精神分析四个基本观念 203

Concept 203




I will not go so far as to remark that the problem of cause has always been an embarrassment to philosophers, and that it is not as simple as might be thought when, in Aristotle, one sees the four causes balancing one another—for I am not philosophizing here, and would not claim to carry out so heavy an undertaking with so few references.


However, these references are enough to bring out the meaning of what I am insisting on. For me, cause—any modality, even if Kant inscribes it in the categories of pure reason—to be more precise, he inscribes it in the table of relations, between inherence and community —cause is not any the more rationalized for this.


Cause is to be distinguished from that which is determinate in a chain, in other words the law. By way of example, think of what is pictured in the law of action and reaction. There is here, one might say, a single principle. One does not go without the other.


The mass of a body that is crushed on the ground is not the cause of that which it receives in return for its vital force—its mass is integrated in this force that comes back to it in order to dissolve its coherence by a return effect. There is no gap here, except perhaps at the end.


Whenever we speak of cause, on the other hand, there is always something anti-conceptual, something indefinite. The phases of the moon are the cause of tides—we know this from experience, we know that the word cause is correctly used here.


Or again, miasmas are the cause of fever—that doesn’t mean anything either, there is a hole, and something that oscillates in the interval. In short, there is cause only in something that doesn’t work.


Well! It is at this point that I am trying to make you see by approximation that the Freudian unconscious is situated at that point, where, between cause and that which it affects, there is always something wrong.


The important thing is not that the unconscious determines neurosis—of that one Freud can quite happily, like Pontius Pilot, wash his hands. Sooner or later, something would have been found, humoral determinates, for example—for Freud, it would be quite immaterial.


For what the unconscious does is to show us the gap through which neurosis recreates a harmony with a real—a real that may well not be determined.


In this gap, something happens. Once this gap has been filled, is the neurosis cured? After all, the question remains open. But the neurosis becomes something else, sometimes a mere illness, a scar, as Freud said—the scar, not of the neurosis, but of the unconscious.


I am not handling this topology very skilfully, because I do not have time—I have simply jumped into the deep end—but I think you will be able to feel guided by the terms that I have introduced when you come to read Freud’s own works.


Observe the point from which he sets out — The Aetiology, of the Neuroses—and what does he find in the hole, in the split, in the gap so characteristic of cause? Something of the order of the non-realized.


One uses the term refusal. This is rather hasty—indeed, for some time now, one has no longer been sure what the term refusal means. At first, the unconscious is manifested to us as something that holds itself in suspense in the area, I would say,
of the unborn. That repression should discharge something into this area is not surprising. It is the abortionist’s relation to limbo.


Certainly, this dimension should be evoked in a register that has nothing unreal, or dereistic, about it, but is rather unrealized.


It is always dangerous to disturb anything in that zone of shades, and perhaps it is part of the analyst’s role, if the analyst is performing it properly, to be besieged—I mean
really—by those in whom he has invoked this world of shades, without always being able to bring them up to the light of day.


One can never be sure that what one says on this matter will have no harmful effect—even what I have been able to say about it over the last ten years owes some of its impact to this fact.


It is not without effect that, even in a public speech, one directs one’s attention at subjects, touching them at what Freud calls the navel—the navel of the\dreams, he writes, to designate their ultimately unknown centre—-which is simply, like the
same anatomical navel that it, that gap of which I have already spoken.

There is a danger in public precisely in so far as it is addressed to those knew this, a certain type of discourse can be addressed to those furthest away.


In actual fact, this dimension of the unconscious that I am evoking had been forgotten, as Freud had quite clearly foreseen. The unconscious had closed itself up against his message thanks to those active practitioners of orthopaedics that the analysts of the second and third generation became, busying themselves, by psychologizing analytic theory, in stitching up this gap.


Believe me, I myself never re-open it without great care.


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