

But have we not always known this to be so? I myself believe that we have always known it.

A. 那我們是不是永遠都對此不得而知樂呢?不,我認為其實我們早就知道了。
B. 但是對於太陽是行星軌道的中心,也是地球運行軌道的中心,我們不是總是已經知道嗎?我自己相信,我們總是已經知道。

for this to be so 的意思是「太陽是行星軌道的中心,也是地球運行軌道的中心」
But I may know something with my head which the other man in me is far from knowing, for indeed and in truth I live as though I did not know it.

A. 但是我可能知道那些頭腦裏的東西,而對其他的東西就視而不見了,最後我們就確確實實 地那樣去生活著,似乎我們不知道那樣的。
B. 但是我可能是用我的頭腦知道,某件我內心的另一個人全然不知道的事情。因為的確而且事實上,我生活著,宛如我不知道的樣子。

the other man in me 「我內心的另一個人」,言下之意,我作為一個生命主體,內外分裂成為兩個人。彼此所知,截然不同


Most of my patients knew the deeper truth, but did not live it. And why did they not live it?
A. 我的大多數患者其實都知道那些埋藏很深層的事實,但他們卻不會帶著它們去生活。為什麼?為什麼不能帶著這些深層事 實去生活呢?
B. 我的多數病人都知道這個更深刻的真理,但是他們並沒有實踐這個真理。為什麼他們不去實踐這個真理呢?

Because of that bias which makes us all live from the ego, a bias which comes from overvaluation of the conscious mind.

B. 因為我們都的被迫根據「個人的自我」在生活的那個偏見。這個偏見來自我們過份高估意識的心靈。

It is of the greatest importance for the young person, who is still unadapted and has as yet achieved nothing, to shape his conscious ego as effectively as possible, that is, to educate his will.
A. 對那些還沒完全適應這個社會,也沒取得什麼成就的年輕人來說,盡可能有效地塑造他的意識自我,這點是最重要的,換句話說,要去教育自己的意志。
B. 對於依舊尚未適應社會,尚未有任何成就的年輕人,盡可能有效地塑造他自己意識的「個人的自我」,換句話說,盡可能有效地教育自己的意志,這是最為重要的事情。
Unless he is a positive genius he cannot, indeed he should not, believe in anything active within him that is not identical with his will.

A. 他不能也不該去相信任何與他的意志不相符合的東西,除非他是一個積極的天才。
B. 除非他是一位積極的天才,他無法相信,確實也不應該相信,他內心具有任何與他的意志格格不入的積極的東西。
He must feel himself a man of will, and may safely depreciate everything else in him and deem it subject to his will, for without this illusion he could not succeed in adapting himself socially.
A. 他必須感覺到自己是一個有意志的人,凡是不遂自我意志的事物,都可不予理睬、貶低價值。 正是憑藉這種幻想,他才能成功地適應這個社會,否則很難。
B. 他必須感覺自己是一位有意志的人,他的內心裏,若是有任何意志以外的東西,他都等閒視之,並且將它屈服於他的意志。因為假如沒有這樣的幻覺,他不可能成功地讓自己適應社會。

Subject to 的意思是「屈服於」
It is otherwise with a person in the second half of life who no longer needs to educate his conscious will, but who, to understand the meaning of his individual life, needs to experience his own inner being.

A. 但是,對那些活在人生後半段的人而言,教育意識自我早就沒有必要了,他需要的是:學會理解個體生 命的意義,為此,他得去體驗自己的內心世界。
B. 但是,對於生活在後半輩子的人,情況則是不一樣。他不再需要教育他的意識的意志。而是需要經驗他自己的內在的生命實存,這樣他才能瞭解他的個人生命的意義。

Otherwise 的意思是「不一樣」 in a different way to the way mentioned; differently

Social usefulness is no longer an aim for him, although he does not deny its desirability.

A. 他的人生目標不再是社會的有用性,當然對這點,也大可不必予以否定。
B. 對於社會有所貢獻,不再是他的目標,雖然他並不否認,還是有點這樣的渴望。

Desirability 的意思是「受到渴望」,渴望對於社會有所貢獻


Fully aware as he is of the social unimportance of his creative activity, he feels it more as a way of working at himself to his own benefit.

A. 他需充分意識到,自己具有創造性的活動對 社會而言並不重要,這更像是一項造福自己的工作。
B. 雖然他完全知道,他的創造性活動,對於社會而言,是微不足道。但是他仍然感覺他的創造性活動,更應該是一種對自己有益的努力。

Fully aware as he is of the social unimportance of his creative activity,
= Although he is fully aware that his creative activity is unimportant to society,

as 用於倒裝句型時,作「雖然」解釋

Increasingly, too, this activity frees him from morbid dependence, and he thus acquires an inner stability and a new trust in himself.

A. 漸漸的,他會通過這種創造性活動,把自我從病態的依賴關係中解脫出來,從而獲得了內心的安寧及全新的自信。
A. 逐漸地,這個創造性的活動也替他解除病態的依靠。他因此獲得一種內在的穩定性,以及對自己產生新的的信任。

Increasingly的意思是「逐漸地」more and more all the time

何謂「病態的依賴」morbid dependence?
“The neurotic personality of our time” includes an excessive dependence on affection or approval, feelings of inferiority or inadequacy, inhibited self-assertion, hostility, inhibited or compulsive sexual activity, and competitiveness.

「我們時代的神經症人格」 包括過度的依賴情感或是認同,自卑感或是不足感,受到壓抑的自我主張,敵意,受到壓抑久強迫的性活動,及競爭。

These last achievements now redound to the good of the patient’s social existence; for an inwardly stable and self-confident person will prove more adequate to his social tasks than one who is on a bad footing with his unconscious.

A. 這些最終取得的成果是有利於提升患者的社會價值感的,因為相比那些無意識裏不快樂的人們,一個內心安寧而自信的人,能夠更好地完成他的社會任務。
B. 以上的這些成果,現在會促成病人生存于社會具有益處。因為一位內在穩定而具自信心的人,會證明他更加能夠勝任他的社會的工作,勝過於跟自己的無意識格格不入的人。

redound 的意思是「對善惡具有影響」Have an effect for good or ill
Her efforts will redound to the general good. 她的努力促成一般的善行。

Footing的意思是「相對的立場或地位,或彼此之間的關係」the position or status of something in relation to others, the relationship between two or more people or groups

何謂「跟自己的無意識格格不入」on a bad footing with the unconscious?
在「心理治療的實踐」The Practice of Psychotherapy 的 329 段,榮格自己這樣說:

The unconscious is not a demoniacal monster, but a natural entity which, as far as moral sense, aesthetic taste, and intellectual judgment go, is completely neutral. it only becomes dangerous when our conscious attitude to it is hopelessly wrong. To the degree that we repress it, its danger increases. But the moment the patient begins to assimilate contents that were previously unconscious, its danger diminishes



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