Logic of Phantasy 112 Jacques Lacan

Logic of Phantasy 112
Jacques Lacan
雅克 拉康

Lacan Seminar 14:
The Logic of Fantasy 23

Seminar 23: Wednesday, June 14, 1967

He plays with the subject. What subject? The subject, I could say, as I said somewhere: “that one is subject to thinking or subject to vertigo”, the subject to jouissance. Which, as you can clearly see, introduces this reflection which, from the subject, makes us pass to what I marked as being its remainder, the little o-object.


It is at the level of the Other, with a capital O of course, that he brings about this subversion, in regulating – I say in regulating – what from all time the philosophers have sensed as worthy of qualifying what they call disdainfully the relations of the body to the soul, and which in Spinoza in called, by its true name: “titillatio”, tickling.


Apparently, he enjoys the body of the Other. But you clearly see that the question is to be displaced to the level of the one that I formulated in a field where things are less captivating, when I imaged this relation of the master and the slave by asking, does (10) what one is enjoying, enjoy? So then, you see clearly the immediate relation with the field of the sexual act.


Only the question, at the level of the sadist, is the following It is that he does not know that it is to this question as such that he is attached, that he becomes its instrument, pure and simple. That he does not know what he himself is doing as a subject, that he is essentially in Verleugnung. That he can sense it, interpret it in a thousand ways, which he does not fail to do.


It is necessary, of course, that he should have some powers of articulation, which was the case of the Marquis de Sade, as a result of which, legitimately, his name remains attached to the thing.


Sade remains essential because of having clearly marked the relation of the sadistic act to what is involved in jouissance and for having – when he tried in a derisory manner to articulate its law in the form of a universal rule worthy of the articulation of Kant, in this celebrated fragment: “Frenchmen, one more effort to be republican” (the object of my commentary in the ratiche that I evoked earlier) – for having shown that this law can only be articulated in terms, not of jouissance of the body – note is clearly in the text – but of parts of the body. Each one, in this phantastical State (with a capital S) which is supposed to be founded on the right to jouissance, each one being bound to offer to whoever marks his designs on it, the jouissance of one or other “part”, the author writes (and not in vain here), of his body.


Refuge of jouissance, this part, which the sadistic subject does not know is, this part, very exactly what is, for him, his Dasein, that it realises the essence of it. Here is what is already given as a key by Sade’s text.


Naturally…I do not have the time – because, my God, time is passing – to re-articulate what results from this renewal, from this reclassification, one with respect to the other, of jouissance and the subject, and how close it is, of course, to the phantasy immediately articulated by Sade, of jouissance where it is, raised to its absolute in the Other, (very precisely in this part of the 1 which is here farthest to the right), where we have seen sliding, at the beginning of the problem, unsupported jouissance, the one that is at stake, and for which Sade, the atheist, must construct this figure, who is, nevertheless, the most manifest and the most manifestly like God: that of the jouissance of an absolute wickedness.


This essential and sovereign evil, which then and then alone – carried along, as one might say, by the logic of the phantasy – Freud … Sade admits the sadist is only the servant of: that he ought to open up, for the radical evil that nature constitutes, the paths for the maximum of destruction.


But, let us not forget, what is at stake there is only the logic of the thing. If I developed it…in – or indicated you to refer to its sources – in the so manifestly futile, ridiculous, character, in the always miserably aborted character of sadistic enterprises, it is because it is starting from this appearance that we will better be able to make the ( ii ) truth appear. The truth which is properly given by masochistic practice, where it is obvious that the masochist – in order to withdraw, as one might say, to steal away, to the only corner where manifestly it is graspable, which is the little o-object -gives himself over, for his part deliberately, to this identification to this object as rejected. He is less than nothing not even an animal, the animal that is mistreated, and moreover a subject who has abandoned by contract all the privileges of his function as subject.


This search, this almost frantic construction, of an impossible identification to what is reduced to the extremes of waste products, and that this is linked for him to the capture of jouissance, here is where there appears naked, exemplary, the economy that is at stake.


Here, let us observe, without pausing at this sublime verse (a little ironic laugh from Lacan) which humanises, as I might say, this manoeuvre:


”Tandis que des mortels la multitude vile, Sous le fouet du Plaisir, ce bourreau sans merci,
Va cueillir des remords dans la fete servile, …

(“While the vast multitude of mortals, under the lash of Pleasure, that merciless executioner, gather only remorse in their slavish feasting…”)”


All of this is only a joke! It is a reflection bearing on the law of pleasure. Pleasure is not a “merciless executioner”.


Pleasure maintains you precisely within a rather padded limit, because it is pleasure. But, what is at stake, when the poet expresses himself in this way, is very precisely to mark its distance:


”Ma douleur, donne moi la main; vient par ici, Loin d’eux, etc…
(My pain, give me your hand; come this way, far away from them, etc…)”



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