Logic of Phantasy 71 Jacques Lacan

Logic of Phantasy 71
Jacques Lacan
雅克 拉康

Lacan Seminar 14:
The Logic of Fantasy 16

Seminar 16: Wednesday, April 12, 1967

It is very curious! It is very curious, because this leads us: if I introduced earlier for you, the he-man – here I am, and moreover in a way very much in conformity with the genius of the English tongue, which calls la femme “woman”, and God knows that literature has gloated over this “wo”, which indicates nothing good (laughter) – I would call her she-man, or again, in French, by this word – which is going to lend itself, once I introduce it, to some gloating and, I suppose an enormous amount of misunderstanding: l – apostrophe – homme-elle.

真是耐人寻味!这是耐人寻味,因为我们被引导:如我早先跟你们介绍,这个「刚健男性」,某方面跟英语的高手所称为的「婉约女性」为女人,有異曲同工之妙。天晓得,文学对於这个男人的man 前面多个wo,垂涎不已,儘管那也不是什麽好东西(笑声)。我宁可用法文这个字,称呼她为「婉约男性」,这样当我介绍时,有助於引起更多的垂涎。我认为这里引起的误解可就大了:「我」作为一位「刚健男性」。

I am introducing here the homme-elle! (laughter). I present her to you, I hold her by the little finger. She will be of great service to us.


The whole of analytic literature is there to bear witness to the fact that everything that has been articulated about the place of the woman in the sexual act is only in the measure that the woman plays the function of the hommeelle.


Let the women who are here not wince, for in truth, it is precisely to reserve, where it is, the place of this Woman (capital W), about whom we have been speaking from the beginning, that I am making this remark.


Perhaps everything that is intimated to us about feminine sexuality – in which moreover, in conformity with eternal experience, a role is played that is eminently one of masquerade, namely, the way in which she uses an equivalent of the phallic object, which has always made her the wearer of jewels – “indiscreet jewels”, Diderot says somewhere. We are going to be able, perhaps, to finally know how to make them speak.


It is very curious that, from the subtraction somewhere of a jouissance which is only chosen for its character of easy handling – if I can designate penile jouissance in this way – we should see there being introduced here, with what Marx and ourselves call the fetish, namely, this extracted, fixed, use-value, a hole somewhere – the only point of insertion necessary for any sexual ideology.


This subtraction of jouissance somewhere, is the pivot.

But you must not believe that the woman – there where she is the alienation of analytic theory and that of Freud himself who is the great enough father of this theory (14) to have noticed this alienation in the question that he repeated: “What does the woman want?” – you must not believe that the woman, on this subject, is any worse off!


I mean that she disposes of her own jouissance in a way that totally escapes this ideological grasp.
Even though she is an homme-elle, she is never lacking in resources and it is because of this that even feminist demands do not involve anything particularly original. It is still the same masquerade that continues, simply with a contemporary flavour. Where she remains impregnable, impregnable as a woman, is outside the system described as the sexual act.


It is searching from there that we have to gauge the difference between what is involved, concerning the act, as regards the respective status of the original sexes – man and woman – in what the sexual act establishes, in so far as a subject can be grounded on it. They are brought to the height of their disunion through the point to which I have led you today. Because if I spoke to you about the homme-elle … the homme-il, for his part has disappeared! Ha! There are no more of them! Since they are precisely, as such, withdrawn from use-value.


Naturally this does not prevent them circulating really. Man, as a penile value, circulates very well. But it is clandestine! Whatever may be the certainly essential value that this plays in social climbing. Through the left hand, generally speaking.


I would say further. We ought not to omit this. If the homme-il is not recognised in the status of the sexual act in the sense that it is foundational in society, there exists “a society for the protection” of homme-il.


This is even what is called masculine homosexuality. It is on this point that, in a way, is marginal and humorously pinpointed, that I will stop today, simply because time has set a term to what I had prepared for you today.



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