現代心理治療的難題 59

現代心理治療的難題 59

Carl Jung
卡爾 榮格

As may easily be imagined, the effect of such a confession on simple souls is very great, and its curative results are often astonishing. Yet I would not wish to see the main achievement of our psychology at this stage merely in the fact that some
sufferers are cured, but rather in the systematic emphasis it lays upon the significance of confession. For this concerns us all. All of us are somehow divided by our secrets, but instead of seeking to cross the gulf on the firm bridge of confession, we choose the treacherous makeshift of opinion and illusion.


Makeshift 權宜之計Something contrived to meet an urgent need or emergency
Treacherous 不穩定而且難以預測Dangerously unstable and unpredictable

Now I am far from wishing to enunciate a general maxim. It would be difficult to imagine anything more unsavoury than a wholesale confession of sin. Psychology simply establishes the fact that we have here a sore spot of first-rate importance. As
the next stage, the stage of elucidation, will make clear, it cannot be tackled directly, because it is a problem with quite particularly pointed horns.


Unsavory 傷風敗俗Morally offensive
Establish 證實 Make clear the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment
Sore spot 令人懊惱的東西 a subject that makes you feel angry or upset when it is mentioned

It is of course obvious that the new psychology would have remained at the stage of confession had catharsis proved itself a panacea. First and foremost, however, it is not always possible to bring the patients close enough to the unconscious for them to perceive the shadows. On the contrary, many of them and for the most part complicated, highly conscious persons are so firmly anchored in consciousness that nothing can pry them loose.


The new psychology would have remained at the stage of confession had catharsis proved itself a panacea.
=The new psychology would have remained at the stage of confession if catharsis had proved itself a panacea.
這個句子最容易犯錯的地方,在於它是過去事實相反的假設法,而且還是if 省略掉假設法。

First and foremost—尤其重要的是
Anchor—穩定地停駐Fix firmly and stably
Pry loose—橇鬆開

It is not always possible to bring the patients close enough to the unconscious for them to perceive the shadows.
= It is not always possible to bring the patients close enough to the unconscious so that they may perceive the shadows.
for them to perceive the shadows 不定詞片語,副詞用法,表結果


They develop the most violent resistances to any attempt to push consciousness aside; they want to talk with the doctor on the conscious plane and go into a rational
explanation and discussion of their difficulties. They have quite enough to confess already, they say; they do not have to turn to the unconscious for that. For such patients a complete technique for approaching the unconscious is needed.


Develop 「顯示」show,而不是「發展」
Go into「開始」begin

They do not have to turn to the unconscious for that.
= They do not have to ask the unconscious for help to confess

This is one fact which at the outset seriously restricts the application of the cathartic method. The other restriction reveals itself later on and leads straight into the problems of the second stage. Let us suppose that in a given case the cathartic
confession has occurred, the neurosis has vanished, or rather the symptoms are no longer visible. The patient could now be dismissed as cured if it depended on the doctor alone. But he or especially she cannot get away.


At the outset –從一開始 from the beginning
Dismiss 認為是無需掛慮to decide that something is not important and not worth thinking or talking about

Get away 離開 leave


The patient seems bound to the doctor through the confession. If this seemingly senseless attachment is forcibly severed, there is a bad relapse. Significantly
enough, and most curiously, there are cases where no attachment develops; the patient goes away apparently cured, but he is now so fascinated by the hinterland of his own mind that he continues to practise catharsis on himself at the expense of his adaptation to life. He is bound to the unconscious, to himself, and not to the doctor.


At the expense of 付出代價

Clearly the same fate has befallen him as once befell Theseus and Peirithous his companion, who went down to Hades to bring back the goddess of the underworld. Tiring on the way, they sat down to rest for a while, only to find that they had grown fast to the rocks and could not rise.


They sat down to rest for a while, only to find that they had grown fast to the rocks and could not rise.
= They sat down to rest for a while, but found that they had grown fast to the rocks and could not rise.
only to find 不定詞片語,副詞用法,表示結果
fast—firmly fixed and safe 牢靠地依附
He made the boat fast. 他將船牢牢繫住。


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