Archive for the ‘親鸞’ Category


February 8, 2012

2012-02-06 17:58:31 来自: doublehelix(远离颠倒梦想)
• 2012-02-07 05:04:05 pollus (拉康事业)

• 2012-02-07 05:48:57 springhero
请教Pollus,你何以知道大他者并不存在,假如大他者的定义,指的是你自己的无意识the unconscious?

2012-02-07 20:05:31 pollus (拉康事业)

2012-02-07 21:44:46 springhero
Pollus 若是指符号界the symbolic 的大他者,当然不存在。
若是指实在界the Real,那就看每个人的生命体验。拉康晚年也在怀疑,甚至将无意识从实在界拉出来,放在三界的交会地带。甚至怀疑实在界与符号界一样,其实都是想像界的产物。我们若没有想象力,会是什么都没了。

2012-02-08 09:12:12 springhero
The subject’s relationship to the world is a mirror relation. The subject’s world will essentially consist of the relationship with that being who is the other for him, namely God himself. Something of man’s relation to woman is allegedly realized here.


(Lacan:The Psychoses)


问曰: 既言报者,报身常住永无生灭,何故观音授记经说:阿弥陀佛亦有入涅槃时,此之一义,若为同释?

答曰: 入不入义时,唯是诸佛境界,尚非三乘浅智所窥,岂况小凡辄能知也。虽然必欲知者,敢引佛经以为明证。何者?如大品经涅槃非化品说云:


须菩提言:不也! 世尊!

佛告须菩提: 色即是化,受想行识即是化,乃至一切种智即是化。




佛告须菩提: 若有法生灭相者,皆是变化。



须菩提言: 何等是不生不灭非变化?

佛言: 无诳相涅槃,是法非变化。

须菩提言: 如佛自说,诸法平等,非声闻作,非辟支佛作,非诸菩萨摩诃萨作,非诸佛作,有佛无佛诸法性常空,性空即是涅槃,云何涅槃一法非如化?



歎異抄 07

June 18, 2011

歎異抄 07

Kentetsu Takamori


“ Although I say the nembutsu, I feel no leaping, dancing joy. Also, I have no wish to hurry to the Pure Land. Why is this?”


I ask the master these things frankly, and he replied, “ The very same thought has struck me. Yuien, you feel the same say?’


The master continued, “ When I think carefully about it, the wonder that I—someone without a hope of salvation—am saved ought to fill me with such boundless joy that I could dance forever, but my very lack of joy shows plainly that my birth in the Pure Land is assured.


“It is blind passions that keep us from rejoicing when we naturally should. Amida perceived long ago that human beings are nothing but blind passions. When we are made to realize that the Primal Vow is for us, whose hearts are numb, we see all the more how precious it is.


“ Further, having no thought of hurrying to the Pure Land, when we become even slightly ill we wonder forlornly if we will die. This is also the doing of blind passions. These words where since time without beginning, we have died and been born, again and again, are places of suffering and pain; and yet we think of this as our old home and find it hard to leave. That we have no longing whatever for the Pure Land of Amida, where we are sure to be born, shows the power and intensity of our blind passions.


“And yet, however reluctant we may be to leave, when our bonds to this world end and our strength to live fails, we will go to Amida’s Pure Land. Amida takes special pity on those who have no thought of hurrying there. The more we are made to see our wretched state, the more reassuring Amida’s great Vow becomes, and we realize that our birth in the Pure Land is assured. If I were filled with bubbling joy and wished to hurry off the Pure Land, I might worry that as I had no blind passions, the vow did not apply to me.”

This is what the master said.



The true meaning of the nembutsu lies in the absence of human deliberation, for the wondrous nembutsu of other-power, where the deliberations of self-power have been annihilated, is beyond speech, beyond explanation, beyond imagination. It beggars human understanding.

This is what the master said.




歎異抄 06

June 15, 2011

歎異抄 06

Kentetsu Takamori
Anyone who is saved by Amida and says the nembutsu is blessedly free from all hindrances. Why? Because before one who has been saved by Amida, the gods of heaven and earth bow their heads in reverence, and demons and heretics can no longer offer any obstruction. No sin such a person may commit, however great, will cause him or her to suffer , nor can the results of the greatest good such a person may do possibly equal the joy of salvation; thus any such person enjoys absolute freedom and happiness.

This is what the master said.




The nembutsu is, for those saved by Amida, not a practice or a good deed. Since it is not uttered at one’s own discretion, it cannot be called a practice. Since it is not uttered according to one’s own judgment, it cannot be called an act of goodness. Since the nembutsu derives completely from the power of Amida and has nothing to do with the designs of the self, for those saying it who are already saved by Amida, it is not a practice or a good deed.

This is what the master said.



歎異抄 05

June 11, 2011

歎異抄 05

Kentetsu Takamori

I, Shinran, have never said the nembutsu even once for the repose of my departed mother and father. For when I remember my parents, it comes homes to me that all living beings have, over the course of endless cycles of birth and death, at some point been father, or mother, brother or sister to me. So in the next life I must become a Buddha and help one and all, without discriminating.


Were the nembutsu a good act that we carried out on our own, we might direct the resulting merit toward our parents and so save them, but it is not and we cannot. Yet if we just quickly abandon self-power, which seeks to fathom the primal Vow, and obtain the enlightenment of a Buddha in the Pure Land, then we can employ the power of a Buddha to help others, beginning with those who share close ties with us, whoever they may be and whatever world of suffering they may be in.


This is what the master said.



Among those who believe only in Amida and say the nembutsu, there appear to be disputes about “ my disciples” and “ other people’s disciples, “ This is an outrage.


I, Shinran, do not have even one disciple.


The reason is simple: if I could use my own devices to bring people to listen to Buddhism and say the nembutsu, I might well call them my disciples. But as attending to Buddhism and saying the nembutsu occur solely through the power of Amida, for me to claim any personal disciples would be the height of arrogance.


When conditions brings us together, we will be together, and when they lead us apart, we must part. Meeting and parting happen according to an intricate web of causes and conditions. No one should ever say that if you turn your back on your teacher and say the nembutsu under someone else, you cannot go to the Pure Land. Are people who say such things deluded into thinking that the faith bestowed by Amida comes from them, and that they can withdraw it if they wish? This is a deplorable error. Such an absurd claim must never be made.


When we encounter the true salvation of Amida, the depth of our debt to him becomes self-evident, and likewise our debt to our teachers.


This is what the master said.



歎異抄 04

June 9, 2011

歎異抄 04
Kentetsu Takamori

Concerning compassion, there is a difference between the Buddhism of sages and Pure Land Buddhism.


Compassion in the Buddhism of sages means to take pity on other people and on all beings, cherish them, and nurture them.


Yet however hard we may try, it is all but impossible to benefit others as we would like to do.


Compassion as taught in Pure Land Buddhism means quickly being saved through Amida’s Primal Vow and becoming a person of the numbutsu, attaining the enlightenment of a Buddha in the Pure Land, with a mind of great compassion, freely benefiting others as one wishes.


In this life, however much we may feel sorry for others and want to do something for them in pity, ultimately we cannot save them. The compassion of the Buddhism of sages is inevitably limited. Therefore, the only way to attain the thoroughgoing mind of great compassion is to be saved through Amida’s Primal vow and become a person of the nembutsu.


This what the master said.


歎異抄 03

June 6, 2011

歎異抄 03


Kentetsu Takamori

Even a good person can be born in the Pure Land: how much more so an evil persona!


Although this is the truth, people commonly say, “ Even an evil person can be born in the Pure Land, so naturally a good person can.” This way of thinking seems reasonable at first, but it goes against Amida’s intention in making the Vow. Amida Buddha saw that human beings are each a mass of blind passions, desperately evil without a hope of salvation, and so he promised, “ Entrust yourselves to me; I will save you without fail. Yet “ good people ” think in their vanity that they can resolve the question of their eternal fate through the good that they do, doubting the Primal Vow that Amida made after he discerned how completely evil humans are. Such people have no intention of thrusting themselves entirely to Amida. Therefore they are not in accord with Amida’s Vow; they are not objects of the Vow.


But even such people, once they have become astonished at their true nature as perceived by Amida Buddha and left the question of their eternal fate in his hands, are assured of birth in the Pure Land after death.


It is impossible for us, filled with blind passions as we are, to free ourselves from the suffering of birth and death through any practice whatever. Amida took pity on our condition and made his Primal Vow with the purpose of ensuring that evil people will attain buddhahood. Therefore it is precisely evil people, those who recognize that they have no hope of salvation and so entrust themselves to other-power., who are the real focus of Amida’s Vow.


This is why the master said that since even a virtuous person can be born in the Pure Land, so without question can one who is evil.


This is what the master said.



歎異抄 02

June 5, 2011

歎異抄 02


Kentetsu Takamori

You have come to see me all the way from kanto, crossing over mountains and rivers of more than ten provinces without regard for your lives, intending solely to verify the path to birth in the land of utmost bliss. But if you suspect of withholding knowledge of some path to birth other than the numbutsu of Amida’s Vow, or knowledge of some secret text, you are greatly mistaken.


If you have so little faith in me, then go to Nara or Mount Hiel. There are many fine scholars there, so go ask them all about the essence of birth in the Pure Land.


As for me, I simply trust in the teaching of Honen: Believe in the Vow, say the nembutsue, and be saved by Amida Buddha.” There is nothing else.


Some people claim that saying the nembutsu is an act that causes people to fall into hell; but whether the nembutsu is in fact the seed that will cause me to be born in the Pure Land or an act for which I will fall into hell, I have no idea. Even if I find I have been deceived by Master Honen and end up falling into hell because of the nembutsu, I will have no regrets.


For if I could attain buddhahood by carrying out any other practice besides the nembutsem, and then fell into hell for saying it, I would feel regret. But as I am incapable of doing any good at all, I have no other possible destination but hell.


Given that Amida’s Primal vow is true, then the teachyings of Sakyamuni, which convern only the Vow, cannot be false. If the sermons of Sakyamuni are true, then the commentaries of Shan-tao, who explained them faithfully, cannot not contain lies. If the commentaries of Shan-tao are true, then how can there be any falsehood in the sayings of Master Honen, who conveyed them faithfully? If the sayings of Honen are true, then how can what I say be empty, since I have faithfully conveyed what he said?


This, in short, is my faith. Beyond this, whether to believe in the numbutsu or discard it is entirely up to each of you to decide.


This is what the master said.





親鸞聖人這段話,真有點像是邏輯的循環論證circular reasoning。他以「法然」,「善導」,「無量壽佛」,以及他自己的層層信仰,作為論證:得救之道在於信仰本願的他力,而不在於自我修行或善行的自力。總歸一句,信仰念佛,別無他法!



May 30, 2011



Kentetsu Takamori

As I privately cast my foolish mind over the time when Master Shinran was alive and compare it with the present day, I cannot help lamenting that there are deviations from what the master taught us directly about true faith.


I am concerned that doubts and confusion will arise in the study and transmission of his teaching. How is it possible, without being fortunate enough to encounter a good teacher, to obtain salvation through other-power faith. Private opinion must not be allowed to distort the true meaning of other-power.


With this in mind I have noted down a few of Master Shinran’s unforgettable sayings, which still echo in my ears. My sole wish is to dispel the doubts of fellow Shinran followers.

When, being saved by the inconceivable power of Amida Buddha’s vow, your birth in Amida’s Pure Land is assured beyond any doubt and the desire to say the numbutsu erupts within you, in that instant you are clasped fast by Amida, never to be abandoned, thus entering into absolute happiness. Amida’s salvation makes no distinction whatever between young and old or good and evil. Know that faith alone is essential—faith in the truth of the Vow with no possibility of doubt.


How is it possible that even an evil person can be saved merely through faith in the Vow? This is the true value of Amida’s Primal Vow: it was established precisely to save the monstrous sinner whose blind passions rage and whose sins weigh heavy. It follows that anyone saved by Amida’s Vow has no need to do good deeds for the sake of their salvation, because no greater good exists than the numbutsu bestowed on us by Amida. Also, whatever evil such a person may commit, he is free from concern or fear, because no evil can hinder salvation by Amida’s Vow.

This is what the master said.



雄伯曰:這是相當令人迷惑的「惡人正機」理論依據。所謂的罪人sinner,類似基督教的原罪sin 觀念,我們芸芸眾生,哪一個不是罪孽深重的罪人?就連親鸞自己,不也時常在自我懺悔之中?


親鸞 12 教行信證

July 18, 2009

親鸞 12
I have briefly explained eight passages, showing that the Tathagata’s virtues and adornments for self-benefit and benefiting others have been fulfilled in due order. Reflect on this.
What is the due order? The preceding seventeen passages treat the fulfillment of the adornments of the virtues of the land. We know already the features of the land; hence, we must know the master of the land. For this reason, next we contemplate the virtues of the Buddha’s adornments.
If the Buddha has completed his adornments, where does he sit? Thus, first we contemplate his seat. When we have come to know the seat, then we must know the seated master.
Thus, next we contemplate the Buddha’s adornment of bodily activity. Having come to know the bodily activity, we must know what name the Buddha has. Thus, next we contemplate the Buddha’s adornment of verbal activity. Having come to know how the Name is heard, we must know the origins of the Name’s acquisition.
Thus, next we contemplate the Buddha’s adornment of mental activity. Having come to know that the Buddha possesses these three modes of activity, we must know which people are able to receive the guidance of the great teacher of human beings and devas.
Thus, next we contemplate the virtue of the great assembly. Having come to know the countless virtues possessed by the great assembly, we must know who the leader is. Thus, next we contemplate the leader. The leader is the Buddha. We come to know that the leader is surely the same for long kalpas;
Thus, next we contemplate the master. Having come to know the master, we must know what supreme virtue the master possesses. Thus, we next contemplate his adornment of sustaining without any futility. Thus, the due order of the eight passages is established.


July 18, 2009

Among the five inconceivabilities, the Buddha-dharma is the most inconceivable. If one says that bodhisattvas must necessarily advance from stage to stage, and that there is no principle of leaping, then one still lacks understanding.

There is a tree called “great firmness.” It takes one hundred years for this tree to send forth a shoot from the ground, but when it does it grows one hundred yards a day. It grows thus day by day. How can its measure after a hundred years be compared even to tall pines? Since pine trees grow no more than an inch a day, people hearing of this “great firmness” tree surely doubt it can grow thus in a single day.
A person hearing that Sakyamuni Tathagata brought a man to realization of arhatship with but one sermon, or brought another to insight into the nonorigination of all existence in but the time before breakfast, will take this as words of inducement and not a presentation of fact. Hearing the above exposition [of the Treatise], one will surely not believe it. Extraordinary words do not find entrance into the ears of the ordinary; they think it cannot be so. That cannot be helped.