Jung Handbook 36

Jung Handbook 36

The Handbook of Jung Psychology

Chapter 12 第十二章

Alchemy 鍊金術

Stanton Marian 史坦頓、瑪瑞恩

Classical development of Jung’s ideas

In 1996 Edinger continued his elaboration of Jung’s difficult work in The
Aion Lectures: Exploring the Self in C. G. Jung’s Aion. Here he again
worked through Jung’s text, suggesting that the reader not approach it with
a linear attitude. He stressed that Jung’s way of thinking and writing is
better understood as presentational and as a kind of ‘cluster thinking’,
likening it to the way a dream presents itself. Aion examines the notion of
the God image of Christianity and Jung’s complex reflections on the
archetype of the Self. These concerns are amplified in a number of his other
commentaries and books beyond the scope of alchemy proper.


Innovations, criticism and developments

If von Franz and Edinger were major classical disciples of Jung’s work,
James Hillman is a major critic and innovator in his own right. From one
perspective Hillman fundamentally revised Jung’s thoughts, but from
another he returns to its radical essence, carrying its implications to a new


His first organised attempts to present his alchemical reflections were
in lectures given at the Zurich Institute in 1966. He states that he had been
drawn by alchemy’s ‘obscure poetic language and strange images, and by its
amazing insights especially in Jung’s introduction to The Secret of the
Golden Flower and [in his essay on] “The philosophical tree”‘ (Hillman
2003: 101).

他第一次有系統的企圖呈現他的鍊金術的反思,在1966年慕尼克研究所的發表的演講。他陳述,他曾經著迷于鍊金術朦朧的詩意的語言及奇異的意象,以及它的令人歎為觀止的洞見,特別是在榮格對於「金花的秘密」的序言,及他的論文:「哲學樹」(Hillman 2003: 101).

Later, in 1968, while at the University of Chicago Hillman continued his lectures and ‘expanded [his] library research and collection of dreams with alchemical motifs’ (Hillman 2003: 101). These lectures were given in an old wooden chemistry hall and entitled ‘Analytic work alchemical opus’. His approach in these lectures was ‘to exhibit a background to analytical work that is metaphorical, even preposterous and so, less encumbered by clinical literalism’ (Hillman 2003: 102).


This theme had run through Hillman’s papers on alchemical themes beginning in his 1970 publication On senex consciousness’. In 1978 Hillman published ‘The
therapeutic value of alchemical language’ which set its stage for his continuing reflections. What followed was a series of papers: ‘Silver and the white earth’, parts 1 and 2 (Hillman 1980, 1981a), ‘Alchemical blue and the unio mentalis’ (1981b), The imagination of air and the collapse of alchemy’ (1981c), ‘Salt: a chapter on alchemical psychology’ (1981d), `Notes on white supremacy: the alchemy of racism’ (1986), The yellowing of the work’ (1989a), Concerning the Stone: Alchemical Images of the Goal
(1990), ‘The seduction of black’ (1997) and most recently ‘The azure vault:
the caelum as experience (2004), a revision and elaboration of his paper on
alchemical blue.


Like alchemical texts themselves, the content of these papers is complex and difficult to summarise in any unified narrative, but if there are any themes that run through them, it is in his turn to the nuances of language and image, the importance of the imagination and attention to alchemical aesthetics, and to colour as an organising focus for reflection.


In addition, Hillman continues to revise and add to this ongoing reflection and
is in the process of preparing a book that integrates and expands his vision.
For Hillman images speak more directly when their metaphysical coverings
can be set aside, then the level of collective consciousness can be peeled away, so that the material may speak more phenomenally. Then pagan images stand out:
metals, planets, minerals, stars, plants, charms, animals, vessels, fires, and specific locales. (Hillman 2003: 102)


For Hillman these alchemical images have been obscured by both Jung’s
psychology as well as by its association with Christian metaphysics. He explained this awareness to the International Congress in Rome in 1977, noting that ‘while Jung reclaimed alchemy for the psyche, he also claimed it for his psychology’ (Hillman 2003: 102) and that its ‘liberation of alchemy from the former traps (mysticism, charlatanism, and pre- or pseudoscience) entangled it in his system of opposites and Christian symbols and thought’ (Hillman 2003: 102).


Jung’s metapsychology and his reliance on Christian imagery led Hillman to make a distinction between an ‘alchemy of spirit’ and an ‘alchemy of soul’, and he notes that the transformation of the psyche can be distinguished from the Christian idea of redemption. He states that when we make this distinction, then the subtle changes in color, heat, bodily forms and other qualities refer to the psyche’s processes, useful to the practice of therapy for reflecting the changes going on in the psyche without linking these changes to a progressive program or redemptive vision. (Hillman 2003: 103)


In short, alchemy’s curious images and sayings are valuable not so much because alchemy is a grand narrative of the stages of individuation and its conjunction of opposites, nor for its reflection on the Christian process of redemption, but ‘rather because of alchemy’s myriad, cryptic, arcane, paradoxical, and mainly conflicting texts [which] reveal the psyche phenomenally’ (Hillman 203: 103).


For Hillman, alchemy needs to be encountered with the ‘least possible intrusion of metaphysics’ (2003: 103). He saw Jung, von Franz and Edinger as informed consciously or unconsciously by a metaphysical attitude and attempted to examine alchemy in a scholarly manner in order to find objective meaning. He, on the other hand, sees himself as emphasising the ‘matters’ of alchemy as metaphorical substances and archetypal principles. He seeks to activate alchemical language and images finding those qualities of human life which act on the very substance of personality.




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