, as always are the ‘ gentlemen of the road.”                                   —Proust


       You know, in a lot of ways—none of them having to do with y bank account—I am ripe for the postmodern journey. I mean I’ somehow situated emotionally to take one. The composition of my consciousness is such that the idea of a journey to places I’ve never been to before resonates beautifully, like a soprano voice from long ago singing “ Ave Maria” in the church of my childhood, Regina Pacis.


       Even my unconscious mind has me traveling cheerfully through a Borgesian garden of forking paths. No, my unconscious does not project fears of flying, of traveling, of instability, of nomadic wandering.


       It is only when I don’t travel that still waters breed a mental pestilence. When an “ order of things” becomes more than the barest, faintest circumference of imagination but presumes to stand for the world “ just as it is” and myself “ just as I am,” then I have dark dreams.
