Lacan 410

Lacan 410
The subversion of the subject and the dialectic of desire in the Freudian unconscious

Desire of Sexuality and Subject
And if the somatic ananke of man’s powerlessness for some time after birth to move of his own accord, and a fortiori to be self-sufficient, ensures that he will be grounded in a psychology of dependence, how can that ananke ignore the fact that this dependence is maintained by a world of language, precisely because by and through language needs are diversified and reduced to a point at which their scope appears to be of a quite different order, whether in relation to the subject or to politics? To sum up: to the point that these needs have passed over into the register of desire, with all that this brings in terms of an obligation to confront our new experience with its paradoxes, which have always interested the moralist, with that mark of the infinite that theologians find in it, even with the precariousness of its status, as expressed in its most extreme form by Sartre: desire, a useless passion.


What psychoanalysis shows us about desire in what might be called its most natural function, since on it depends the propagation of the species, is not only that it is subjected, in its appropriation, its normality, in short, to the accidents of the subject’s history ( the notion of trauma as contingency), but also that all this requires the co-operation of structural elements, which, in order to intervene, can do very well without these accidents, whose effects, so unharmonious, so unexpected, so difficult to reduce, certainly seem to leave to experience a remainder that drove Freud to admit that sexuality must bear the mark of some unnatural split ( felure).


I would be wrong to think that the Freudian myth of the Oedipus complex had put an end to theology on the matter. For it is not enough to wave the flag of sexual rivalry. It would be better to read what Freud has to say about its co-ordinates; for they amount to the question with which he himself set out: “ What is Father?”


“ It is the dead father”, Freud replies , but no one listens, and, concerning that part of it that Lacan takes up again under the heading ‘ Name-of-the-Father’, it is regrettable that so unscientific a situation should still deprive him of his normal audience.


Yet analytic reflexion has centered vaguely on the problematic meconnaissance on the part of certain primitive peoples of the function of the progenitor, and psychoanalysts have argued, under the contraband banner of ‘ culturalism’, over the forms of an authority of which it cannot even be said that any sector of anthropology has provided a definition of any scope.


Will we have to be overtaken by the practice, which may in the course of time become common practice, of artificially inseminating women who have broken the phallic bounds with the sperm of some great man, before a verdict on the paternal function can be dragged out of us ?


Yet the Oedipus complex cannot run indefinitely in forms of society that are more and more losing the sense of tragedy.


Let us set out from the conception of the Other as the locus of the signifier. Any statement of authority has no other guarantee than its very enunciation, and it is pointless for it to seek it in another signifier, which could not appear outside this locus in any way. Which is what I mean when I say that no meta-language can be spoken, or, more aphoristically, that there is no other of the other. And when the legislator ( he who claims to lay down the Law) presents himself to fill the gap, he does so as an imposter.


But there is nothing false about the law itself, or about him who assumes its authority.


The fact that the Father may be regarded as the original representative of this authority of the law requires us to specify by what privileged mode of presence he is sustained beyond the subject who is actually led to occupy the place of the Other, namely, the Mother. The question, therefore, is pushed still further back.


It would seem odd, no doubt, that in opening up the immeasurable space that all demand implies, namely, that being a request for love, I should not leave more play to the question; but should concentrate it on that which is closed this side of it, by the very effect of demand, in order to give desire its proper place.


Indeed, it is quite simply, and I will say later in what way, as desire of the Other that man’s desire finds form, but it does so in the first instance by representing need only by means of a subjective opacity.


I will now explain by what way, this opacity produces, as it were, the substance of desire.


Desire begins to take shape in the margin in which demand becomes separated from need; this margin being that which is opened up by Other, under the form of the possible defect, which need may introduce into it, of having no universal satisfaction ( what is called ‘anxiety’). A margin which, linear as it may be, reveals its vertigo, even if it is not trampled by the elephantine feet of the other’s whim. Nevertheless, it is this whim that introduces the phantom of the Omnipotence, not of the subject, but of the Other in which his demand is installed ( it is time this idiotic cliché was, once and for all, put back in its place), and with this phantom the need for it to be checked by the Law.


But I will stop there and return to the status of the desire that presents itself as autonomous in relation to this mediation of the law, for the simple reason that it originates in desire, by virtue of the fact that by a strange symmetry it reverses the unconditional nature of the demand for love, in which the subject remains in subjection to the Other, and raises it to the power of absolute condition ( in which ‘absolute’ also implies ‘ detachment’)


For the gain obtained over anxiety with regard to need, this detachment is successful in its first, humblest form, that in which it was detected by a certain psychoanalyst in the course of his pediatric practice, and which is called ‘ the transitional object’, in other words, the bit of ‘ nappie’ or the beloved bit of material that the child never allows to leave his lips or hand.


This is no more than an emblem, I say; the representative of representation in the absolute condition is at home in the unconscious , where it causes desire according to the structure of the fantasy that I will now extract from it.



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