Cool Memories 24

Cool Memories 24


By Jean Baudrillard 布希亞

Translated by Springhero 雄伯

   That face. Even in ten years’ time, I shall still not know the color of its eyes. But I see it in the street, in my dreams and just beneath the surface of a great number of other faces which suddenly start to resemble it.


   The panic of coming upon a transvesitite in the Bois de Boulogne. It is not the specter of homosexuality, but the distortion of signs that spreads terror. Not the fact of mistaking one sex for another, which is close to vaudeville, but the game of signifying woman out of nothing, the signs of woman without woman.


   Only the feminine can surrealize its effects in this way without bringing upon itself that ridicule which immediately threatens masculine values when they attempt the same. Besides, the masculine version of the transvestite has become passé; it was merely in appendage of homosexuality.


   It is obvious that a woman will always know better how to caress another woman than any man will. This is true, no doubt, of the other sex too. Each sex would thus be like a particular species and the caress a kind of basic language peculiar to the specie.


   There is no point in building. There is no more real estate, no more life annuities. There are no more concessions in perpetuity in any cultural cemeteries. Isn’t it better that way? When a meteorite breaks up in space, it is the dazzling trace of its end which stands out. With a celestial body in orbit, it is the ellipse that is the most precious. No ancestors, no heritage, no heirs, no capital. For centuries we have had to accumulate. It is equally obvious that we have to squander everything in a single generation.


    The future belongs to those who have accumulated everything, then unburdened themselves of it in a single lifetime. You have to move quickly. Ten years to soak up a culture, twenty years to expel it, spew it out ( this part always takes longer). Nothing is interesting unless it passes through the entire cycle of the symbolic murder of culture.


   The ultimate bomb, the one no one talks about, would be the one which, not content simply to disperse things in space, would disperse them in time. The temporal, palinodic, anachronistic bomb. When it explodes everything is thrown back into the past and, the more powerful the bomb, the further back it is thrown. Or better still, when it explodes some fragments are thrown into the past, others into the future.

   最後的炸彈,沒有人談到的炸彈,將不滿足於僅僅在空間擴散,而將在時間擴散。這個炸彈炸掉時間,取消時間,使時間錯亂。當炸彈爆炸,每件事都拋回過去。炸彈力量越強,拋回得更遠。或更好的是,當它爆炸時,有些 碎片拋回過去,還有些拋到未來。

   But just take a look around: this explosion has already occurred. There is no bomb which hasn’t already exploded before being technologically invented: the real is always ahead of technology and war. In a world without memory like ours, everything is already projected live into the past; it is as if things had been precipitated into a dimension where they have no meaning other than when they are fixed by a definitive revolution of time.


   That, in fact, is the real bomb, the one which immobilizes things in a spectral recurrence. All you hope for is that some fragments—aeroliths or meteorites—many have passed into the dimension of the future where we will run into them one day with a sense of deja-vu.



Cool Memories 24


By Jean Baudrillard 布希亞

Translated by Springhero 雄伯


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