A Love Letter

Encore by Lacan

P. 79
A love letter 一封情書

After what I just put on the board, you may think you know everything. Don’t.

Today I am going to try to speak about knowledge, about that knowledge which, in the inscription of the four discourses—on which the social linked is based, as I thought I could show you—I symbolized by writing S 2. Perhaps I will manage to day to make you see why this 2 goes further than a secondariness in relation to the pure signifier that is written S 1.

Inscription 標記 symbolize用符號象徵 secondariness 次級主體 signifier意符

Four discourses 拉岡指的是主人的真理論述Master’s discourse、大學的真理論述university’s discourse、歇斯底里症患者的真理論述the hysteric’s discourse ,及精神分析師的真理論述the analyst’s discourse。


Since I decided to give you this inscription as a prop on the blackboard, I am going to comment on it, briefly I hope. I did not, I must admit, write it down or prepare it anywhere. It doesn’t strike me as exemplary, if not, as usual, in producing misunderstanding.

inscription 題詞、標記 prop 支撐 comment on 評論 exemplary 典範
strike…as—give an particular impression…as 給予一特別的印象
The inscription doesn’t strike me as exemplary.

If not 若非
It doesn’t strike me as exemplary, if not, as usual, in producing misunderstanding.
I would not have escaped the danger, if not for their help.
= I would not have escaped the danger, if it had not been for their help.


In effect, a discourse like analytic discourse aims at meaning. By way of meaning, it is clear that I can only deliver to you, to each of you, what you are already on the verge of absorbing. That has a limit, a limit provided by the meaning in which you live. I wouldn’t be exaggerating if I said that that doesn’t go very far. What analytic discourse brings out is precisely the idea that that meaning is based on semblance.

In effect 事實上 aim at 目標是要 by way of 藉由 on the verge of 即將 go far 很大進展 bring out 顯示 exaggerate 誇張 precisely 確實是 semblance 、偽裝、類同 analytic discourse 精神分析學的論述


If analytic discourse indicates that that meaning is sexual, that can only be by explaining its limit. There is nowhere any kind of a last word if not in the sense in which “ word” is “ not a word”(mos,e’est motus)—I have already stressed that. “ No answer, not a word”( Pas de reponse, mot), Lafontaine says somewhere. Meaning indicates the direction toward which it fails( echoue).

Indicate 指示 sexual 性 stress 強調
the last word—最新式的東西、最後的定論
These apartments are the last word in luxury.
This is the last word in fire-proof construction.
This book will surely be the last word on the subject.
Under our system the civilians have the last word in everything.

nowhere….if not
You can find a better product nowhere, if not here.
你在別的地方,找不到比這裡更好的產品。( 這裡的產品最好不過。)
There is nowhere any kind of a last word if not in the sense in which “ word” is “not a word”.

nothing…if not—非常
He’s nothing, if not careful.他這個人非常細心。
H.e is nothing, if not matter-of-fact他非常實事求是。


“ Word” is “ not a word”「話是說了,但是話的原意沒有透露出來」的說法,有一點類似老子在道德經的「道可道、非常道。名可名、非常名」,以及禪宗的「言行道斷」。

Le Fontaine在「驢子與狗」的寓言,描述一位主人帶驢子與狗遠行。途中主人在樹下小盹,驢子乘機吃路邊草,唯恐不及,對於狗要求它蹲下,讓它可以吃驢背上食物,置之不理No answer, not a word 。後來野狼來到,驢子驚恐,要求狗幫忙它對抗,狗卻高談闊論,驢子應該如逃避野狼的大道理,本身卻沒有幫助的動作。結果,驢子為野狼所噬。

Having posited that, which should make you beware understanding too quickly, having taken all these precautions dictated by mere prudence—ψρβνησνεζ as it is expressed in Greek in which so many things were said, but which remained far from what analytic discourse allows us to articulate—here is more or less what is inscribed on the blackboard.

Posit 假定 precautions 預防 dictate 支配 by mere prudence 謹慎 far from 絲毫不是 articulate 清楚表達 inscribe 銘記、標記

Having posited that , here is more or less what is inscribed on the blackboard.

Having taken all these precautions which are dictated by mere prudence, here is more or less what is inscribed on the blackboard.

What I posit should make you beware understanding too quickly.

It is expressed in Greek in which so many things were said, but which remained far from what analytic discourse allows us to articulate.


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