Anxiety 70 Jacques Lacan

Anxiety 70

Jacques Lacan
雅克 拉康



1962 – 1963

Seminar 9 : Wednesday 23 January 1963

I am insisting. One cannot, in these matters, go too slowly.
You will say to me; what is original in that? You will say to me, after all I am making the demands and giving the answers – I would say, I hope not, but since you could all the same say to me if I have not sufficiently emphasised it; “What is original in this, this acting-out and this demonstration of this unknown desire? The symptom is the same. Acting-out is a symptom which shows itself as other, and so does it. The proof is that it has to be interpreted”. All right then let us dot the i’s carefully.


You know that the symptom cannot be interpreted directly; that
transference is necessary, namely the introduction of the Other.


You do not grasp it properly yet perhaps. Then you are going to say to me, “Well yes, this is what you are in the process of telling us about acting-out.”


No, what is involved here, is to tell you that it is not
essentially in the nature of the symptom to have to be
interpreted; it does not call for interpretation like acting-out, contrary to what you might think. Moreover it has to be said; acting-out calls for an interpretation and the question that I am in the process of posing, is that of knowing whether it is possible. I will show you that it is. But it is in the balance in analytic theory and practice.


In the other case, it is clear that it is possible, but on
certain conditions which are added to the symptom, namely that
transference of its nature should be established; the symptom is not, like acting-out, calling for an interpretation.


For – it is too often forgotten – what we discover in the symptom, in its (18) essence, is not, I say, a call to the Other, is not that which shows to the Other, that the symptom in its nature is jouissance – do not forget it – a backhanded jouissance, no doubt, unterbliebende Befriedigung; the symptom does not need you as acting-out does, it is sufficient of itself; it is of the order of what I have taught you to distinguish from desire as being jouissance, namely that it goes, for its part, towards the Thing, having passed the barrier of the good (a reference to my seminar on Ethics), namely of the pleasure principle, and this is why this jouissance can express itself by an Unlust.


I am not the only one who is either inventing or articulating all of this, it is said in these very terms in Freud; Unlust,
unpleasure, for those who have not yet heard this term, in


So then let us return to acting-out, as opposed to the symptom,
acting-out for its part is the beginning of transference. It is wild transference.


There is no need for analysis – as you no doubt know – for there to be transference. But transference without analysis is acting-out, acting-out in analysis is transference.


The result is that one of the questions to be posed, is, concerning the organisation of transference – I mean
the organisation, the Handlung of transference – that one of the ways of posing the question is to ask how one can domesticate the wild transference, how one gets the wild elephant into the enclosure or how one can get the horse into the ring, where one makes him turn round, in the circus.


It is one of the ways of posing the problem of transference which it would be quite useful to pose from this angle, because it is the only way of knowing how to deal with acting-out.


(19) For people who may have to interest themselves in the near future in acting-out, I note the existence, in the Psychoanalytic Quarterly, of the article by Phyllis Greenacre; “General Problems of Acting-Out”.


It is in Number IV of Volume 19 of 1950, so it is not impossible to find. It is a very interesting article in many ways, and evokes a memory for me: it was at the time about ten years ago when we had already received a visit from some investigators.


Phyllis Greenacre, who was one of them, gave me the opportunity to observe a lovely acting-out, namely the frenetic masturbation, which she carried out before my eyes, of a little Japanese mussel fisherman, which I owned and which still carries the traces of it, I mean this object does. I have to say that this furnished the opportunity for a very agreeable conversation, much better than the one punctuated by different passages a l’acte, for example her jumps almost to the ceiling, which I had with the lady.



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