Desire 47 Jacques Lacan

Desire 47

Jacques Lacan

Desire and its Interpretation

Seminar 6 1 17 December 1958

You know at what period and in what connection and at what moment, at the age of two, this question is posed for him in connection with every object, defining a sort of analysis which Freud incidentally indicates as a mode of interpretation of this form.


This of course is not a position which in any way only expresses the presence of the phallus in the dialectic. This gives us no information whatsoever, either about the usage, the end which at one time I tried to make you see, or the stability of the


What I want simply to point out to you, is that all the time we have evidence, that we are not going astray namely that the terms in question are indeed the following: the subject, and this because of his disappearance, his confrontation with an object, something which from time to time reveals itself as being the essential signifier around which is played out the fate of (21) this whole relationship of subject to object, and now rapidly to evoke in what sense, in the most general sense, there
is directed this incidence concerning the object, I mean the small o of our algorithm, from the point of view of what could be called instinctual specificity from the point of view of need.


We already know what happens in an impossible relationship, rendered impossible as one might say to the object by the presence, by the intervention of the signifier, in so far as the subject has to maintain himself there in the presence of the object.


It is quite clear that the human object undergoes this sort of volatilisation which is what we call in our concrete practice the possibility of displacement, which does not simply mean the human subject, like all animal subjects, sees his desire being displaced from object to object, but that this very displacement is the point at which there can be maintained the fragile equilibrium of his desire.


After all, what is in question? It is a question I would say of envisaging from a certain point of view the prevention of satisfaction while still continuing to hold onto an object of desire. In a way it is again a mode as one might say of metonymically symbolising satisfaction, and here we are led straight away to the dialectic of the money box and the miser.


It is far from being the most complicated one, even though one can scarcely see what is in question. The fact is that it is (22) necessary that desire should subsist on this occasion, by a certain retention of the object as we say, bringing into play the anal metaphor.


But it is in so far as this retained object is not itself the object of any other jouissance, that we can see that juridical phenomenology carries the traces of this retention
of the support of desire: it is said that one has the enjoyment (jouissance) of a good; what does that mean, if it is not precisely that it is humanly quite conceivable to have a good which one does not enjoy, and that it is someone else who enjoys it?


Here the object reveals its function of what one might call a pledge or even indeed a hostage of desire, and if you would like me here to bridge the gap with animal psychology, I will evoke what has been said in terms of ethology, by one of our more
exemplary, one of our more graphic brothers. For my part I am very inclined to believe it. I recognised myself, I met myself, in someone who has just published a small book.


I was not going to say it to you because this is going to distract you. This booklet has just come out, it is called L’ordre des choses.

我當時沒有跟你們談論它,以免讓你們煩心。這本書剛剛出版,書名是「L’ordre des choses」

Luckily it is a small book, written by Jacques Brosser, someone who up to this has been completely unknown, and it is published by Plon.

It is a kind of little natural history. That is how I interpret (23) it for you. A little natural history geared to our time. I mean that:


1. It restores for us what is so subtle and so charming in the writings of Buffon, and which we no longer find in any scientific publication, even though all the same we could try this exercise now that we know much more about the behaviour, about the ethology of animals, than Buffon knew.
In specialist journals it is unreadable.


2. What is said in this little book, you will see expressed in what I would call a very very remarkable style. You will read especially something in the middle which is called: “parallel lives”, the life of the cicada, the life of the ant.


I thought about this little book, because the author has this in common with me that for him the question of mammals has been resolved. Apart from man, who is an essentially problematical mammal, you have only to see the role that the mammae play in our imagination, among mammals there is apart from man only one really serious mammal, and this is the hippopotamus. Every one agrees on this, if they are sensitive at all.


The poet T.S. Eliot who has really bad metaphysical ideas, but who is all the same a great poet, at a first attempt symbolised the Church militant by the hippopotamus. We will come back to this later. (24) Let us return to the hippopotamus. What does this
hippopotamus do?

T.S. 艾略特對於形上學的觀念非常差勁,但是他仍然是一位偉大的詩人。他是第一位企圖以河馬來象徵教堂的好戰份子的詩人。我們以後再回頭談這個問題。讓我們先回到河馬。河馬做了些什麼?

The difficulties of his existence are underlined for us. They are great, it seems, and one of the essential things, is that he protects the domain of his pasturage, because it is necessary all the same that in the long run he should have some resources in reserve.


This is an essential point: therefore he maps out what one can call his territory delimiting it by a series of relays, of points which should sufficiently mark for those who ought to recognise it, namely his fellows, that this is his. This is to show you that
I know very well that there are the beginnings of symbolic activity in animals. As you see, in the mammal it is a very specially excremental symbolism.


If in short the hippopotamus is found to protect his pasturage with his excrement, we find that the progress realised by man, and in fact this would really not have arisen, if we did not have this particular mediation of language, which comes from we know
not where, but it is what causes to intervene here the essential complication, namely that it has led us to this problematic relationship with the object, that for man on his part it is not his pasturage that he protects with shit; therefore it is his shit that he protects as a pledge of the essential pasturage, (25) of the pasturage which is essentially to be determined, and this is the dialectic of what is called anal symbolism, of this new revelation of the chymical wedding, if I can express myself
thus, of man with his object which is one of the dimensions revealed to us by Freudian experience which was absolutely unsuspected up to then.


何謂「鍊金術婚禮」chymical wedding?

In Lindsay Clarke’s second novel, which alchemy infuses the language and imagery of a tale that unfolds as two separate stories. In the first sequence, a poet named Alex Darken falls into an abusive, yet obsessive triangle with an alcoholic elderly poet and a beautiful, troubled psychic. Together they pursue the alchemical and personal secrets of the spirited Louisa Agnew, the central character of the second story. Louisa is a woman devoted to a self-centered father whose fascination with the hermetic arts forces her to confront her own dark side and her feelings for a tormented minister. As the characters struggle for wholeness of spirit, they each uncover their hidden potential for passion and violence.



Desire 42

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