Anxiety 49 Jacques Lacan

Anxiety 49

Jacques Lacan
雅克 拉康



1962 – 1963

Seminar 7: Wednesday 9 January 1963

Do we not have here precisely, the sociological function of the phallus, provided, of course, that we take it here at the level of the capital letter, at the level of the ^> ,in which it incarnates the most alienating function of the subject in
(7) exchange itself, in social exchange. The subject as he is involved in it, is reduced to being the bearer of the phallus.


This is what makes castration necessary for a socialised society in which there are, as Claud Lévi-Strauss has pointed out to us, prohibitions of course, but also and above all preferences.


This is the true secret, it is the truth of what Claud Lévi-
Strauss makes turn around the exchange of women in the structure. Beneath the exchange of women, the phalluses are going to fulfill them. It must not be seen that it is the phallus itself which is at stake.


If one sees it, there is anxiety. I could here branch off onto more than one track. It is clear that with this reference, we have arrived, all of a sudden, at the castration complex. Well then, by God, why not engage ourselves in it.


Castration, as I have frequently reminded you, the castration of the complex, is not a castration. That is something everyone
knows, no-one has the slightest doubt about it, and, a curious
thing, people do not dwell on it. It is all the same of
interest, this image, this phantasy. Where is it to be situated?


Between the imaginary and the symbolic, what is happening? Is it the gelding which is well known from the ferocious practices of war? It is undoubtedly closer to it than to the fabrication of eunuchs.


The mutilation of the penis, of course, is what is evoked by the phantastical threats emanating from the father or from the mother, depending on the epoch of psychoanalysis. “If you do that, it will be cut off you”. Moreover it is necessary that this accent of cutting should be given all its importance for there to be sustained the practice of circumcision to which the last time, you heard me make what I might call prophylactic
references, namely the remark that the psychic incidence of
circumcision is far from being unequivocal, and that I am not the only one to have noted it.


One of the last works, a remarkable one no doubt, on the subject, that of Nunberg, on circumcision conceived in terms of its
relations with bisexuality, is there to remind us of something
which already a good number of other authors had introduced
before him, that circumcision has just as much the goal, the aim, (8) of reinforcing, by isolating it, the term of masculinity in the man as to provoke the effects, at least in their anxiety-provoking incidence, as to provoke the effects described as those of the castration complex.
Nevertheless, it is precisely this incidence, this relationship, this common denominator of the cut which allows us to bring into the field of castration, the operation of circumcision, of Beschneidung, of arel to say it in Hebrew.


Is there not also here a little something which might allow us to take a further step about the function of castration anxiety?


Well then, it is the following, the term which we lack: “I am going to cut it off you”, says the Mammy who is described as castrating. Fine, and afterwards, where will the Wiwimacher, as it is called in the observation of little Hans, be? Well then, if we admit that this threat, always presentified by our experience, is carried out, it will be there, in the operational field of the common object, of the exchangeable object, it will be there, in the hands of the mother who has cut it off. And it is indeed this that would be strange in the situation.


It often happens that our subjects have dreams where they have
the object in their hands, either because it has been broken off by a gangrene, or because some partner, in the dream, has taken the trouble to carry out the cutting operation, or by some correlative accident or other that is diversely nuanced with uncanniness and anxiety, a particularly disturbing characteristic of the dream, well then, here, to situate for us the importance of this passage of the object, suddenly, to what one could call Zuhandenheit, as Heidegger would say, its handiness, in the field of common objects and the perplexity which results from it, and moreover, this whole passage to the side of the handy, of the utensil, is precisely that which here in the observation of little Hans, is designated for us also by a dream. He introduces the tap fitter, the one who is going to unscrew it, to rescrew it, change the whole discussion of Eingewurzelt, about what is or
is not well rooted in the body, into the field, into the register of the interchangeable.



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