心理治療與人生哲學 82

Psychotherapy and a Philosophy of Life
心理治療與人生哲學 82

Carl Jung
卡爾 榮格


Not everybody is capable of this surrender. There is no “ought” or “must” about it, for the very act of exerting the will inevitably places such an emphasis on my will to surrender that the exact opposite of surrender results. The Titans could not take Olympus by storm, and still less may a Christian take Heaven. The most healing, and psychologically the most necessary, experiences are a “treasure hard to attain,”
and its acquisition demands something out of the common from the common man.


Take by storm 給予深刻印象to make a great impression upon; ( The phrase originally meant to seize a castle, military position, etc, by a sudden and violent attack) 這個詞語原意是:突擊城堡與軍事基地

out of the common/ out of the ordinary –unusual; strange 不尋常;奇異

Not everybody is capable of this surrender.
= Some people are capable of this surrender, while others aren’t.

The very act of exerting the will inevitably places such an emphasis on my will to surrender that the exact opposite of surrender results.
= The very act of exerting the will to surrender inevitably emphasizes my will to surrender so much that the exact opposite of surrender results from it.


The Titans could not take Olympus by storm, and still less may a Christian take Heaven.
= The Titans could not take Olympus by storm, and a Christian may still less take Heaven by storm.


As we know, this something out of the common proves, in practical work with the patient, to be an invasion by archetypal contents. If these contents are to be assimilated, it is not enough to make use of the current philosophical or religious ideas, for they simply do not fit the archaic symbolism of the material.


If these contents are to be assimilated, it is not enough to make use of the current philosophical or religious ideas
= If these contents tend to be assimilated, it is not enough to make use of the current philosophical or religious ideas



We are therefore forced to go back to pre-Christian and non- Christian conceptions and to conclude that Western man does not possess the monopoly of human wisdom and that the white race is not a species of Homo sapiens specially favoured by God.
Moreover we cannot do justice to certain contemporary collective phenomena unless we revert to the pre-Christian parallels.


Homo sapien —The only surviving hominid; species to which modern man belongs; bipedal primate having language and ability to make and use complex tools; brain volume at least 1400 cc唯一存活的屬於現代的人類種族,兩腳的靈長類,擁有語言跟使用複雜工具的能力,頭腦的量至少是1400cc。

Do justice to—to deal with something correctly and completely 正確而完整地處理
Parallel–Something having the property of being analogous to something else 類比的東西

Medieval physicians seem to have realized this, for they practised a philosophy whose roots can be traced back to pre- Christian times and whose nature exactly corresponds to our experiences with patients today. These physicians recognized, besides the light of divine revelation, a lumen naturae as a second, independent source of illumination, to which the doctor could turn if the truth as handed down by the Church should
for any reason prove ineffective either for himself or for the patient.


Lumen naturae—the light of darkness 黑暗之光

It was eminently practical reasons, and not the mere caperings of a hobby-horse, that prompted me to undertake my historical researches. Neither our modern medical training nor academic psychology and philosophy can equip the doctor with
the necessary education, or with the means, to deal effectively and understandingly with the often very urgent demands of his psychotherapeutic practice. It therefore behoves us, unembarrassed by our shortcomings as amateurs of history, to go to
school once more with the medical philosophers of a distant past, when body and soul had not yet been wrenched asunder into different faculties.


Caperings 玩物
Hobby-horse—favorite pastime 消遣
Behove–Be appropriate or necessary 適當而需要
Wrench 扭曲Twist and compress, as if in pain or anguish
Asunder 分裂成為碎片Into parts or pieces


Although we are specialists par excellence, our specialized field, oddly enough, drives us to universalism and to the complete overcoming of the specialist attitude, if the totality of body and soul is not to be just a matter of words. Once we have made up our minds to treat the soul, we can no longer close our eyes to the fact that neurosis is not a thing apart but the whole of the pathologically disturbed psyche.


Par excellence– To a degree of excellence 優秀地
Universalism 普遍性

It was Freud’s momentous discovery that the neurosis is not a mere agglomeration of symptoms, but a wrong functioning which affects the whole psyche. The important thing is not the neurosis, but the man who has the neurosis. We have to set to work on the human being, and we must be able to do him justice as a human being.


Agglomeration– A jumbled collection or mass 集結
Momentous– Of very great significance 非常重要的
Set to work—to start with 開始
Do one justice –to treat or represent somebody fairly 充分地表現

The conference we are holding today proves that our psychotherapy has recognized its aim, which is to pay equal attention to the physiological and to the spiritual factor. Originating in natural science, it applies the objective, empirical methods of the latter to the phenomenology of the mind. Even if this should remain a mere attempt, the fact that the attempt has been made is of incalculable significance.



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