Logic of Phantasy 66 Jacques Lacan

Logic of Phantasy 66
Jacques Lacan
雅克 拉康

Lacan Seminar 14:
The Logic of Fantasy 16

Seminar 16: Wednesday, April 12, 1967

Perhaps we can now pose its question as relevant, if we can make it homologous to these facts.


In truth, we are ready for it, since we have noted as well as practised this structure, from encountering it in our psychoanalytic experience, and because our remarks – if we introduce them from a point of view, that is moreover trivial (I am pushing open doors here) about the order of sciences – our remarks are not without aiming at results such that it is indeed necessary, after all, for this order – I am saying: the order of sciences – to accommodate itself to them.


The structure I have taught, ever since I have been teaching – not since I have been writing, since I have been teaching – the structure is that the subject is an act of language (fait de langage), is something to do with language (fait du langage).


The subject thus designated is what the function of the word is generally attributed to.


It is distinguished for having introduced a style of being which is its own energy (I mean in the Aristotelian sense of the term energy). This style is the act in which he keeps quiet (il se tait). Tacere is not silere,,and nevertheless they overlap at an obscure frontier.


To write, as has been done, that there is no point in searching in my Ecrits for any allusion to silence, is a
stupidity. When I wrote the formula of the drive – on the top right of the graph – as S barred diamond of capital D (the demand): it is when the demand keeps quiet that the drive begins.


But if I did not speak at all about silence, it is because precisely sileo is not taceo. The act of keeping quiet does not liberate the subject from language. Even if the essence of the subject, culminates in this act – if he brandishes the shadow of his liberty – if this keeping quiet remains heavy with an enigma, which made heavy, for (4) such a long time, the presence of the animal world, we no longer have any trace of it except in phobia. But let us remember that for a long time the gods were put there.


The eternal silence of anything whatsoever, now only half scares us because of the appearance that science presents to common consciousness of positing itself as a knowledge which refuses to depend on language, without for all that this so-called consciousness being struck by this correlation: that it refuses at the same time to depend on the subject.


What really happens, is not that science does without the subject, but that it clears it out of language, I mean expels it. The fact is that it creates its formulae from a language that is emptied of the subject. It starts from ”prohibition on this subject-effect of language. This has only one result, which is to prove that the subject is only an effect of language but it is an empty effect. Henceforth, the void circumscribes it, namely, makes it appear as a pure structure of language. This is the sense of the discovery of the unconscious.


The unconscious is a moment where there speaks, at the place of the subject, pure language; a sentence about which there is always question of knowing who has said it.


The unconscious, its status, that one can well say to be scientific, since it originates because of science, the fact is that the subject … the fact is that it is the subject which, rejected from the symbolic, reappears in the real, making present there what is now done in the history of science – I mean accomplished – presentifying there its only support, language itself. This is the sense of the appearance, in science, of the new linguistics.


What does language itself speak about, when it is thus unmoored from the subject, but because of that,
representing it in its structural radicalised void? This we know in general: it speaks. It speaks about sex, with a word – in that I am going to tackle the sexual act to question it – in that the sexual act represents silence, namely – you are going to see how necessary it is – with a tenacious, obstinate word to force this silence and for good reasons.


I will take the time all the same … I will take the time to dissipate here in a fashion that I do not believe is
pointless, the first prejudice to present itself. It is not new, of course! But to illuminate it in a novel way is always important.


The first prejudice to present itself in the psychologising context – the difference is constituted there with reference to the statement, the only true one, that we have given about the unconscious – could be formulated from the fall, in our statement, of an index essential to the structure..Does this unconscious speak in the same of sex, as I said?


Here, frivolous minds – and God knows they abound – swallow this “about” (du. The unconscious speaks sex: it bells, it rails, it coos, it mews, It belongs to the order of all those vocal noises of the word. It is a “sexual aspiration”. Such is the sense, in effect, that is pre-supposed, in the best cases, by the use that is made of the term life-instinct in psychoanalytic rumination.


Every erroneous use of discourse about the subject has the effect of reducing this discourse itself to the level of what it phantasies in place of the subject. This psychoanalytic discourse of which I speak is itself a rattle. It rattles by summoning up the figure of an Eros that is supposed to be a unitive power and again having a universal impact. To take as the same essence what holds together the totality of the cells of an organism and – as having same essence – the force that is supposed to push the individual thus composed to copulate with another, belongs properly to the domain of delusion, at a time when meiosis, I think, is sufficiently distinguished from mitosis, at least under a microscope! … I mean as regards everything that is presupposed by the anatomical phases of the metabolism that they represent.



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