Logic of Phantasy 89 Jacques Lacan

Logic of Phantasy 89
Jacques Lacan
雅克 拉康

Lacan Seminar 14:
The Logic of Fantasy 19

Seminar 19: Wednesday, May 10, 1967

I am coming back to it. What Freud lagged the “river of mud”, concerning the largest field of knowledge, this whole part of absolutely inundating knowledge from which we are scarcely emerging, to pinpoint it by the term of mystical knowledge. At the basis of everything that has manifested itself to the world, in this order, there is only the sexual act. The other side of my formula: there is no sexual act.


It is altogether superfluous to pretend to be referring to the Freudian position in any way whatsoever, if one does not take literally the following. At the basis of everything that (13) has been contributed, up to the present, my God, in terms of satisfaction, knowledge … (I am saying, knowledge. I pinpointed it as mystical in order to distinguish it from that has been born in our day in the form of science)…of everything that belongs to knowledge, there is nothing, at its source, except the sexual act.


To read, in Freud, that there are, in the psyche, desexualised functions, means – in Freud – that one must seek sex at their origin. This does not mean that there is what is called in one or other place, for political needs, this famous “non-conflictual sphere”, for example, an ego that is more or less strong, more less autonomous, that can have a more or less aseptic apprehension of reality.


To say that there are relations to the truth – I am saying: the truth – that do not involve the sexual act, is properly speaking not true, there are none such.


I apologise for these formulae, whose cutting edge, I suggest, may perhaps be felt in too lively a manner.


But I made this observation to myself. First of all, that all of this is implied in everything that I have ever stated, in so far as I know what I am saying. But also this remark: that the fact that I know what I am saying is not enough! That is not enough for you to recognise it there. Because, basically, the only sanction of the fact that I know what I am saying, is what I do not say! This is not a fate proper to me. It is the fate of all of those who know what they are saying.


This is what makes communication very difficult. Either one knows what one is saying, or one says it.


But, in many cases, we must consider that it is pointless, because no one notices that the core of what you have to get across is precisely what you never say! This is what the others say and what continues to make noise and, still more, involves certain effects. This is what forces us, from time to time, and even more often that our turn, to do a good sweeping out. Once one is engaged on this path one has no reason to finish. There was, formerly, someone called Hercules who, it appears, finished his work in the stables of someone call Augias. It is the only case that I know of stables being cleaned up, at least when it is a certain domain that is at stake!


There is only a single domain, it seems – and I am not sure about it – which has no relation with the sexual act in so far as it concerns the truth: it is mathematics, at its point of confluence with logic. But I believe that this is what allowed Russell to say that one never knows whether what one is putting forward is true. I am not saying, truly true! Quite simply, true.


In fact, it is true, starting from a definitional position of the truth. If such and such of some axioms are true, then a system develops, which one can judge to be consistent or not.


What is the relation of this with what I have just said, namely, with the truth, in so far as it requires the presence, the putting into question as truth of the sexual act?


(14) Well then, even after having said that, I am not sure, all the same, that this marvellous, this sublime modern deployment of mathematical logic, or of logical mathematics, is altogether without a relation with the hesitation about whether there is or not a sexual act.


It is enough for me to hear the groans of someone like Cantor. Because it is in the form of a groan that at given moment of his life he states that people do not know that the great difficulty, the great risk of mathematics, is that it is a place of freedom. We know that Cantor paid very dearly for this freedom!


So that, the formula that the true concerns the real, in so far as we are engaged in it by the sexual act, by this sexual act about which I am advancing, first of all, that one is not too sure that it exists – even though it is the only thing that interests truth -( appears to me the most correct formula, at the point that we are getting to in it.


The symptom, then, any symptom, is knotted together at this locus of the holed One. And this is why it always involves, however astonishing this may appear to us, its aspect of satisfaction. I am saying, for the symptom.


Sexual truth is exigent and it is better to satisfy it a little bit more than not enough.


From the point of view of satisfaction, we can conceive that a symptom, in this respect, may be more satisfying than reading a detective story.


There is a greater relation between a symptom and the sexual act, than between the truth and the fundamental “I am not thinning”, with which I reminded you at the beginning of these reflections, man alienates his “I am not”, which is not easy to tolerate. Compared to which, our earlier alibi of “to be rejected”, even though it is not all that agreeable in itself, may appear more tolerable.


So then? We are finished for the moment with the One. I had to indicate this. Let us go to the Other, as the locus where the signifier takes place. Because I did not tell you up till now that the signifier was there, since the signifier only exists as a repetition. Because it is what brings about the thing that is at stake as true.



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