Logic of Phantasy 94 Jacques Lacan

Logic of Phantasy 94
Jacques Lacan
雅克 拉康

Lacan Seminar 14:
The Logic of Fantasy 20

Seminar 20: Wednesday, May 24, 1967

(6) In short, the interest of introducing the word act is to open up the question, which after all is worth opening up – because I am certainly not the one who makes it circulate among you – of whether, in the sexual act (in as much as for any of you it has ever happened: a sexual act), whether it is related to the advent of a signifier representing the subject as text for another signifier, or whether it has the value of what I called in another register, the encounter, namely, the unique encounter! The one which, once it has happened, is definitive.


Naturally, people talk about all of that. People talk about it and – this is what is serious – people talk about it frivolously.


In any case, to mark that there are two distinct registers, namely, whether in the sexual act, man arrives at Man, in his status as man, and the woman in the same way, is a completely different question to whether one has, yes or no, encountered one’s definitive partner. Since this is what is at stake when people evoke the encounter.


Curious! It is curious that the more the poets evoke it, the less efficacious it is in the conscience of each one as a question, That it is the person, in any case, may make anyone who has had a little glimpse of feminine jouissance smile a little!


There is here, undoubtedly, a first point that is very interesting to put right in the forefront, as an introduction to any question that may be posed about what is involved in what is called feminine sexuality. When what is at stake is precisely her jouissance.


There is one thing very certain and which is worthwhile remarking. It is that psychoanalysis, without a question like the one that I have just produced, renders all the subjects installed in its experience – specifically the psychoanalysts – incapable of confronting it in the slightest way.


The males – the proof has been given superabundantly – this question of feminine sexuality has never taken a serious step, when it comes from a subject apparently defined as male by his anatomical constitution. But the most curious thing is that women psychoanalysts, then, for their part, in approaching this theme, manifestly show all the signs of a feebleness that suggests just one fact. That they are absolutely terrified by what they might have to formulate about it!


So that the question of feminine jouissance does not seem to be really going to be studied in the near future, since this is, good God, the only locus in which one could say something serious about it. At the very least, to evoke it in this way, to suggest to everyone, and especially the feminine part of those who are gathered here as listeners, the fact that one can express oneself in this way about feminine jouissance, is enough for us to place it, to inaugurate a dimension, which, even if we do no enter it, for want to being able to do so, is absolutely essential to situate everything that we have to say along another route.


(7) The object, then, is not at all given in itself by the reality of the partner! I mean the object involved in the normed dimension, described as genital, of the sexual act. It is much closer – in any case it is the first approach that is given to us – to the function of detumescence.


To say that there is a castration complex, is precisely to say that detumescence in no way suffices to constitute it.


This is what we have, rather dully, taken care to affirm at first. Now, of course, this fact of experience that it is not the same thing to copulate or to masturbate.


It nevertheless remains, that this dimension which ensures that the question of the value of jouissance is
attached, takes its point of support, its pivotal point, where detumescence is possible, ought not to be neglected!


Because the function of detumescence, whatever we may have to think about it on the physiological plane, (royally neglected by psychoanalysts, who on this point have not brought the slightest little clinical light that is new, which is not already in all the manuals , about the physiology of sex, I mean, which could not be found everywhere before psychoanalysis was born) but what matter! This only re-enforces what it is a matter of knowing: that detumescence is only there for its subjective utilisation, in other words, to recall the limit described as the pleasure principle.


Detumescence, by being the characteristic of the functioning of the penile organ, specifically, in the genital act -and precisely in the measure in which what it supports in terms of jouissance is kept in suspense – is there to introduce, legitimately or not (when I say legitimately, I mean, as something real, or as a supposed dimension), to introduce the fact that there is jouissance beyond. That the pleasure principle, here, functions as a limit at the edge of a dimension of jouissance in so far as it is suggested by the union described as the sexual act,


Everything that experience shows us, what is called premature ejaculation and what it would be better to call, in our register, premature detumescence, gives rise to the idea that the function, that of detumescence, can represent in itself the negative of a certain jouissance.


Of a jouissance which is precisely the following, and the clinic only shows us too much of it, of a jouissance which is …what the subject sets his face against. Indeed the subject makes off, in so far, precisely, as this jouissance is, as such, too consistent with this dimension of castration, perceived in the sexual act, as a threat.


All this precipitation of the subject with respect to this beyond allows us to conceive that it is not without foundation that, in these stumblings, these lapses of the sexual act, there is demonstrated precisely what is at stake in the castration complex. Namely, that detumescence is cancelled out as a good in itself, that it is reduced to the function of protection, rather, against a dreaded evil, whether you call it jouissance or (8) castration, as itself a lesser evil.



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