Earth and Reveries of Will 08

Earth and Reveries of Will 08


By Gaston Bachelard 巴舍拉

Translated by Springhero 雄伯


   The tactile sensation of digging into matter with one’s fingers, discovering its substance beneath form and color gives one the illusion of touching the very essence of matter. Once the material imagination has opened the inner depths of substance to us, untold riches are ours. A material image dynamically experienced, passionately adopted, patiently explored, is an opening in every sense of the world, in its real sense and its figurative sense. It assures the psychological reality of the figurative, the imaginary.



The material image transcends immediate existence and deepens superficial existence. This deepening reveals a double perspective; opening into the interior of the active subject and into the inner substance of the inert object encountered by perception. However, in working with matter, this double perspective is reversed. The inner depths of subject and object interchange; a salutary rhythm of introversion and extroversion comes to life in the worker’s spirit.



But if one truly invests an object with form, if one imposes a form on it in spite of its resistance, then introversion and extroversion become more than mere psychological orientations, or indexes of two opposing types of change. The worker necessarily experiences the sequence of such efforts and their immediate results. While in the face of human adversity even the smallest defeat sets back the introvert, in objective material adversity the worker is stimulated by resistance to the very degree that pride in mastery marks an introversion.



 In work, a strong introversion is a guarantee of energetic extroversion. Furthermore, the well-chosen material, in restoring to the rhythm of introversion and extroversion its true mobility., produces a means of rhythmanalysis, in the sense that Pinheriro dos Santos uses this term



 In work –with its righteous dreams, dreams which do not flee from work—this mobility is neither gratuitous nor useless. It finds its place between the dialectical extremes of too hard and too soft, at the point most suitable to the felicitous forces of the laborer. It is in connection with these forces, in the general psychic drive of these forces applied with mastery, that human beings experience the dynamic power of their own imagination. Thus we experience the imagination both moored and penetrant; only an idle persona would speak of the imagination as vagabond.



Of course the only depths imagination truly penetrates are imaginary, but the desire to penetrate reveals itself in images. In images of material penetration desire assumes a specific dynamic, one of the prudence and determination. Classical psychoanalysis would do well to study closely those images of penetration which accompany action upon various material substances and to study them in their own right without rushing to interpretation, as is too often the case.



Perhaps then the imagination would no longer be accused of wielding the power of substitution alone. It would be seen as a drive for images, an instinct for images which accompanies quite normally instincts of rougher, duller nature, for example, instincts as slow to develop as sexual desire. The constant opportunity offered by the imagination that renews and multiplies itself through diverse material images will not fail to become apparent if one studies the most active images of material penetration. One would thus see the psychological utility of bringing together the will to penetrate with images that encourage actual penetration.



This rapproachement reveals the intersection of reciprocal exchange where images become “ impulsive” and impulses themselves augment their gratification through images. The act and its image—there is a heightened state of being, dynamic existence which suppresses static existence so completely that passivity is reduced to nothingness. There is no question that imagery uplifts us, improves us; it gives us the potential to become more than what we are.



Thus I consider the imagination the center from which the dual orientations of all ambivalence—extroversion and introversion—extend. And if one examines images in their detail, one will recognize that the moral and aesthetic qualities attributed to images divide along these same lines of ambivalence. Images carry out quite subtly the massive battle of wills which rages at the core of one being, using one essential ruse—the technique of revealing and concealing by turns. For example, in a cherished visual image one may perceive the scoptophilia which certain psychoanalysis, such as Lacan, have shown to unite the dual tendencies of seeing and being seen!



How many images full of ostentation are only masks of this sort! Naturally, however, material images are more deeply motivated; they represent an explicit, dynamic engagement with the world. Where the essence of material reality is concerned, human aggressiveity—whether straightforward, wily, direct, or oblique—assumes the opposing aspects of strength and skill, discovering in the experience of strength its extrovert certitudes, and in the awareness of skill its introvert convictions. The work and the worker are thus mutually determined—doubtless a banal truth, but one which is multiplied by nuances so numerous and varied that it would require long research to define it precisely.



In the next chapter I lay out a preliminary explanation of this mutual self-determination, beginning with a brief discussion of incisive will—the will to cut and to carve—followed by a swift digression into actual work with real materials in order to call attention to the dynamic character of tools, too often considered only in their formal aspect. It is my intention to provide an initial illustration of the double perspective mentioned above, first by means of a kind of psychoanalytic survey, and then through reflection on the dynamic conditions of one’s earliest successes in the working of matter.




Earth and Reveries of Will 08

By Gaston Bachelard 巴舍拉

Translated by Springhero 雄伯


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