Logic of Phantasy 121 Jacques Lacan

Logic of Phantasy 121
Jacques Lacan

雅克 拉康

Lacan Seminar 14:
The Logic of Fantasy 24

Seminar 24: Wednesday, June 21, 1967

Such is the only possible function that one can give to the role of phantasy in the neurotic economy. That this comes, that its arrangement is borrowed from the field of the determination of perverse jouissance, is something, as you have seen, that I demonstrated and whose formula, I believe, I sufficiently fixed in our previous talks, with respect to the disjunction , in the field of the Other, of the body and of jouissance, and of this preserved part of the body in which jouissance can take refuge.


That the neurotic finds, in this arrangement, the support designed to provide against the shirking of his desire in the field of the sexual act, is something, then, which is less likely to surprise us. And if you want me to give you something which will serve at once as reading – I cannot say it will be a very agreeable read for you (it is as annoying (16) as hell!) – but, all the same, as an example of real rubbish in scientific matters, I would recommend to you the reading, in Havelock Ellis, of the celebrated case of Florie. One could not better see to what point a certain mode of approach of a field in breaking down doors, while they are completely enslaved, and enslaved in a fashion that is really singular. There is not one of the lines of this celebrated observation that does not carry, in a way, the marks of the cowardice of the professor.


It is a sensational text, this case of Florie. Undoubtedly, it will appear to you with all the characteristics – after the reference points that I have given you – to be a neurosis. In no way, does the moment at which Florie breaks through – in the sense of this something which can in a way happen to a neurotic without there ever being for her the equivalent of perverse jouissance, but “breaks through” in the ambiguous sense which makes of it at once a passage a l’acte and, for us who are reading it,,an acting-out – something which ensures that Florie, affected by her phantasy of flagellation, menaces, for once, to break through the prohibition that they represent for her.


It is worth while confronting this with the absolutely manifest lacks in this observation, to the point that – Florie having confessed to him that it is only exceptionally that she brings a real person into these phantasies, someone that she admires and that she venerates – it is really unbelievable to see from the pen of Havelock Ellis there been written: “I did not ask her who was involved”.


When it is clear … – as in the case of Pere Ubu when you see him again with the pig’s tail between his teeth – that of course it is Havelock Allis, naturally, who is there rolled in flour from one end to the other by this patient, who is involved! And, after that, it is necessary to play the great personage to correct the workers of the analytic community, who have allowed themselves to give an opinion on the same case, with a respect that is moreover completely unjustified, for the collection of this observation by Havelock Ellis.


This, all the same, is indeed of a nature to show you at once, all together, all the difficulties that I wanted to highlight today, about what is involved in the appreciation of the phantasy.


If it can be said, I would say, that from the phantasy – as we imagine it, we poor neurotics – from the phantasy in the function at the level described as perverse, to that of its function in the neurotic register ,


Are there bedrooms? There is no sexual act … that leaves, as regards the bedroom, huh? – apart from that of Ulysses where the bed is a trunk rooted in the ground – this leaves, on the subject of bedrooms – and especially at our epoch, huh, when everything is … is … thrown against the wall! – that leaves a serious doubt. But anyway it is a (17) place which, at least theoretically, exists.


There is all the same a distance between the bedroom and the wash room (cabinet de toilette). Pay careful attention to the fact that everything neurotic that happens, happens essentially in the wash room (these questions of the arrangements of logic are very important) in the wash room or in the ante-chamber, it is the same thing.


The man of pleasure in the 18th century also, for him … everything happened in the boudoir. Each to his own place!


If you want specifications, huh? Phobia can happen in the wardrobe … or in the boudoir. Each to his own place! If you want specifications, huh? Phobias can happen in the wardrobe… or in the corridor, in the kitchen.


Hysteria happens in the parlour, the parlour of nuns’ convents, of course. What?!


Obsession, in the bog。


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