Logic of Phantasy 47 Jacques Lacan

Logic of Phantasy 47
Jacques Lacan
雅克 拉岡

Lacan Seminar 14:
The Logic of Fantasy 11

Lacan Seminar 14:
TheLogic of Fantasy 12
Seminar 12: Wednesday, February 22, 1967

(4) This does not mean, of course, that we reject either the data or the experience. But that we submit what we are contributing in terms of new formulae to this test of seeing whether it is not precisely our formulae that will allow there to be defined not only the well-foundedness but also the sense of what has already been initiated.


The acting-out, then, that I am putting forward – you already sense perhaps the relevance of putting it forward in this situation of the field of the Other, which it is a matter for us of restructuring, as I might say, if only because of the following. That history, like experience as it is being pursued, indicates to us, at the very least, a certain global correspondence between this term and what analytic experience establishes. I am not saying that an acting-out occurs only during analysis. I am saying that it is from analysis and from what was produced in it, that the problem emerged. That there arose the fundamental distinction which lead acting-out to be isolated, to be distinguished, from the act, and from the passage a l’acte as it can pose us problems, as psychiatrists, and be established as an autonomous category. I have only put forward a correlate, then, the one that makes it like the symptom qua manifestation of truth. It is certainly not the only one and other conditions are necessary.


I hope then that at least some of you know – parallel to these statements that I am going to be led to put at your disposition – will be able to glance through at least what, at a certain date – which is more or less 1947 or 1948 – the Yearbook of psychoanalysis began to be published after the last war – and the formula that Otto Fenichel gave of it: “Neurotic acting-out”.


I continue … What is the term that you are going to see being inscribed at the fourth meeting-point of these operational functions that determine what we are articulating on the basis of repetition? Even if this surprises you – and I think I will be able to sustain it as broadly as possible for your appreciation – it is something which, singularly, has remained in a certain suspense in analytic theory and is undoubtedly the conceptual point around which most clouds and false appearances have accumulated. To name it, and moreover it is already written on this board (since it is to this note by Heinz Hartmann that I would ask you to refer to grasp a typical fruit of the analytic situation as such) it is, sublimation.


(5) Sublimation is the term – that I would not call mediating, for it is not that at all – is the term that allows us to inscribe the basis and the conjunction of what is involved in subjective stability, in so far as repetition is its fundamental structure aid that it involves this essential dimension about which there remains the greatest obscurity, in everything that has been formulated up to the present in analysis, and which is called satisfaction.


Befriedigung, says Freud. You should sense there the presence of the term Friede, whose usual sense is peace. I think that we live in a time in which this word, at least, will not appear to be obvious to you.
What is the satisfaction that Freud conjugates for us as essential for repetition in its most radical form?


Since, in fact, this is the mode in which he produces before you the function of the Wiederholungszang, in so far as it encompasses not alone a particular functioning of life, for its part quite locatable under the term of the pleasure principle, but that it sustains this life itself about which we can now admit everything, even up to the point, which has become a tangible truth, that there is nothing in the material that it stirs up which, in the final analysis, is not dead (I am saying of its nature inanimate). But which it is nevertheless clear will not surrender this material that it collects together to its domain of the inanimate, “except in its own way”, Freud tells us. Namely, everything being in this satisfaction which means that it has to repass and retrace, the same paths that it has – how? – constructed, and that undoubtedly it testifies to us that its essence is to retrace them. There is – let us be very modest! – a world between this theoretical illumination and its verification.


Freud is not a biologist and one of the most striking things – which might be disappointing if we believe that it is enough to give the chief place in his thinking to the powers of life, that it is enough to do anything whatsoever which resembles the construction of a science which might be called biology – we analysts have contributed nothing to anything whatsoever that resembles biology. It is all the same very striking!
But why, nevertheless, do we hold so firmly to the assurance that, behind the satisfaction that we have to deal with when it is a matter of repetition, there is something that we designate – with all the awkwardness, with all the imprudence that can be involved, at the point that we are at in biological research – this term that we designate …


(this is the sense, the attachment point that I would go so far as to call fideist in Freud) – that we call sexual satisfaction. And this for the reason that Freud advanced before an astonished Jung, to stave off the “black tide of mud”, which is how Freud judges it with respect to the thinking that he designates by the term to which one will not fail to come if one does not hold fast, that he designates as the recourse to occultism.


Does this mean that everything happens so simply, I mean that these affirmations (6) are enough to give an acceptable articulation? This is the question that I am trying to advance today before you and which makes me push forward sublimation as the locus which, since it has been up to the present left fallow or covered with common scribblings, is nevertheless the one which is going to allow us to understand what is at stake in this fundamental satisfaction, which is the one that Freud articulates as a subjective opaqueness, as the satisfaction of repetition.


This conjunction of a basic point for the whole of logic, because what we bring with us into this marginal place of thinking, which is the one – a place of penumbra, a twilight zone – in which there is developed analytic action, if we bring with us there the requirements of logic, which is something that we are lead to make a merit of so that we will be able to pinpoint it with what I think must be its best name: sub-logic.


This is what in this very place, this year, we are trying to inaugurate.



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