Desire 020 Jacques Lacan

Desire 020

Jacques Lacan

Desire and its Interpretation
1958 – 1959

Seminar 3 ; 26 November 1958

I think that this is sufficient to show you this agency of the signifier, in so far as it is at the basis of the very structuring of a certain psychological field which is not the
totality of the psychological field, which is precisely this part of the psychological field which to a certain degree is by convention within what we can call psychology, to the degree that psychology is constituted on the basis of what I would call a
sort of unitary intentional or appetitive theory of the field.


This presence of the signifier, is articulated, is articulated in an infinitely more insistent, infinitely more powerful, infinitely more efficacious way in the Freudian experience, and this is what Freud reminds us of at every instant, it is also (14) what tends to be forgotten in the most exceptional way, in so far as you want to make of analysis something which would go in the same direction, in the same sense as the one in which psychology has come to situate its interest, I mean in the sense of the clinical field, of an intentional field where the unconscious is supposed to be something like a kind of well, a borehole as one might say, parallel to the general evolution of psychology and which is also supposed to go by another way to the
level of these most elementary tensions, to the level of the depths, in so far as there occurs something more reduced to the vital, to the elementary aspect of what we see at the surface which is supposed to be the so-called field of the preconscious or the conscious.


This, I repeat, is an error. It is very precisely in this sense that everything that we are saying takes on its value and its importance, and if some of you were able the last time to follow my advice and refer to the two articles which appeared in 1915,
what were you able to read there? You were able to read and to see the following: that if you refer for example to the article “Das Unbewusste”, the point which is most tangible in it, to the point I would say against which in a superficial description in
which it would be a question of something other than signifying elements, of things which those who understand absolutely nothing about what I am saying here, articulate and call every day an (15) intellectualist theory.


We will therefore go and put ourselves at the level of unconscious emotions, since Freud speaks about them, because of course it is naturally objected to all of this that instead of speaking about the signifier, this is not emotional life, this is not dynamic. I am of course far from wanting to contest this because it is to explain it in a clear
fashion that I take this route to the level of the Unbewusste.


What do you see Freud articulating for us? He articulates for us very exactly the following: it is the third part of “Das Unbewusste”; Freud explains the following very clearly, that the only thing that can be repressed, he tells us, is what is called


It is only this, he tells us which can properly speaking be repressed. This therefore means a representative, in the representation of what? Of the instinctual movement which is called here Triebrequng. There is no ambiguity possible in the text at this point. He tells us explicitly that the Triebrequng, itself in any case, is a concept
and as such aims at what can even be called more precisely the unity of instinctual motion, and in this case there is no question of considering this Triebrequng, as either unconscious or as conscious.


This is what is said in the text. What does that mean? That simply means that we should take what we call Triebrequng as an (16) objective concept. It is an objective unity in so far as we look at it, and it is neither conscious nor unconscious, it is
simply what it is, an isolated fragment of reality which we will conceive of as having an incidence from its own action.


It is only all the more remarkable in my opinion that it should be its representative in the representation. This is the exact value of the German term, and only this representative of the drive that is in question, Trieb, can be said to belong to the
unconscious in so far as it precisely implies what I set out above with a question mark, namely an unconscious subject. I do not have to go much further here, I mean that you should begin to sense, it is precisely to specify what is this representative in the representation, and of course you see already, not where I want to get to, but where we necessarily get to, namely that the Vorstellunqsreprasentanz, even though Freud in his time and at the point that things could be said in scientific discourse this Vorstellunqsreprasentanz is strictly equivalent to the notion and to the term of signifier.


It is nothing else, even though it is only being introduced, and of course the demonstration has, it seems to me, already been introduced, because otherwise what is
the use of everything that I said above. This of course will always be further demonstrated, this is precisely what is in question.


That Freud on the contrary is opposed to this, is also articulated in the most precise fashion by himself. What does Freud say about everything that can be connoted under the terms of feelings, emotion, affect, which he himself reunites? He says that it is by a carelessness of expression which has, or which cannot, or which is not according to the context, some difficulties, like every carelessness, but there is a certain looseness when one says that it is unconscious. In principle, he says, it never can be, he formally denies it any possibility of an unconscious incidence.


This is expressed and repeated in a way which involves no doubt, no kind of ambiguity. Affect, as in talking about an unconscious affect, this means that it is perceived, but known; but known in what way? In its attachments, but not that it is unconscious, because it is always perceived, he tells us, simply it has gone and attached itself to another representation, which is not repressed. In other words, it had to accommodate itself to the context existing in the preconsciousness, which allows it to be considered by consciousness, which on occasion is not difficult, as a manifestation of its last context.



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