Logic of Phantasy 32 Jacques Lacan

Logic of Phantasy 32
Jacques Lacan
雅克 拉岡

Lacan Seminar 14:
The Logic of Fantasy 8
Seminar 8: Wednesday, January 18, 1967

Undoubtedly these … devices, as I might say, will appear to you a little bit more advanced in their results than those that Freud gives you, but Freud gives you plenty of them to encourage you to go along the same path. Namely, that when you take the Secerno dream, the dream in which you have to close either one eye or two eyes, you will notice what that signifies. Namely, that this means, that one cannot have, at the same time, one eye or two eyes open, that it is not the same thing.


In short, the legitimacy of the logic of the phantasy is precisely this something for which Freud’s whole chapter, to speak of only that one, prepares us. Prepares us by showing us that what Freud is tracing the path of, is a logic of these thoughts. Namely, the following, which means: it requires this support of the locus of the Other, which cannot, very precisely, be articulated here except by a therefore, I am not.
So here we are suspended at the level of this function, at a you are not, therefore I am not. Does that not tickle your ears in a certain way? Do we not have here, I would say, the most importunate language of love itself?


What does that mean? Must we take further the sense, which moreover gives its truth: you are only what I am. Everyone knows and can recognise that if the sense of love, is indeed in effect this formula that I give, love in fact in its agitation, in its naive elan, as in many of its discourses, does not commend itself as a function of thinking.


I mean that if, from a formula such as you are not, therefore I am not, there emerges (11) the monster whose effect we know rather well in everyday life, it is very precisely in so far as this truth – that of the you are not, therefore I am not – is rejected )verworfen) in love. The manifestation of love in the real is very precisely the characteristic that I state of every Verwerfung, namely, the most inconvenient and the most depressing effects – this is a still further illustration of it – in which the paths of love are nowhere to be designated as so easily traced out.


Assuredly, in Descartes’ time there was no one unaware of these laws, of course. We were at the time of Angelus Silesius, who dared to say to God: “If I were not there, well then, it is very simple, you, God, qua existing God, you would not be there either”. In such an epoch one can talk about the problems of our own: more exactly one can put oneself back there to form a judgement on what constitutes an impasse for us.


What does Freud tell us, to take further the examination of his logic? If you still have the slightest doubt about the nature of the subversion, which makes of the Bedeutung – in so far as we grasp it at the moment of its alteration, of its torsion as such, of its amputation, indeed of its ablation – the source that allows us to recognise in it the reestablished function of logic, if you still have the slightest doubt, you would see these doubts vanishing by seeing how Freud, in the dream, reintegrates everything that appears there as judgement, whether these judgements are internal to the lived experience of this dream, but still more when they present themselves as – in appearance – waking judgements.


When, he tells us, in connection with the dream, something in the dreamer’s account, is indicated as being a moment of oscillation, of interruption, of lacuna (as formerly I said at the time when I was making something of the “lacuna”) Lucken, an Unterbrechung, a rupture, in the account that I, the dreamer, may give of it, this itself is to be reinstated, Freud tells us, as forming part of the text of the dream. And what does this designate? It is enough for me to refer, somewhere, to what Freud gives us as an example of it. “I was going”, says one of his dreamers, “in das Volksgarten restaurant – into the Volksgarten Restaurant with Fraulein K…” And here, there is a dunkel Stelle, this is the passage of which there is nothing more to be said, he no longer knows. And then it takes up again: “then I found myself in the salon of a brothel, – in dem ich zwei oder drei Frauen sehe – where I saw two or three women, one in her chemise and drawers.” (SE 4 333).


The analysis: Fraulein K. is the daughter of his former chief, and what is characteristic, is the circumstance in which he had to speak to her and which he designates in these terms: “it was just as though we had become aware of – Mann sich erkante, – gleischsam: in a sort of equality – in seiner Geschlechtigleit, of her sexual (12) quality, as if what was being said was: I am a man Ich bin ein Mann – und du ein Weib – and you a woman.” (ibid. with Lacan’s nuances)


Here, very precisely is why Fraulein K. is chosen to constitute the beginning of the dream, but also no doubt to determine its syncopation. For what is going to follow, in the dream, proves itself very precisely to be what comes to disturb this lovely relation full of certainties between man and woman. Namely, that the three persons who are linked, for him, to the memory of this restaurant and who also represent the ones that he finds in the salon of the brothel are, respectively, his sister, the wife of his brother-in-law, and a friend of hers (or of his, it does not matter). In any case three women with whom one cannot say that his relations are marked by a frank and direct sexual approach.


In other words, what Freud demonstrates to us as being always and strictly correlative to this syncopation of the Trauminhalt, to the deficiency of the signifiers, is, precisely, anything whatsoever in language (and not simply the mirages of looking into one another’s eyes) that, once it is reproached, would put in question what is involved in the relations of sex as such.



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