

Carl Jung
卡爾 榮格

The sonorous diagnosis of neuroses secundum ordinem is just a facade, it is not the psychotherapist’s real diagnosis. His establishment of certain facts might conceivably be called “diagnosis,” though it is psychological rather than medical in character. Nor is it meant to be communicated; for reasons of discretion, and also on account of the subsequent therapy, he usually keeps it to himself.


Secundum ordinem—依照命令
Façade 表面
Keep it to himself 保持秘密

The facts so established are simply perceptions indicating the direction the therapy is to take. They can hardly be reproduced in the sort of Latin terminology that sounds scientific; but there are on the other hand expressions of ordinary speech which adequately describe the essential psychotherapeutic facts. The point is, we are not dealing with clinical diseases but with psychological ones. Whether a person
is suffering from hysteria, or an anxiety neurosis, or a phobia, means little beside the much more important discovery that, shall we say, he is fils a papa Here something fundamental has been said about the content of the neurosis and about the difficulties
to be expected in the treatment.


fils à papa = someone young, weak, growing up in the shadow of (or heavily assisted by) his father. 活在父親陰影當中,拒絕長大


So that in psychotherapy the recognition of disease rests much less on the clinical picture than on the content of complexes. Psychological diagnosis aims at the diagnosis of complexes and hence at the formulation of facts which are far more likely than revealed by the clinical picture.


The real toxin is to be sought in the complex, and this is a more or less autonomous
psychic quantity. It proves its autonomous nature by not fitting into the hierarchy of the conscious mind, or by the resistance it successfully puts up against the will. This fact, which can easily be established by experiment, is the reason why psychoneuroses
and psychoses have from time immemorial been regarded as states of possession since the impression forces itself upon the naive observer that the complex forms something like a shadow-government of the ego.


The content of a neurosis can never be established by a single examination, or even by several. It manifests itself only in the course of treatment. Hence the paradox that the true psychological diagnosis becomes apparent only at the end. Just as a sure diagnosis is desirable and a thing to be aimed at in medicine, so, conversely, it will profit the psychotherapist to know as little as possible about specific diagnoses.


It is enough if he is reasonably sure of the differential diagnosis between organic
and psychic, and if he knows what a genuine melancholy is and what it can mean. Generally speaking, the less the psychotherapist knows in advance, the better the chances for the treatment. Nothing is more deleterious than a routine understanding of


Nothing is more deleterious than a routine understanding of everything.
= Nothing is so deleterious as a routine understanding of everything.
= A routine understanding of everything is the most deleterious thing.


We have now established that the anamnesis appears more than usually suspect to the psychotherapist, and that clinical diagnosis is, for his purposes, well-nigh meaningless. Finally, the therapy itself shows the greatest imaginable departures from the views commonly accepted in medicine. There are numerous physical diseases where the diagnosis also lays down the lines for a specific treatment; a given disease cannot be treated just anyhow.


Well-nigh—almost 幾乎
Suspect to –Regard as untrustworthy;


But for the psychoneuroses the only valid principle is that their treatment must be psychological. In this respect there is any number of methods, rules, prescriptions, views, and doctrines, and the remarkable thing is that any given therapeutic
procedure in any given neurosis can have the desired result.


The various psychotherapeutic dogmas about which such a great fuss is made do not, therefore, amount to very much in the end. Every psychotherapist who knows his job will, consciously or unconsciously, theory notwithstanding, ring all the changes that do not figure in his own theory. He will occasionally use suggestion, to which he is opposed on principle.


There is no getting round Freud’s or Adler’s or anybody else’s point of view. Every psychotherapist not only has his own method –he himself is that method. Ars requirit totum hominem, says an old master.” The great healing factor in psychotherapy is the doctor’s personality, which is something not given at the start; it represents his performance at its highest and not a doctrinaire blueprint. Theories are to be avoided, except as mere auxiliaries.


Ars requirit totum hominem. (“The art requires the total man.”) 藝術要求完整的人。

As soon as a dogma is made of them, it is evident that an inner doubt is being stifled. Very many theories are needed before we can get even a rough picture of the psyche’s complexity. It is therefore quite wrong when people accuse psychotherapists of being unable to reach agreement even on their own theories. .Agreement could only spell one-sidedness and desiccation. One could as little catch the psyche in a theory as
one could catch the world. Theories are not articles of faith, they are either instruments of knowledge and of therapy, or they are no good at all.



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