

They still have to be subjected to a work of synthetic interpretation.

A. 這些畫需要被綜合地加以詮釋,賦予意義。
B. 這些圖畫需要接受綜合性的解釋。

Although I have traveled this path with individual patients many times, I have never yet succeeded in making all the details of the process clear enough f publication.
A. 作為 一名心理諮詢師,我已經無數次和患者一起,走在這段探索集體無意識的旅程上,但是我還是無法成功地弄明白所有的細節,更不用提把將經驗寫出來,著書發表了。
B. 雖然我曾經跟個別的病人一起探索這條途徑好幾次,我還沒有成功地將所有個過程細節,弄得足夠清楚明白,可以成書出版。

So far this has been fragmentary only. The truth is, we are here moving in absolutely new territory, and a ripening of experience is the first requisite.

A. 到目前為止,我覺得一切還是很零碎,不成系統的。事實上,我們還是在這個全新的領域裏慢慢往前移動,我們需要積累盡可能多、成熟的經驗。
B. 直到現在,探索資訊一直很零散。事實上,我們在此前進的領域是全然陌生的,因此經驗的成熟的首要條件。
For very important reasons I am anxious to avoid hasty conclusions.

A. 在這個諮詢過程中,我會極力避免太過草率地下結論,這是出於某些重要的因素考慮。
B. 因為非常重要的理由,我強烈渴望避免下匆促的結論。

Anxious—Eagerly desirous 強烈渴望

We are dealing with a process of psychic life outside consciousness, and our
observation of it is indirect.

A. 我們面對的是意識層面以外的靈魂,對它的觀察只能是間接的,
B. 我們正在處理的,是意識以外的心靈生命的過程。我們對於它的觀察是間接。

As yet we do not know to what depths our vision will plumb.

A. 也很難知道我們的觀察究竟到達了怎麼樣的深度。
B. 迄今,我們並不知道,我們想像的探測到達怎樣的深度。

As yet—until now 迄今
It would seem to be some kind of centering process, for a great many pictures which the patients themselves feel to be decisive point in this direction.

A. 我認為探索靈魂的過程,可能是具有某種向心力吸引的,因為我的很多患者都聲稱,能從這些大量圖片裏感受到一種方向性的指引,且這種指引具有決定意義。
B. 這種過程似乎是朝著中央前進,因為有許多圖畫讓病人覺得他們自己,是決定性地朝著這個方向。

During this centring process what we call the ego appears to take up a peripheral position.

A. 在這個具有向心力吸引的過程中,那個我們稱為“自我”的東西,就一直都在週邊工作著。
B. 在這個朝向中央的過程,我們所謂的「個人的自我」似乎是佔有週邊的立場。

ego 是指意識心靈的「個人自我」,不是包容無意識的「完整的自我」self


The change is apparently brought about by an emergence of the historical part of the psyche .

A. 從患者的心路歷程裏,我們可以看到,這 個過程會讓患者有明顯的改變,
B. 這種改變顯而易見是因為心靈的歷史層面的出現而促成。

Bring about的意思是「促成」,「導致」

Exactly what is the purpose of this process remains at first sight obscure.

A. 但我們從一開始就很無法確定,這個過程的目的究竟是什麼,
B. 這個過程的目標確實是什麼,乍然一看,依舊是模糊曖昧。

At first sight的意思是「乍然一看」when you see for the first time


We can only remark its important effect on the conscious personality.

A. 我們只能說它的確會對患者的意識個性產生重要影響。
B. 我們只能評論這個過程對於意識的人格產生重要的影響。

From the fact that the change heighten the feeling for life and maintains the flow of life, we must conclude that it is animated by a peculiar purposefulness.

A. 事實證明,在畫畫並予以解釋的過程中,患者對生命的感受力提高了,從而維持了一種生命的流動性,由此可出結論:這是一個具有特殊目的性的真實過程。
B. 根據這個事實:改變強化對於生命的感覺,並且維持生命的流動,我們必須下這個結論:激發這個過程的,是一種特別的目的感。


We might perhaps call this a new illusion. But what is “illusion”?

A. 也許有人會說,這又是 一個新幻覺而已。但是,到底什麼是“幻覺”?
B. 我們或許可以稱這種過程是一種新的幻覺。但是「幻覺」是什麼?

By what criterion do we judge something to be an illusion? Does anything exist for the psyche that we are entitled to call illusion?

A. 我們用什麼樣的標準定義“幻覺”?是不是靈魂上的感受,我們都稱為幻覺呢?
B. 我們根據什麼標準來判斷某件東西是一種幻覺?對於心靈而言,有任何足以被稱為「幻覺」的東西存在嗎?

Does anything exist for the psyche that we are entitled to call illusion?
= Does anything that we are entitled to call illusion exist for the psyche?

that we are entitled to call illusion 是形容詞子句,修飾anything,不是修飾the psyche


A. What we are pleased to call illusion may be for the psyche an extremely important life-factor, something as indispensable as oxygen for the body–a psychic actuality of overwhelming significance

A. 我們樂於稱為幻覺的那些東西,實際上都是非常重要的生命因數,就好比身體離不開的氧氣一樣,幻覺是一種充滿意義的靈魂狀態。
B. 我們樂意稱為幻覺的東西,對於心靈而言,是一個極端重要的生命因素。它是不可或缺的東西,如同氧氣對於身體。它是一種異常重要的心靈實體。

Significance 的意思是「重要」importance 而不是「意義」


Presumably the psyche does not trouble itself about our categories of reality; for it, everything that works is real.

A. 靈魂是不會糾結在我們的現實中的,因為對靈魂而言,所有存在的事物都是真實的。
B. 我們假定,心靈不會操心焦慮現實界的範疇。對於心靈而言,行得通的東西就是真實。

Presumably 的意思「根據推理假定」By reasonable assumption
Trouble itself with 的意思是「操心憂慮」to worry ( someone or oneself) because of ( someone often in the mind )
Work 的意思是「行得通」,不是「存在」

The investigator of the psyche must not confuse it with his consciousness, else he veils from his sight the object of his investigation.

A 對靈魂的觀察者而言,他不應將靈魂與意識混淆起來,否則就很難真正解開靈魂的面紗。
B. 心靈的探索者,切勿將心靈跟他的意識混淆。否則他將會遮蔽他探索的客體,無法看得見。

else he veils from his sight the object of his investigation.
= or else he veils the object of his investigation from his sight

Veil 的意思是「遮蔽」,是動詞,不是A 譯的「面紗」,變成名詞了。

On the contrary, to recognize it at all, he must learn to see how different it is from consciousness.

A. 相反,為了能更好的認識這一切,他需意識到靈魂與意識是多麼的不同。
B. 相反地,為了要充份體認心靈,他必須學會看出:心靈跟意識是多麼截然不同。

to recognize it at all 為了要充份體認心靈
it 是指「心靈」the psyche 而 at all 則是加強語氣而已,不是A譯的「這一切」
learn to see 是「學會看出」,而不是A譯的「意識到」

Nothing is more probable than that what we call illusion is very real for the psyche–for which reason we cannot take psychic reality to be commensurable with conscious reality.

A. 那些我們稱為幻覺的東西,實際上是靈魂中真實的存在,可是由於某種原因,我們無法把這些靈魂事實與意識層面的事實,同等對待。
B. 最為可能的是,我們所謂的幻覺,對於心靈而已,是非常真實的。因為那個理有,我們無法將心靈的真實界,跟意識的真實界,等量齊觀。

Nothing is more probable than that= Nothing is so probable as that.
= That is the most probable. 那是最為可能的事情。

for which reason 「因為那個理由」,而不是A譯的「由於某種原因」
which 指前面的what we call illusion is very real for the psyche我們所謂的幻覺,對於心靈而已,是非常真實的。

Commensurable 的意思是「共同標準衡量」Capable of being measured by a common standard

To the psychologist there is nothing more fatuous than the attitude of the missionary who pronounces the gods of the “poor heathen” to be mere illusion.

A. 對一個心理學家而言,沒有比一 位傳教士宣傳“上帝”的存在實際上只是幻覺這事更愚蠢的事情了。
B. 對於心理學家而言,傳教士宣告「可憐的異教徒」的神祗僅是幻覺,這種態度是再昏庸不過。

There is nothing more fatuous than the attitude of the missionary.
= There is nothing so fatuous as the attitude of the missionary.
= The attitude of the missionary is the most fatuous thing.


The gods of the “ poor heathen” 是指可憐異教徒的神祗,不是A譯的「上帝”的存在」。異教徒的神祗gods 是複數形,傳教士的「上帝」God ,應該是單數形,而且要大寫字母表示。


Unfortunately we still go blundering along in the same dogmatic way, as though our so-called reality were not equally full of illusion.

A. 可不幸的是,我們也是走在同樣武斷、充滿教條的道路上,難道那些我們稱之為的現實裏,沒有夾雜著幻覺嗎?
B. 不幸的是,我們依舊以同樣的武斷方式,犯錯前進,宛如我們所謂的現實界,充滿的幻覺,還會比較少似地。

In the same dogmatic way 的意思是「以同樣的武斷方式」,而不是A 譯的「充滿教條的道路上」。way 如果是指「道路上」,介係詞應該用on 而不是in 。

as though our so-called reality were not equally full of illusion.

as though 的意思是「好像」「宛如」,後面接假設法,所以動詞是were ,而不是 is


In psychic life, as everywhere in our experience, all things that work are reality, regardless of the names man chooses to bestow on them.

A. 在靈魂世界裏,無論我們如何是命名它們的,所有那些被體驗、經歷過的事物都是現實。
B. 在心靈的生命,如同在我們經驗的每個地方,行得通的東西就是真實界,無論人們選擇用什麼名稱賦予它們。

To take these realities for what they are–not foisting other names on them–that is our business.

A. 我們賦予一個現實這個名字,而不是那個名字,這只是我們自己在玩的遊戲。
B. 接納這些現實界,依照它們本來的樣子,就是我們的任務,而不是使用其他名稱強加在它們上面。

To take these realities for what they are

These realities 「這些現實界」,指前面所說的 all things that work are reality ,行得通的東西就是真實界
Foist 的意思是「強加在上面」To force onto another,
that is our business. 「就是我們的任務」,不是「這只是我們自己在玩的遊戲」

To the psyche, spirit is no less spirit for being named sexuality.

A. 對靈魂而言,就算沒有給它命名,也絲毫不會削減其精神存在感。
B. 對於心靈而言,精神同樣還是精神,儘管被命名為「性」,

No less 的意思是「同樣」,
named sexuality 的意思是「被命名為性」,而不是「就算沒有給它命名」

榮格這句話,跟世俗之見 有點迴異,男女作愛是身體上的「性」?還是精神上的「愛」?世俗之見是:無論你多麼會花言巧語,甜言蜜語,「性」就是「性」。

I must repeat that these designations and the changes rung upon them never even remotely touch the essence of the process we have described.

A 我必須重申:患者身上的這些指示和變化,從來沒有偏離過我們所描述的這個過程的核心。
B. 我必須重複一遍:在現實界搭配出來的各種指稱跟變化,甚至絲毫都沒有碰觸到我們曾經描述的過程的本質。

Ring on 的意思「搭配出各種變化」to try to find variety in ( a limited set of things)
Having separate pieces of clothing enables you to ring the changes on the garments by wearing them in various combinations.

never even remotely touch the essence of the process we have described.

Not remotely的意思是「絲毫沒有」not at all
例句:It wasn’t even remotely funny.= It wasn’t at all funny. 這根本沒不好笑。

touch 的意思是「碰觸到」,而不是A譯的「偏離」
It cannot be compassed by the rational concepts of the conscious mind, any more than life itself;

A. 靈魂不被受困於意識層面的那些概念,並且它是超越生活本身的。
B. 無意識心靈跟生命的本身一樣,無法被意識心靈的理性觀念徹底理解。

Compass的意思是「徹地理解 ( World Book Dictionary 的定義是」to grasp with the mind ; understand completely)

這個句子最容易犯錯的地方是not…any more than 的句型,它具有雙邊否定的意味。例句:

A home without love is not a home any more than a body without a soul is a man.
I don’t think you will like to hear what I am gong to say any more than I shall like telling you.

and it is for this reason that my patients consistently turn to the representation and interpretation of symbols as the more adequate and effective

A. 正是出於這個原因,我的患者們會堅持不懈地描述、解釋那些象徵性符號,看來這是一個更適合、更有效的過程。
B. 因為這個理由,我的病人持續地求助於符號的再現與解釋,當著是比較充實而而有效。

Turn to的意思是(求助於)to go to someone or something for help
Consistently的意思「持續一貫地」In a systematic or consistent manner

With this I have said pretty well everything I can say about my therapeutic aims and intentions within the broad frame-work of a lecture.

A. 關於治療的目標和範疇,我在這次演講中構建了一個主要框架,竭盡所能說 了我所知道的一切內容。

Intentions 的意思是「意圖」,不是A譯的「範疇」。

It can be no more than an incentive to thought, and I shall be quite content if such it has been.

A. 若能讓諸位在這個問題思考上有所啟迪,我將感到很滿足。
B. 我的演講僅僅是要引起各位思考的動機。即使僅是如此,我也感到心滿意足。

If such it has been—if it has been such—if it has been no more than an incentive to thought即使僅是如此(即使僅是要引起各位思考的動機)

if 的意思是「即使」,不是「若能」

no more than的意思是「僅僅」only

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