

Carl Jung
卡爾 榮格

Speaking before an audience of doctors, I always experience certain difficulty in bridging the differences that exist between medicine on the one hand and psychotherapy on the other in their conception of pathology. These differences are the
source of numerous misunderstandings, and it is therefore of the greatest concern to rne, in this short talk, to express one or two thoughts which may serve to clarify the special relationship that psychotherapy bears to medicine.


Where distinctions exist, well-meaning attempts to stress the common ground are notoriously lacking in point. But it is extremely important, in his own interests, that the psychotherapist should not in any circumstances lose the position he originally held in medicine, and this precisely because the peculiar nature of his experience
forces upon him a certain mode of thought, and certain interests, which no longer have or perhaps I should say, do not yet have a rightful domicile in the medicine of today. Both these factors tend to lead the psychotherapist into fields of study
apparently remote from medicine, and the practical importance of these fields is generally difficult to explain to the non-psychotherapist.


Lacking in point—欠缺意義
Notoriously– Known widely and usually unfavorably 惡名昭彰
Domicile–Housing that someone is living in 存身之所

From accounts of case histories and miraculously successful cures the non-psychotherapist learns little, and that little is frequently false. I have yet to come across a respectable specimen of neurosis of which one could give anything like an
adequate description in a short lecture, to say nothing of all the therapeutic intricacies that are far from clear even to the shrewdest professional.



With your permission I will now examine the three stages of medical procedure anamnesis, diagnosis, and therapy from the psychotherapeutic point of view. The pathological material I am here presupposing is pure psychoneurosis.


We begin with the anamnesis, as is customary in medicine in general and psychiatry in particular that is to say, we try to piece together the historical facts of the case as flawlessly as possible. The psychotherapist, however, does not rest content with these facts. He is aware not only of the unreliability of all evidence, but, over and above that, of the special sources of error in statements made on one’s own behalf the statements of the patient who, wittingly or unwittingly, gives prominence to facts that are plausible enough in themselves but may be equally misleading as regards the pathogenesis.


On one’s own behalf—as the representative 代表
Over and above—in addition to something 除外

The patient’s whole environment may be drawn into this system of explanation in a positive or negative sense, as though it were in unconscious collusion with him. At all events one must be prepared not to hear the very things that are most important. The psychotherapist will therefore take pains to ask questions about matters that seem to have nothing to do with the actual illness.


For this he needs not only his professional knowledge; he has also to rely on intuitions and sudden ideas, and the more widely he casts his net of questions the more likely he is to succeed in catching the complex nature of the case. If ever there were an illness that cannot be localized, because it springs from the whole of a man, that illness is a psychoneurosis. The psychiatrist can at least console himself with diseases of the brain; not so the psychotherapist, even if he privately believes in such a maxim, for the case before him demands the thorough psychological treatment of a disturbance that has nothing to do with cerebral symptoms.



On the contrary, the more the psychotherapist allows himself to be impressed by hereditary factors and the possibility of psychotic complications, the more crippled
he will be in his therapeutic action. For better or worse he is obliged to overlook such cogent factors as heredity, the presence of schizophrenic symptoms, and the like, particularly when these dangerous things are put forward with special emphasis,
His assessment of anamnestic data may therefore turn out to be very different from a purely medical one.



It is generally assumed in medical circles that the examination of the patient should lead to the diagnosis of his illness, so far as this is possible at all, and that with the establishment of the diagnosis an important decision has been arrived at as regards prognosis and therapy. Psychotherapy forms a startling exception to this rule: the diagnosis is a highly irrelevant affair since, apart from affixing a more or less lucky label to a neurotic condition, nothing is gained by it, least of all as regards prognosis and therapy. In flagrant contrast to the rest of medicine, where a definite diagnosis is often, as it were, logically followed by a specific therapy and a more or less certain prognosis, the diagnosis of any particular psychoneurosis means, at most, that some form of psychotherapy is indicated.


As to the prognosis, this is in the highest degree independent of the diagnosis.
Nor should we gloss over the fact that the classification of the neuroses is very unsatisfactory, and that for this reason alone a specific diagnosis seldom means anything real. In general, it is enough to diagnose a “psychoneurosis” as distinct from
some organic disturbance— the word means no more than that.


Gloss over—to speak kindly of or refuse to mention ( something bad) so as to hide or excuse its wrongness 迴避錯誤 ,掩過飾非

I have in the course of years accustomed myself wholly to disregard the diagnosing of specific neuroses, and I have sometimes found myself in a quandary when some word-addict urged me to hand him a specific diagnosis。The Greco-Latin compounds
needed for this still seem to have a not inconsiderable market value and are occasionally indispensable for that reason.



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