現代心理治療的難題 56

現代心理治療的難題 56

Carl Jung
卡爾 榮格

A secret shared with several persons is as beneficial as a merely private secret is destructive. The latter works like a burden of guilt, cutting off the unfortunate possessor from communion with his fellows. But, if we are conscious of what
we are concealing, the harm done is decidedly less than if we do not know what we are repressing or even that we have repressions at all. In this case the hidden content is no longer consciously kept secret; we are concealing it even from ourselves.


Communion「心靈的交流」The sharing of personal thoughts and feelings
Cut off 「阻隔」 prevent
In this case 「在這種情況」,指的是「我們不知道我們正在壓抑的東西,或是甚至我們不知道,我們遭受壓抑」if we do not know what we are repressing or even that we have repressions at all.

It then splits off from the conscious mind as an independent complex and leads a sort of separate existence in the unconscious psyche, where it can be neither interfered with nor corrected by the conscious mind. The complex forms, so to speak, a miniature self-contained psyche which, as experience shows, develops a peculiar fantasy-life of its own. What we call fantasy is simply spontaneous psychic activity, and it wells up wherever the inhibitive action of the conscious mind abates or, as in sleep, ceases altogether. In sleep, fantasy takes the form of dreams.


Split off「隔開」separate

But in waking life, too, we continue to dream beneath the threshold of consciousness, especially when under the influence of repressed or other unconscious complexes. Incidentally, unconscious contents are on no account composed exclusively of
complexes that were once conscious and subsequently became unconscious by being repressed. The unconscious, too, has its own specific contents which push up from unknown depths and gradually reach consciousness. Hence we should in no wise picture the unconscious psyche as a mere receptacle for contents discarded by the conscious mind.


Incidentally 順便說一下Introducing a different topic; in point of fact
On no account 無論任何理由都不能not for any reason
In no wise—絲毫不是 adv. In no way, manner, or degree; not at all.

All unconscious contents, which either approach the threshold of consciousness from below, or have sunk only slightly beneath it, affect the conscious mind. Since the content does not appear as such in consciousness, these effects are necessarily
indirect. Most of our “lapses” are traceable to such disturbances, as are all neurotic symptoms, which are nearly always, in medical parlance, of a psychogenic nature, the exceptions being shock effects (shell-shock and the like).


As such 依照原意 –as the word is usually understood; in the exact sense of the word

Most of our “lapses” are traceable to such disturbances, as are all neurotic symptoms,
= Most of our “lapses” are traceable to such disturbances, just as all neurotic symptoms are traceable to such disturbances.

These symptoms are nearly always, in medical parlance, of a psychogenic nature, the exceptions being shock effects (shell-shock and the like).
= These symptoms are nearly always, in medical parlance, of a psychogenic nature, when the exceptions are shock effects (shell-shock and the like).

The mildest forms of neurosis are the lapses of consciousness mentioned above e.g., slips of the tongue, suddenly forgetting names and dates, inadvertent clumsiness leading to injuries and accidents, misunderstandings and so-called hallucinations of memory, as when we think we have said something or done something, or faulty
apprehension of things heard and said, and so on.


In all these instances a thorough investigation can show the existence of some content which, in an indirect and unconscious way, is distorting the performance of the conscious mind.


Generally speaking, therefore, an unconscious secret is more injurious than a conscious one. I have seen many patients who, as a result of difficult circumstances that might well have driven weaker natures to suicide, sometimes developed a suicidal
tendency but, because of their inherent reasonableness, prevented it from becoming conscious and in this way generated an unconscious suicide-complex.


Develop 的意思是「顯示」show,不是「發展」
These difficult circumstances might well have driven weaker natures to suicide.
= If these difficult circumstances had happened to weaker natures, they might well have been driven to suicide.

Might well—have good reason 很有理由

I have seen many patients who sometimes developed a suicidal tendency but prevented it from becoming conscious and in this way generated an unconscious suicide-complex.

This unconscious urge to suicide then engineered all kinds of dangerous accidents as, for instance, a sudden attack of giddiness on some exposed place, hesitation in front of a motor-car, mistaking corrosive sublimate for cough mixture, a sudden zest for dangerous acrobatics, and so forth. When it was possible to make the suicidal
leaning conscious in these cases, common sense could intervene as a salutary check: the patients could then consciously recognize and avoid the situations that tempted them to self-destruction.


Common sense 通常的理智practical intelligence
Salutary 有益健康的 beneficial to health
Engineer 的意思「計畫、計謀」Plan and control how a complex undertaking is done
Sublimate 固體蒸發的溶液或氣體The product of vaporization of a solid


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