Logic of Phantasy 9 Jacques Lacan

Logic of Phantasy 9
Jacques Lacan
雅克 拉岡

Lacan Seminar 14: The
Logic of Fantasy 4
Seminar 4: Wednesday, December 6, 1966

You were able, the last time we met here, to hear what Jacques-Alain Miller put to you. I was not able to add many observations to it by reason of time.


I think that you were able to notice in this presentation – marked by a sure knowledge of what, properly speaking, was inaugurated, we can say, on the whole, as modern logic, by the work and the labour of Boole – (it is perhaps not a matter of my last lecture, let us say, who had not been able either to have it communicated to him, since I myself only got the text two days ago, found himself then, by the path and the presentation that he chose … and you were able also to sense very well, I think, that at the moment that I announced him at my last lecture, I was not too sure of the subject that he had chosen. These remarks have their interest, precisely, because of the extraordinary convergence, let us say, or again if you wish reapplication of what ha was able to state before you, no doubt, of course, knowing what he was about, namely, knowing what are the principles and, as I might say, the axioms around which, for the moment, my development is turning …).


It is nevertheless striking, that with the help of Boole – in whom, of course, there is absent this major articulation that no signifier is able to signify itself – that in starting from Boole’s logic … namely, from this turning point at which, in a way, one sees, by having wanted to formalist classical logic, that this formalisation itself allows there to be brought to it not simply major extensions, but is revealed to be the hidden essence on which this logic had been able to orient itself and to construct itself, while believing it was following something which was not really its foundation, while believing that it was following what we are going to try to (2) circumscribe today in order, in a way, to set it apart from the field in which we are going to proceed, in so far as we have announced: the logic of phantasy.


The surprising ease with which, from fields left blank in the logic of Boole, Miller rediscovered the situation, the place, where the signifier in its proper function is in a way elided, in this famous (-1), whose exclusion he admirably separated out in the logic of Boole – the fashion in which, by this very elision, he indicated the place where what I am trying to articulate here is situated, is here something which I believe, has its importance, not at all that I am complimenting him on it here, but which allows you to grasp the consistency, the straight line, in which there is inserted this logic that we are obliged to found in the name of the facts of the unconscious and which, as is to be expected, if we are what we are, namely, rationalists – what must be expected, is, of course, not at all that the previous logic `should be in some way overturned, but that it should rediscover there its proper foundations.


Moreover you were able to see it being marked, in passing, that in this point which requires for us the bringing into play of a certain symbol, this something which corresponds to this (-1) which Boole does not use, or forbids himself to use, not being sure whether this (-1) is the best to use. For what is proper to a logic, to a formal logic, is that it operates, and what we have to bring out this year are new operators whose shadow, in a way, has already been profiled in the fact that, depending on the ears to which I was addressing myself, I already tried to articulate in a manageable fashion – manageable for what had to be handled, which was nothing other, on that occasion, than analytic praxis – but what, this year, we are taking to its limits, to its edges properly speaking, obliges us to give more rigorous formulations to circumscribe what we are dealing with, and which deserves in some aspects to be taken, to be undertaken, in the most general articulation which is given to us at the moment in the matter of
logic, namely: what is centred on the function of sets.


I leave this subject, of what Miller brought us then the last time, less as an articulation of what I am developing before you, than as confirmation, assurance, a framework in the margin. It is not without interest to highlight for you that in designating, in Sartre, under the name of “thetic self-consciousness”, the fashion in which, in a way, he occupies the place where this logical articulation resides – which is our task this year – what is involved here is indeed only what is called a substitute (tenant-lieu) – very properly – namely: that which, what we have to occupy ourselves with, we analysts, only in a fashion that is strictly equivalent to the way in which we occupy ourselves with other substitutes, when we have to handle what is an effect of the unconscious.


(3) This is the reason why one can say that in no way can what I am stating about the structure be situated with respect to Sartre, since this fundamental point, around which turns the privilege that he tries to maintain of the subject, is properly this sort of substitute which can in no way interest me except in the register of its interpretation.

Logic, then, of the phantasy … It is almost necessary to recall – but we can only do it very rapidly in the way that, touching a bell with the tip of the finger, one makes it vibrate for an instant – to remind you on this point of the unextinguished vacillation of what is attached to the tradition, that the term “university” will pinpoint here (if we give to this sense not at all anything whatsoever which designates or shames a geographical point, but this sense of Universitas litterarum or a cursus classici, let us say), it is not useless in passing to indicate that – whatever may be the other much more historical sense that one can give to this term of “university” – there is here some allusion to what I called the Universe of discourse. At least it is not vain to bring the two terms together.


Now, it is clear that in this hesitation (remember the waltz) that the professor of philosophy – in the year I think you all went through, more or less as many of you as are here – performed around logic, (namely: what is involved in it, the laws of thinking or its norms, the way it functions and that we are going to extract scientifically, will we say, or the way it ought to be conducted?) – you must admit that in so far as this debate has not yet been settled, perhaps a suspicion may arise for us that the function of the University in the sense that I articulated it earlier, is perhaps precisely to put off the decision about it.
all that I can say is that this decision, perhaps, is more involved – I am speaking about logic – in what is happening in Vietnam, for example, than what is involved in thinking, if in fact it still remains suspended in this way, in this dilemma between its laws … which in that case leaves us asking ourselves whether it is applied to the “world” as they say, let us say rather: to the real, in other words: whether it is not dreaming? (I am not losing my psychoanalytic bearings. I am speaking about things that interest us, us analysts, because for us analysts, to know whether the man who is thinking is dreaming is a question that has the most concrete sense. To whet your appetite, to keep you in suspense, you should know that I have indeed the intention of posing the question, this year, of what is involved in the waking state …) Norms of thinking, opposed to the other, here indeed is something that also interests us, and in the dimension that is not reduced by this little sand papering by which generally, the professor, when he is dealing with logic in the philosophy class, will end up by ensuring that these laws and these (4) norms end up by being presented with the same “smoothness”, which allows one to pass one’s finger from one to the other, in other words to handle all of that blindly.


For us, the relief has not been lost (I am saying, us analysts) of this dimension which is entitled: that of the true. In so far as, after all, it does not require, does not imply in itself the support of thinking, and that if in questioning what it is – the true that is at stake – in connection with which there is stirred up the phantasy of a norm, undoubtedly, it clearly appears – from the origin – that this is not immanent to thinking. If I allowed myself, to touch the ears that it was necessary to make vibrate, to write one day, erecting a figure which it was not moreover very difficult to bring to life – that of the truth, emerging from the well, as it has always been depicted – in order to make it say: “Me, the truth, I speak”, it is indeed in effect to highlight this relief in which it is a matter for us of maintaining that to which, properly speaking, our experience is attached and which is absolutely impossible to exclude from the articulation of Freud: for Freud is here put, immediately, up against it – and there is no need to intervene for that: he put himself there himself.



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