Lacan 412

Lacan 412

The subversion of the subject and the dialectic of desire in the Freudian unconscious

There is the Other of the other

So our attention is now drawn to the subjective status of the signifying chain in the unconscious, or rather in primal repression.


In our deduction it is easier to understand why it was necessary to question oneself regarding the function that supports the subject of the unconscious, to grasp that it is difficult to designate that subject anywhere as subject of a statement, and therefore as the articulator, when he does not even know that he is speaking. Hence the concept of the drive, in which he is designated by an organic, oral, anal, etc, mapping that satisfies the requirement of being all the farther away from speaking the more he speaks.


But although our completed graph enables us to place the drive as the treasure of the signifiers, its notation as ( $ ◇ D)maintains its structure by linking it with diachrony. It is that which proceeds from demand when the subject disappears in it. It is obvious enough that demand also disappears, with the single exception that the cut remains, for this cut remains present in that which distinguishes the drive from the organic function it inhabits; namely, its grammatical artifice, so manifest in the reversions of its articulation to both source and object—Freud is unfailingly illuminating on this matter.

雖然根據這個完整的圖形,我們能夠將欲望驅力的位置當著是意符的寶藏庫,它的象徵符號( $ ◇ D)跟歷時性分析連接,以維持它的結構。當主體從那裡消失的時候,要求就繼續前進。顯而易見的,要求也會消失,僅有的例外是,那個切割始終存在。這個切割始終存在於欲望驅力與它所駐留的器官的功用區分的地方。換句話說,欲望驅力的表達生動有力,不論是它的起源,或是目標的來回表達。對於這一點,佛洛伊德毫無疑問,給我們的啟發最為可貴。

The very delimitation of the ‘erogenous zone’ that the drive isolates from the metabolism of the function ( the act of devouring concerns other organs than the mouth—ask one of Pavlov’s dogs) is the result of a cut ( coupure) expressed in the anatomical mark ( trait) of a margin or border—lips, ‘ the enclosure of the teeth’, the rim of the anus, the tip of the penis, the vagina, the slit formed by the eyelids, even the horn-shaped aperture of the ear ( I am avoiding embryological details here). Respiratory erogeneity has been little studied, but it is obviously through the spasm that it comes into play.


Observe that this mark of the cut is no less obviously present in the object described by analytic theory: the mamilla, faeces, the phallus ( imaginary object), the urinary flow. ( An unthinkable list, if one adds, as I do, the phoneme, the gaze, the voice—the nothing.) for is it not obvious that this feature, this partial feature, rightly emphasized in objects, is applicable not because these objects are part of a total object, the body, but because they represent only partially the function that produces them?


These objects have one common feature in my elaboration of them—they have no specular image, or, in other words, alterity. It is what enables them to be the ‘ stuff’, or rather the lining, though not in any sense the reverse, of the very subject that one takes to be the subject of consciousness. For this subject, who thinks he can accede to himself by designating himself in the statement, is no more than such an object. Ask the writer about the anxiety that he experiences when faced by the blank sheet of paper, and he will tell you who is the turd of his phantay.


It is to this object that cannot be grasped in the mirror that the specular image lends its clothes. A substance caught in the net of the shadow, and which, robbed of its shadow-swelling volume, holds out once again the tired lure of the shadow as if it were substance.


What the graph now offers is situated at the point at which every signifying chain prides itself on looping its signification. If we are to expect such an effect from the unconscious enunciation, it is to be found here in S (Φ), and read as: signifier of a lack in the Other, inherent in its very function s the treasure of the signifier. And this is so even though the other is required ( che vuoi) is to respond to the value of this treasure, that is to say, to reply, from its place in the lower chain certainly, but also in the signifiers that constitute the upper chain, in terms of drive, in other words.

這個圖形現在所提供我們的東西,位置是在每一個意符的鎖鏈沾沾自喜已經套牢它的意義的那一點。假如我們想要從無意識的表達,得到意義套牢這樣的效果,那必須要在作為大它者的理想自我S (Φ)那裡才能找到。這個符號公式的讀法是:在大它者領域作為一個欠缺的意符,本質上的功用是充當意符的寶藏庫。即使被質疑「你到底期望我什麼」時,大它者不得不以這個意符的寶藏庫貯藏的價值作為應,換句話說,大它者的回答,不但要從它在意符鎖鏈底層的位置,而且要用組成上層意符鎖鏈的意符,換句話說,欲望驅力的意符。

The lack referred to here is indeed that which I have already formulated: that there is no Other of the Other. But is this mark made by the Unbeliever of the truth really the last word that is worth giving in reply to the question, ‘ What does the Other want of me?’, when we, the analysts, are its mouthpiece? Surely not, and precisely because there is nothing doctrinal about our office. We are answerable to no ultimate truth; we are neither for nor against any particular religion.



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