Archive for April, 2010


April 29, 2010


星期日早上的讀書會,選的是雅克、拉岡的「繩之環」Ring of Strings。拉岡將真實界、想像界、及象徵符號界,各以一個圓環表示,互相套在一起作為一個人的主體。然後推而廣之,跟其它類似的主體環環相扣,而形成人倫關係的世界。這個波羅密金剛結Borromean knot 的特色是,環環之間,只是互相掛勾,並未套牢,只要源頭的一個結點鬆開,整個金剛結就會全部鬆開。




晚上,我觀看從大陸下載的「雪域天路」的影片,內心的無意識被青康藏高原的遼闊跟蒼茫撩撥得蠢蠢欲動。只是我近七旬的年紀,西藏單車行的幻想純是痴人說夢般的「不可能的任務」mission impossible。不過,台灣的幾天行,總該還行罷?











「對不起!這裡雖然是荒郊野外,可是作為所有權人的阿不,畢竟被台北的文明制約太久,一心一意雖然想回歸鄉野,卻還是無法擺脫資產階級的財產所有權的意識形態。就像狗狗,無論走到哪裡,總要環繞一圈,泡泡尿,宣告說This is my kingdom.這是我的王國。」

他們不置可否地笑一笑。於是我仗著幾分的酒意,再意氣風發地發揮:「I am not drunk enough!我要是足夠的醉,剛才圓圓農場的夫妻送柴火木頭來時,我應該請他們一起喝紅露,我當時還有一點小菜嘛!說不一定我們會談到很投機,說不一定他們還會邀請我到他們的農場去玩,說不一定我們因此會有一段星光交會、互放光亮的交情或友誼!」

他們微笑地看著我,不知是出於禮貌的應對,還是他們從繁華的都市,來到這樣的荒郊野外,為了就是避開理性語言的鉗制,尤其是那位甜美可人的妻子,還頗感好奇或興趣般地全神貫注傾聽。於是,我受到鼓勵般,越來越不善矜持地醉言醉語起來,從昆德拉的「生命中不可承受之輕」,一直蓋到佛洛伊德的伊底普斯情結,再胡扯到雅克、拉岡的精神分析學的「沒有性關係There is no sexual relation,因為男女的性關係,不能只是性器官的接觸,而必須是作為生命主體的真實界的靈魂的星光交會!」







A love letter 03

April 29, 2010

A love letter 03

After that, to calm you back down, I need back speak to you of love—which I will do in a moment. But what does it mean that I have come to such a pass as to speak to you of love, whereas it is not very compatible with the direction from which analytic discourse can provide a semblance of something that would be science?


You are barely aware of this “ would-be science.” Of course, you know, because I have made you take notice of it, that there was a time when one could, not without reason, assure oneself that scientific discourse was grounded in the Galilean turning point. I have stressed that enough to assume that, at the very least, some of you have gone back to the sources, I mean to Koyre work.


Regarding scientific discourse, it is very difficult to maintain equally present two terms that I will mention to you.


On the one hand, scientific discourse has engendered all sorts of instruments that we must, from our vantage point here, qualify as gadgets. You are now, infinitely more than you think, subjects of instruments that, from the microscope right down to the radio television, are becoming the elements of your existence. You cannot currently even gauge the import of this, but it is nonetheless part of what I am calling scientific discourse, insofar as a discourse is what determines a form of social link.


On the other hand—and here there is no linkup—there is a subversion of knowledge. Prior to that, no knowledge was conceived that did not participate in the fantasy of an inscription of the sexual link. One cannot even say that the subjects of antiquity’s theory of knowledge did not realize that.


Let us simply consider the terms “ active” and “ passive,” for example, that dominate everything that was cogitated regarding the relationship between form and matter, a relationship that was so fundamental, and to which each of Plato’s steps refers, and then Aristotle’s, concerning the nature of things. It is visible and palpable that their statements are based only on a fantasy by which they tried to make up for what can in no way be said, namely, the sexual relationship.


The strange thing is that in this crude polarity that makes matter passive and form the agent that animates it, something, albeit, something ambiguous, nevertheless got through, namely, that this animation is nothing other than the a with which the agent animates what? He animates nothing—he takes the other as his soul.


Consider what progresses over the course of the ages regarding the idea of a God that is not the God of Christian faith, but that of Aristotle—the unmoved mover, the supreme sphere. The idea that there is a being such that all other beings with less being than it can have no other aim than being the most being they can be, is the whole foundation of the idea of the Good in Aristotle’s ethics, which I encouraged you to look at in order to grasp the impasse therein. If I base myself now on the inscrptons on the blackboard, it is assured revealed that it is in the opaque place of jouissance of the other, of the Other insofar as woman, if she existed, could be it, that the supreme Being is situated—this Supreme Being that is manifestly mythical in Aristotle’s work, this unmoving sphere from which all movements stem, whatever they may be: changes, generations, motions, translations, increases , etc.


It is insofar as her jouissance is radically Other that woman has more of a relationship to God than anything that could have been said in speculation in antiquity following the pathway of that which is manifestly articulated only as the good of man.


The aim of my teaching, insofar as it pursues what can be said and enunciated on the basis of analytic discourse, is to dissociate a and A by reducing the first to what is related to the imaginary and the other to what is related to the symbolic. It is indubitable that the symbolic is the basis of what was made into god. It is certain that the imaginary is based on the reflection of one semblable in another. And yet, a has lent itself to be confused with S(A), below which it is written on the blackboard, and it has done so by means of the function of being. It is here that a scission or detachment remains to be effectuated. It is in this respect that psychoanalysis is something other than a psychology. For psychology is this uneffectuated scission.


大它者隱身在後的主體S( A),原來的A上面有一斜槓,我的電腦如法輸入,請參照底下圖形的銘記符號。法文它者的字首是A,打一斜槓,表示人作為主體,一進入象徵符號界,就受大它者的象徵符號的制約及操控,括弧起來,表是大它者隱身在後,但無時無刻,不在制約及操控我們。

A love letter 02

April 24, 2010

Encore by Lacan

A love letter

We’ll start with the four propositional formulas at the top of the table, two of which lies to the left, the other two to the right. Every speaking being situations itself on one side or the other. On the left, the lower line—ΑxΦx—indicates that it is through the phallic function that man as whole acquires his inscription, with the proviso that this function is limited due to the existence of an x by which the function Φx is negated : ΣxΦx. That is what is known as the father function—whereby we find, vie negation, the proposition Φx, which grounds the operativity of what makes up for the sexual relationship with castration, insofar as that relationship is in no way inscribable. The whole here is thus based on the exception posited as the end-point, that is on that which altogether negates Φx.


標記符號請參照圖表的標記,因為A、E 字母的倒轉,及Φx的上方畫一條槓,我的電腦打不出來。不知道哪一位電腦輸入的高手可以教教我?或者主編直接幫我在網頁上修正?

On the other side, you have the inscription of the woman portion of speaking beings. Any speaking whatsoever, as is expressly formulated in Freudian theory, whether provided with the attributes of masculinity—attributes that remains to be determined—or not, is allowed to inscribe itself in this part. If it inscribes itself there, it will not allow for any universality—it will be a not-whole, insofar as it has the choice of positing itself in Φx or of not being there.


Those are the only possible definitions of the so-called man or woman portion for that which finds itself in the position of inhabiting language.


Underneath—that is, below the horizontal bar where the vertical bar is crossed over, that division of what is improperly called humanity insofar as humanity is divided into sexual identifications—you have a scanded indication of what is in question. On the side of man, I have inscribed $, certainly not to privilege him in any way, and the Φ that props him up as signifier and is also incarnated in S1, which, of all the signifiers, is the signifier for which there is no signified, and which, with respect to meaning, symbolizes the failure thereof. It is “ half-sense,” “ inde-sense” par excellence, or if you will allow me again, “ reti-sense.’


This $, thus doubled by that signifier on which, in the end, it does not even depend, this $ never deals with anything by way of a partner but object a inscribed on the other side of the bar. He is unable to attain his sexual partner, who is the Other, except inasmuch as his partner is the cause of his desire. In this respect, as is indicated elsewhere in my graphs by the oriented conjunction of $ and a, this is nothing other than fantasy. This fantasy, in which the subject is caught up, is as such the basis of what is expressly called the “ reality principle” in Freudian theory.


Now for the other side. What I am working on this year is what Freud expressly left aside: Was will das Weib? “ What does woman want?” Freud claims that there is only masculine libido. What does that mean if not that a field that certainly is not gegligible is thus ignored. That field is the one of all beings that take on the staus of woman—assuming that being takes on anything whatsoever of her destiny. Moreover, it is improper to call her Woman ( la femme), because, as I stressed last time, as soon as Woman is enunciated by way of a not-whole, the We cannot be written. There is only barred Woman here. Woman is related to the signifier of A insofar as it is barred. I will illustrate that for you today.


The Other is not simply the locus in which truth stammers. It deserves to represent that to which woman is fundamentally related. Assuredly, we have but sporadic testimonies of this, and that is why I took them up last time in their metaphorical function. Being the Other, in the most radical sense, in the sexual relationship to the Other. That is what I would like to articulate a little more precisely today.


Woman has a relation to the signifier of that Other, insofar as, qua Other, it can but remain forever other. I can only assume here that you will recall my statement that there is no Other of the Other. The other, that is, the locus in which everything that can be articulated on the basis of the signifier comes to be inscribed, is,, in its foundation, the other in the most radical sense. That is why the signifier, with this open parenthesis, marks the other as barred: $ (A)

女人跟那個大它者的意符脫離不了關係,因為它大者既然被尊為大它者,只好永遠保持在高高在上那一邊。我在此,不妨假定你們都還記得我說過的陳述:「大它者之外,別無大它者。」換句話說,大它者是意符表達、意符鐫刻的軌跡。意符的種種動作,追根究底,都是以大它者當它們的基礎。這就是為什麼意符用開放的括弧,將大它者標記為被禁制:S( A)。


How can we conceive of the fact that the Other can be, in some sense, that to which half—since that it also roughly the biological proportion—half of all speaking beings refer? That is nevertheless less what is written on the blackboard with the arrow that begins from Woman. Woman cannot be said. Nothing can be said of woman. Woman has a relation with S (A), and it is already in that respect that she is doubled, that she is not-whole, since she can also have a relation with Φ.


I designate Φas the phallus insofar as I indicate that it is the signifier that has no signified, the one that is based, in the case of man, on phallic jouissance. What is the latter if not the following, which the importance of masturbation in our practice highlights sufficiently—the jouissance of the idiot?



A Love Letter

April 24, 2010

Encore by Lacan

P. 79
A love letter 一封情書

After what I just put on the board, you may think you know everything. Don’t.

Today I am going to try to speak about knowledge, about that knowledge which, in the inscription of the four discourses—on which the social linked is based, as I thought I could show you—I symbolized by writing S 2. Perhaps I will manage to day to make you see why this 2 goes further than a secondariness in relation to the pure signifier that is written S 1.

Inscription 標記 symbolize用符號象徵 secondariness 次級主體 signifier意符

Four discourses 拉岡指的是主人的真理論述Master’s discourse、大學的真理論述university’s discourse、歇斯底里症患者的真理論述the hysteric’s discourse ,及精神分析師的真理論述the analyst’s discourse。


Since I decided to give you this inscription as a prop on the blackboard, I am going to comment on it, briefly I hope. I did not, I must admit, write it down or prepare it anywhere. It doesn’t strike me as exemplary, if not, as usual, in producing misunderstanding.

inscription 題詞、標記 prop 支撐 comment on 評論 exemplary 典範
strike…as—give an particular impression…as 給予一特別的印象
The inscription doesn’t strike me as exemplary.

If not 若非
It doesn’t strike me as exemplary, if not, as usual, in producing misunderstanding.
I would not have escaped the danger, if not for their help.
= I would not have escaped the danger, if it had not been for their help.


In effect, a discourse like analytic discourse aims at meaning. By way of meaning, it is clear that I can only deliver to you, to each of you, what you are already on the verge of absorbing. That has a limit, a limit provided by the meaning in which you live. I wouldn’t be exaggerating if I said that that doesn’t go very far. What analytic discourse brings out is precisely the idea that that meaning is based on semblance.

In effect 事實上 aim at 目標是要 by way of 藉由 on the verge of 即將 go far 很大進展 bring out 顯示 exaggerate 誇張 precisely 確實是 semblance 、偽裝、類同 analytic discourse 精神分析學的論述


If analytic discourse indicates that that meaning is sexual, that can only be by explaining its limit. There is nowhere any kind of a last word if not in the sense in which “ word” is “ not a word”(mos,e’est motus)—I have already stressed that. “ No answer, not a word”( Pas de reponse, mot), Lafontaine says somewhere. Meaning indicates the direction toward which it fails( echoue).

Indicate 指示 sexual 性 stress 強調
the last word—最新式的東西、最後的定論
These apartments are the last word in luxury.
This is the last word in fire-proof construction.
This book will surely be the last word on the subject.
Under our system the civilians have the last word in everything.

nowhere….if not
You can find a better product nowhere, if not here.
你在別的地方,找不到比這裡更好的產品。( 這裡的產品最好不過。)
There is nowhere any kind of a last word if not in the sense in which “ word” is “not a word”.

nothing…if not—非常
He’s nothing, if not careful.他這個人非常細心。
H.e is nothing, if not matter-of-fact他非常實事求是。


“ Word” is “ not a word”「話是說了,但是話的原意沒有透露出來」的說法,有一點類似老子在道德經的「道可道、非常道。名可名、非常名」,以及禪宗的「言行道斷」。

Le Fontaine在「驢子與狗」的寓言,描述一位主人帶驢子與狗遠行。途中主人在樹下小盹,驢子乘機吃路邊草,唯恐不及,對於狗要求它蹲下,讓它可以吃驢背上食物,置之不理No answer, not a word 。後來野狼來到,驢子驚恐,要求狗幫忙它對抗,狗卻高談闊論,驢子應該如逃避野狼的大道理,本身卻沒有幫助的動作。結果,驢子為野狼所噬。

Having posited that, which should make you beware understanding too quickly, having taken all these precautions dictated by mere prudence—ψρβνησνεζ as it is expressed in Greek in which so many things were said, but which remained far from what analytic discourse allows us to articulate—here is more or less what is inscribed on the blackboard.

Posit 假定 precautions 預防 dictate 支配 by mere prudence 謹慎 far from 絲毫不是 articulate 清楚表達 inscribe 銘記、標記

Having posited that , here is more or less what is inscribed on the blackboard.

Having taken all these precautions which are dictated by mere prudence, here is more or less what is inscribed on the blackboard.

What I posit should make you beware understanding too quickly.

It is expressed in Greek in which so many things were said, but which remained far from what analytic discourse allows us to articulate.



April 22, 2010

But with Lacan, we have quite another notion of the subject. To put it in a simple way: if we abstract, if we subtract all the richness of the different modes of subjectivization, all the fullness of experience present in the way individuals “live” their subject-positions, what remains is an empty place which was filled out with this richness; and this original void, this lack of the symbolic structure is the subject, the subject of the signifier. The subject is therefore to be strictly opposed to the effect of subjectivation: what the subjectivation masks is not a pre- or trans-subjective process of writing but a lack in the structure, a lack which is the subject.

但是关于拉康,我们完全有着另一 种主体的观念。以一种简单的方式来说:如果我们抽象化存在于个体“经历”其主体位置的方式中的所有经验的丰富,如果我们减去主体化 (subjectivization)不同模式的所有丰富性,剩余的东西就是由这个丰富性所填补的一个空的位置,而这个原始的空(void)、这个象征结 构的缺失(lack)就是主体、能指的主体(subject of the signifier)。主体因此应是与主体化严格相反的:主体化所掩饰的并非关于书写的一个前主体或超主体作用(pre-subjective or trans-subjective process),而是结构中的一个缺失,这个缺失就是主体。


If we abstract, if we subtract all the richness of the different modes of subjectivization,
If we abstract, if we subtract all the fullness present in the way
What remains is an empty.

All the fullness is present the way individuals “ live” their subject-positions.


An empty was filled out with this richness.
This original void is the subject
The lack of the symbolic structure is the subject, the subject of the signifier,

The subject is therefore to be strictly opposed to the effect of subjectivation:

What the subjectivation masks is not a pre- or trans-subjective process of writing

What the subjectivatiion masks is a lack in the structure, a lack which is the subject.

Our predominant idea of the subject is, in Lacanian terms, that of the “subject of the signified,” the active agent, the bearer of some signification who is trying to express himself in the language. The starting point of Lacan is, of course, that the symbolic representation represents the subject always in a distorted way, that it is always a displacement, a failure, i.e., that the subject cannot find a signifier which would be “his own,” that he is always saying less or too much, in short: something other than what he wanted, intended to say. The usual conclusion from this would be that the subject is some kind of interior richness of meaning which always exceeds its symbolic articulation: “language cannot express fully what I’m trying to say…” The Lacanian thesis is its exact opposite: this surplus of signification masks a fundamental lack. The subject of the signifier is precisely this lack, this impossibility to find a signifier which would be “his own”: the failure of his representation is a positive condition. The subject tries to articulate himself in a signifying representation, and the representation fails; instead of a richness we have a lack, and this void opened by the failure is the subject of the signifier. To put it in a paradoxical way: the subject of the signifier is a retroactive effect of the failure of his own representation; that’s why the failure of representation is the only way to represent him adequately.

用拉康的话说,我们关于主体的主要思想就是那个“所指的主体”(subject of the signified)、那个主动的媒介、那个试图在语言中表达自身的某些意指(signification)的携带者(bearer)。当然,拉康的出发 点是象征的表象(symbolic representation)总是以一种扭曲的方式代表着主体,它总是一个移置(displacement)、一个失败,即,主体无法找到可能是“他自 己”的一个能指,他总是说得太少或太多,简而言之:不同于他所想要、意欲去说的事情的某种东西。由此得出的通常结论将会是,主体是始终超过其象征性链接 (symbolic articulation)的某种意义的内部丰富性:“语言无法充分地表达我试图去说的东西……”拉康的论题是其严格的对立面:这个意指的剩余掩盖了一本 基本的缺失。能指的主体正是这个缺失,是找到可能是“他自己”的一个能指的这个不可能性:他的表象的失败是一个肯定的条件。主体试图在一个能指的表象中链 接他自己,而这个表象失败了;我们有了一个缺失而不是一个丰富性,而这个由失败打开的空就是能指的主体。以一种悖论的方式来说:能指的主体是他自身的表象 的失败的一个回溯性效果;这就是为什么表象的失败是充分代表他的唯一方式。

Our predominant idea of the subject is, in Lacanian terms, that of the “subject of the signified.”

“ The subject of the signified” is the active agent, the bearer of some signification who is trying to express himself in the language.

The starting point of Lacan is, of course, that the symbolic representation represents the subject always in a distorted way, that it is always a displacement, a failure, i.e., that the subject cannot find a signifier which would be “his own,” that he is always saying less or too much, in short: something other than what he wanted, intended to say.


The usual conclusion from this would be that the subject is some kind of interior richness of meaning which always exceeds its symbolic articulation: “language cannot express fully what I’m trying to say…”

The Lacanian thesis is its exact opposite: this surplus of signification masks a fundamental lack. The subject of the signifier is precisely this lack, this impossibility to find a signifier which would be “his own”: the failure of his representation is a positive condition. The subject tries to articulate himself in a signifying representation, and the representation fails; instead of a richness we have a lack, and this void opened by the failure is the subject of the signifier.


To put it in a paradoxical way: the subject of the signifier is a retroactive effect of the failure of his own representation; that’s why the failure of representation is the only way to represent him adequately.


拉岡主張人作為文本寫作或欲望的真正的主體,是無意識界的「欠缺」或「空無」,有點像是古希臘哲學家巴門尼底斯所說的:與「存有」being 相並列的「非存有」non-being,並非是一種「空無」nothing,而是一種值得我們去追求的「實有」something。也有一點像佛教講的「空」,並非是死亡以後什麼都沒有的「斷滅空」,而是可以因空即色的「真空妙有」。或者,如哲學家尼采在「道德系譜學」所說的「人寧可以空無為目標,也不能沒有目標。」Man would rather have the void for purpose than devoid of purpose.)


April 21, 2010


Here, however, we must carefully distinguish between this Lacanian notion of the divided subject and the “post-structuralist” notion of the subject-positions. In “post-structuralism,” the subject is usually reduced to subjection. He is conceived as an effect of a fundamentally non-subjective process: the subject is always caught in, traversed by, the pre-subjective process (of “writing,” of “desire,” etc.), and the accent is put on die different modes of how individuals “experience,” “live,” their positions as “subjects,” “actors,” “agents” of the historical process. For example, it is only at a certain point in European history that the author of works of art, a painter or a writer, began to see himself as a creative individual who, in his work, is giving expression to his interior subjective richness. The great master of such analysis was, of course, Foucault: one might say that the main point of his late work was to articulate the different modes of how individuals assume their subject-positions.

然而,在这里我们必须谨 慎地区分被分割的主体(the divided subject)这个拉康的观念与主体位置(subject-position)的“后结构主义”观念。在“后结构主义”中,主体通常被缩减为臣服 (subjection)。他被设想成一个基本的非主体作用(non-subjective process)的结果:主体总是被捕获于(关于“书写”、“欲望”等等的)前主体作用(pre-subjective process)并由它所穿过,重音放在了个体是如何“体验”、“经历”其作为历史过程的“主体”、“行动者”、“媒介”的位置的不同模式上。例如,只有 在欧洲历史的某一时期,艺术作品的作者,画家或作家才开始将他自己看作是在其著作中表达出其内部主观丰富性的一个创造性个体。当然,这种分析的大师就是福 柯(Foucault):人们可以说他晚期著作的重点就是要链接个体如何假定其主体位置的不同模式。


「主體的立場」被定義為「主体通常被淪落成为臣服 (subjection)。」臣服一詞,語義不甚明朗,我在其它版本看到的英譯是主體化 (subjectivation )」。

He is conceived as an effect of a fundamentally non-subjective process: the subject is always caught in, traversed by, the pre-subjective process (of “writing,” of “desire,” etc.), and the accent is put on die different modes of how individuals “experience,” “live,” their positions as “subjects,” “actors,” “agents” of the historical process.


「非主體性的過程」non-subjective process 語義很抽象,何不乾脆說「客體性的過程」?具體一點,我推想指的是時代的變遷、社會的轉型、家庭的變故等等。「寫作或欲望的前主體性過程」pre-subjective process of writing or desire,我推想指的是:家庭、社會、習俗、國家、種族、或文化,都是在主體出生之前,就已經先存在。在成長的過程,主體的言說、寫作、及欲望的表達,身不由己,無法不受它們權力的影響或制約。

For example, it is only at a certain point in European history that the author of works of art, a painter or a writer, began to see himself as a creative individual who, in his work, is giving expression to his interior subjective richness.



The great master of such analysis was, of course, Foucault: one might say that the main point of his late work was to articulate the different modes of how individuals assume their subject-positions.


英文的“ assume”,在此不是「假定」 ,而是「扮演」。如He assumes an important role.= He plays an important role. =He takes on an important role. (他扮演一個重要的角色)。除外,“articulate”,作「連接」解釋,從上下文來看頗為怪異,我想作「清楚表達」解釋,較為順暢。



April 20, 2010


All this is, of course, just to illustrate the alienation of the subject in the signifier as soon as he is caught in the radically exterior signifying network, he is mortified, dismembered, divided. To get an idea of what is meant by the Lacanian division of the subject, one has only to remember the well-known paradox of Lewis Carroll: “I’m so glad I don’t like asparagus,” said the small girl to a sympathetic friend. “Because, if I did, I should have to eat it – and I can’t bear it!” Here you have the whole Lacanian problem of the reflexivity of desire: desire is always a desire of a desire, i.e., the question is not immediately, “what should I desire?” but, “there are a lot of things that I desire; I have a lot of desires – which of them is worth being the object of my desire? Which desire should I desire?”

当然,这完全不过是要说明主体在能指中的异化(alienation),一旦他被捕获在根本 外在的能指网络中,他就是被克制的、被肢解的、被分割的。为了获悉拉康的主体的分割意味着什么,人们只能去回忆刘易斯•卡罗尔(Lewis Carroll)的著名悖论:“我很高兴我不像芦笋”,小女孩对一个富有同情心的朋友说道。“因为,如果我那样,我将必需吃掉它——而我无法忍受于此!” 这时你已经有了拉康关于欲望的自反性(reflexivity)的整个问题:欲望总是对于一个欲望的欲望,即,问题并不直接地是“我该欲望什么?”而是 “有许多事情是我所欲望的;我有许多欲望——它们中的哪一个才是值得我欲望的客体?哪一个欲望才是我该欲望的?”


除外,表目的不定詞,常與 have only to 或don’t have to 一起使用,如 In order to enter an ideal university, you have only to study hard.= In order to enter an ideal university, all you have to do is study hard. ( 為了進入理想大學,你所需要的就是用功。) 或You don’t have to be an expert to use the computer. (你並不需要是一位專家,才會使用電腦。)

因此,我將 “To get an idea of what is meant by the Lacanian division of the subject, one has only to remember the well-known paradox of Lewis Carroll.”嘗試改譯為「為了理解拉岡所謂主體的分裂是什麼意思,我們所需要的,就是回想一下,路易斯、卡洛那句膾炙人口的自我解嘲的話。」


「欲望總是對於一個欲望的欲望」Desire is always a desire of a desire,哲學家紀傑克Zizek 將它詮釋為「有许多事情是我所欲望的;我有许多欲望——它们中間的哪一个,才是值得成為我欲望的客体?哪一个欲望才是我该欲望的?」

我則認為這句話在引述時有些脫漏。拉岡的慣常說法,應該是「人的欲望總是大它者的欲望」Man’s desire is always the desire of the other. 嬰孩從鏡像階段Mirror stage開始,觀看自己反映在鏡中的影像,而產生「理想的自我」ideal ego的魅影specular image。也就是說,人的自戀的魅影,一進入意符或能指( signifier)的世界,就受到大它者( the Other ) 的欲望所產生的期望,所禁制mortified, 割據dismembered, 及分裂divided,然後以大它者的欲望所產生的期望,充當就是自己所要滿足的欲望及期望,而且還深信不疑。然而,對照於依稀在真實界the real飄忽不定,及頻頻召喚的 「自我的理想」ego ideal,人作為生命的主體,必然是疏離或異化alienation。


April 18, 2010


Television – let’s proceed like idiots; let’s take this title literally and ask ourselves a question, not the question, “what can we learn about TV from Lacan’s teaching?” which would get us on the wrong path of so-called applied psychoanalysis, but the inverse question, “what can we learn about Lacan’s teaching from the TV phenomenon?” At first sight, this seems as absurd as the well-known Hegelian proposition defining phrenology, “the spirit is the bone”: the equalization of the most sublime, elusive theory with the vulgar mass-cultural phenomenon. But perhaps, as in the Hegelian proposition, there is a “speculative truth” beneath the obvious banality – perhaps certain peculiarities of the American TV program allow us to grasp the fundamental Lacanian proposition that psychoanalysis is not a psychology: the most intimate beliefs – even the most intimate emotions such as compassion, crying, sorrow, laughter – can be transferred, delegated to others without losing their sincerity.

电视——让我们像白痴那样进行;让我们从字面上感受这个标题并问我们自己一个问题,不是“关于电视,我们能从拉康的教学中 学到什么?”的问题,而是“关于拉康的教学,我们能从电视现象中学到什么?”的相反问题。乍看上去,这似乎与黑格尔定义颅相学的著名命题“精神是骨头”一 样是荒谬的:最崇高、难懂的理论与通俗的大众文化现象的同等化。但是或许,如在黑格尔式命题中,在明显的平庸下面有着一个“思辨的真理”——或许美国电视 节目的某些怪癖允许我们来理解拉康的基本命题,即,精神分析不是一种心理学:内心最深处的信仰——甚至诸如怜悯、哭泣、悲哀、笑声这样的内心最深处的情绪 ——可以被转移、被委派给没有丧失其真诚的他者们。

以上是中國大陸「實踐與文本」網站的一篇譯文。最後一句的without losing their sincerity,譯者顯然把它當形容詞片語,修飾前面的others,因此their就順理成章被認為是others的所有格代名詞,而譯成「沒有喪失其真誠的他者們」。

我的解讀是,without losing their sincerity 在這裡是副詞片語,修飾動詞片語,be transferred, delegated to others,代名詞their 的sincerity 指的是前面的compassion, crying, sorrow, laughter 的sincerity。除外,英文的最高級,常帶有「即使」「雖然」的讓步意涵,如The best doctor cannot cure him.(即使是最好的醫生來,也治療不了他的病)。因此我嘗試不同的解讀:

But perhaps, as in the Hegelian proposition, there is a “speculative truth” beneath the obvious banality – perhaps certain peculiarities of the American TV program allow us to grasp the fundamental Lacanian proposition that psychoanalysis is not a psychology: the most intimate beliefs – even the most intimate emotions such as compassion, crying, sorrow, laughter – can be transferred, delegated to others without losing their sincerity.


黑格爾的「精神即骨頭」The Spirit is the bone 是一句飽受扭曲的引文。在「精神現象學」的原義是「一般來說,頭顱的骨頭確實有精神的當下顯現的意義。」The skull-bone does have in general the significance of being the immediate actuality of Spirit. 黑格爾的觀點是:整個自然及歷史的世界是精神的具體表現。精神與物質並不是分離對立,而是相同實體的一體兩面。然而,簡化成為「精神即骨頭」,把主詞「精神」的崇高,等同於述語「骨頭」的低俗,被拉岡譏諷是一種荒謬。如同他自己今天應邀到美國演說,要將最崇高、難懂的精神分析學,跟有關電視這個低俗的大眾傳播媒體文化的現象,等量齊觀地溝通,是同樣的荒謬。因此一開始,他就將聽眾原有的期待:「關於電視,拉岡的精神分析學能教導我們什麼?」改成主客易位的強勢主導權的「如何從電視現象,來看拉岡的精神分析學究竟是什麼?」

開場白「讓我們像白癡一樣繼續談電視這個話題」 let’s proceed like idiots 聽起來有點突兀。不過,晚期的拉岡確實對「白癡」這個字眼情有獨鍾,如在「病癥」Le Sinthome的講座中所說:這次美國之行的考驗,使我今天非常疲倦,但是我並不虛此行。因為我能夠用這些圖形解釋精神分析學,博得一些驚奇的關注。只是人作為具有理性精神及無意識欲望的自戀主體,其實真像一個白癡,因為主體的自戀終就會淪為一廂情願的妄想。This American ordeal, which is the reason I’m so weary today, has certainly been worthwhile, because I was able with these diagrams to create some agitation, some emotion. The sensed as mental, the senti-mental is idiotic, because always by some device reducible to the imaginary.(Le Sinthome , p10)


Life is but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is hear no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of fury and sound,
Signifying nothing



April 18, 2010


Television – let’s proceed like idiots; let’s take this title literally and ask ourselves a question, not the question, “what can we learn about TV from Lacan’s teaching?” which would get us on the wrong path of so-called applied psychoanalysis, but the inverse question, “what can we learn about Lacan’s teaching from the TV phenomenon?” At first sight, this seems as absurd as the well-known Hegelian proposition defining phrenology, “the spirit is the bone”: the equalization of the most sublime, elusive theory with the vulgar mass-cultural phenomenon. But perhaps, as in the Hegelian proposition, there is a “speculative truth” beneath the obvious banality – perhaps certain peculiarities of the American TV program allow us to grasp the fundamental Lacanian proposition that psychoanalysis is not a psychology: the most intimate beliefs – even the most intimate emotions such as compassion, crying, sorrow, laughter – can be transferred, delegated to others without losing their sincerity.

电视——让我们像白痴那样进行;让我们从字面上感受这个标题并问我们自己一个问题,不是“关于电视,我们能从拉康的教学中 学到什么?”的问题,而是“关于拉康的教学,我们能从电视现象中学到什么?”的相反问题。乍看上去,这似乎与黑格尔定义颅相学的著名命题“精神是骨头”一 样是荒谬的:最崇高、难懂的理论与通俗的大众文化现象的同等化。但是或许,如在黑格尔式命题中,在明显的平庸下面有着一个“思辨的真理”——或许美国电视 节目的某些怪癖允许我们来理解拉康的基本命题,即,精神分析不是一种心理学:内心最深处的信仰——甚至诸如怜悯、哭泣、悲哀、笑声这样的内心最深处的情绪 ——可以被转移、被委派给没有丧失其真诚的他者们。

以上是中國大陸「實踐與文本」網站的一篇譯文。最後一句的without losing their sincerity,譯者顯然把它當形容詞片語,修飾前面的others,因此their就順理成章被認為是others的所有格代名詞,而譯成「沒有喪失其真誠的他者們」。

我的解讀是,without losing their sincerity 在這裡是副詞片語,修飾動詞片語,be transferred, delegated to others,代名詞their 的sincerity 指的是前面的compassion, crying, sorrow, laughter 的sincerity。除外,英文的最高級,常帶有「即使」「雖然」的讓步意涵,如The best doctor cannot cure him.(即使是最好的醫生來,也治療不了他的病)。因此我嘗試不同的解讀:

But perhaps, as in the Hegelian proposition, there is a “speculative truth” beneath the obvious banality – perhaps certain peculiarities of the American TV program allow us to grasp the fundamental Lacanian proposition that psychoanalysis is not a psychology: the most intimate beliefs – even the most intimate emotions such as compassion, crying, sorrow, laughter – can be transferred, delegated to others without losing their sincerity.


黑格爾的「精神即骨頭」The Spirit is the bone 是一句飽受扭曲的引文。在「精神現象學」的原義是「一般來說,頭顱的骨頭確實有精神的當下顯現的意義。」The skull-bone does have in general the significance of being the immediate actuality of Spirit. 黑格爾的觀點是:整個自然及歷史的世界是精神的具體表現。精神與物質並不是分離對立,而是相同實體的一體兩面。然而,簡化成為「精神即骨頭」,把主詞「精神」的崇高,等同於述語「骨頭」的低俗,被拉岡譏諷是一種荒謬。如同他自己今天應邀到美國演說,要將最崇高、難懂的精神分析學,跟有關電視這個低俗的大眾傳播媒體文化的現象,等量齊觀地溝通,是同樣的荒謬。因此一開始,他就將聽眾原有的期待:「關於電視,拉岡的精神分析學能教導我們什麼?」改成主客易位的強勢主導權的「如何從電視現象,來看拉岡的精神學究竟是什麼?」

開場白「讓我們像白癡一樣繼續談電視這個話題」 let’s proceed like idiots 聽起來有點突兀。不過,晚期的拉岡確實對「白癡」這個字眼情有獨鍾,如在「病癥」Le Sinthome的講座中所說:這次美國之行的考驗,使我今天非常疲倦,但是我並不虛此行。因為我能夠用這些圖形解釋精神分析學,博得一些驚奇的關注。只是人作為具有理性精神及無意識欲望的自戀主體,其實真像一個白癡,因為主體的自戀終就會淪為一廂情願的妄想。This American ordeal, which is the reason I’m so weary today, has certainly been worthwhile, because I was able with these diagrams to create some agitation, some emotion. The sensed as mental, the senti-mental is idiotic, because always by some device reducible to the imaginary.(Le Sinthome , p10)


Life is but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is hear no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of fury and sound,
Signifying nothing


Lacan 501

April 12, 2010

Lacan 501
Function and field of speech and language

The Hollow Men

The third paradox of the relation of language to speech is that of the subject who loses his meaning in the objectifications of discourse. However metaphysical its definition may appear, we cannot ignore its presence in the foreground of our experience. For here is the most profound alienation of the subject in our scientific civilization, and it is this alienation that we encounter first of all when the subject begins to talk to us about himself: hence, in order to resolve it entirely, analysis should be conducted to the limits of wisdom.


To give an exemplary formulation of this, I could not find a more pertinent terrain than the usage of common speech—pointing out that the ‘ ce suis-je’ of the time of villon has become reversed in the ‘ e’est moi’ of modern man.


The moi, the ego, of modern man, as I have indicated elsewhere, has taken on its form in the dicalectical impasse of the belle ame who does not recognize his very own raison d’etre in the disorder that he denounces in the world.


But a way out is offered to the subject for the resolution of that impasse when his discourse is delusional. Communication can be validly established for him in the common task of science and the posts that it commands in our universal civilization; this communication will be effective within the enormous objectification constituted by that science, and it will enable him to forget his subjectivity. He will make an effective contribution to the common task in his daily work and will be able to furnish his leisure time with all the pleasures of profuse culture which, from detective novels to historical memoirs, from educational lectures to the orthopaedics of group relations, will give him the wherewithal to forget his own existence and his death, at the same time to misconstrue the particular meaning of his life in false communication.


If the subject did not rediscover in a regression—often pushed right back to the ‘mirror stage’—the enclosure of a stage in which his ego contains its imaginary exploits, there would hardly any assignable limits to the credulity to which he must succumb in that situation. And this is what makes our responsibility so formidable when, along with the mythical manipulations of our doctrine, we bring him one more opportunity to alienate himself, in the decomposed trinity of the ego, the supergo, and the id, for example.


Hence there is a language-barrier opposed to speech, and the precautions against verbalism that are a theme of the discourse of the ‘ normal’ man in our culture merely serve to reinforce its thickness.


There might be some paint in measuring its thickness by the statistically determined total of pounds of printed paper, miles of record grooves, and hours of radio broadcasting that the said culture produces per head of population in the sectors A, B, And C of its domain. This would be a fine research project for our cultural organizations, and it would be seen that the question of language does not remain entirely within the domain of the convolutions in which its use is reflected in the individual .


We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw, Alas!
And so on.


The resemblance between this situation and the alienation of madness, in so far as the formula given above is authentic—that is, that here the subject is spoken rather than speaking—obviously derives from the demand, presupposed by psychoanalysis, for ‘ true’ speech. If this consequence, which pushes the constituent paradoxes of what I am saying here to their limit, were to be turned against the good sense of the psychoanalytic perspective, I would readily accept the pertinence of this objection, but only to find my own position confirmed in it—and this by a dialectical return in which there would be no shortage of authorized go-fathers, beginning with Hegel’s denunciation of ‘ the philosophy of the cranium’, and stopping only at Pascal’s warning, at the dawn of the historical era of the ‘ego’ echoing in these terms: ‘Men are not necessarily mad that it would be being mad by another kind of madness not to be mad’.


This is not to say, however, that our culture pursues its course in the shadowy regions beyond creative subjectivity. On the contrary, creative subjectivity has not ceased in its struggle to renew the never-exhausted power of symbols in the human exchange that brings them to the light of the day.

