
Coming back to the question of my technique, I ask myself how far I am indebted to Freud for its existence.

A. 再回過頭來談談我的諮詢技術,我常會問自己,這其中究竟有多少要歸功於佛洛德。
B. 當我回到我的心理治療的技術問題,我詢問我自己,這些技術的存在,有多少要歸功於佛洛伊德。
At all events I learned it from Freud’s method of free association, and
I regard it as a direct extension of that.

A. 最後我覺得,這一切都源于佛洛德的自由聯想技術,都是這種技術的直接延伸而已。
B. 無論如何,我從佛洛伊德的「自由聯想」學習到我的技術,我認為我的技術是「自由聯想」的直接延伸。

At all events—in any event—whatever happens 無論如何


何謂「佛洛伊德的自由聯想」Freud’s Free Association?
Freud’s Free Association is a psychoanalytic technique in which a patient’s articulation of free associations is encouraged in order to reveal unconscious thoughts and emotions, such as traumatic experiences that have been repressed.

So long as I help the patient to discover the effective elements in his dreams, and so long as I try to get him to see the general meaning of his symbols, he is still, psychologically speaking, in a state of childhood.

A. 只要是我在幫助患者看到他夢裏的有效因素,是我在努力去看他象徵符號裏的普遍意義,這個患者就還是靜止的,從心理學上說就是,他處在一種童年狀態 裏。
B. 只要我在幫助病人發現他夢裏的有效因素,只要我設法讓他看出他的符號象徵的一般意義,從心理學的角度來說,他依舊是處於童年的狀態。

Still 的意思是「依舊」,不是「靜止的」。它是副詞,修飾後面的 in a state of childhood。
He is still in a state of childhood. 他依舊是處於童年的狀態。

For the time being he is dependent on his dreams and is always asking himself whether the next dream will give him new light or not.

A. 這個時候,他會很依賴自己的夢,而且會問自己,下一個夢能否給我帶來新的希望呢。
B. 暫時,他依靠他的夢,老是詢問他自己,是否下一個夢會給他帶來新的啟示。

For the time being –for the present—temporarily 暫時

He is always asking himself the question. 他老是詢問自己這個問題。
He always asks himself the question. 他總是詢問自己這個問題。
(always 跟現在進行式連用,帶有埋怨,不勝其煩的意味。)

Give him new light—give him new mental understanding

Moreover, he is dependent on my having ideas about his dreams and on my ability to increase his insight through my knowledge.

A. 此外,他也很依賴我對他的夢的解釋,以及期望通過我所掌握的知識,來增強他洞察自我的能力。
B. 而且,他依賴我對於他的夢擁有的觀念,並且依賴我有能力憑藉我的知識來。增加他的洞見

Thus he is still in an undesirably passive condition where everything is rather uncertain and questionable; neither he nor I know the journey’s end.

A. 換句話說,他還是處在一種不快、消極的狀態裏,所有的一切都是不確定、充滿疑問的,我和他都不知道未來的旅程在何方。
B. 因此,他依舊處於不被渴望的被動狀況。在那種狀況,每一樣東西都非常不穩定,而且可置疑。他跟我都不知道,這個探索之旅的終點在哪里。

Undesirably—not wanted or approved of 不被渴望,不被認同、
The journey’ end 探索之旅的終點


Often it is not much more than a groping about in Egyptian darkness.

A. 實際上,這種狀態比在完全漆黑的環境下摸索,好不了多少。
B. 往往這僅不過是盲目模索,如同古埃及被上帝懲罰的黑暗日子。


何謂「古埃及被上帝懲罰的黑暗日子」in Egyptian darkness ?

Then the LORD said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand toward the sky so that darkness will spread over Egypt—darkness that can be felt.” So Moses stretched out his hand toward the sky, and total darkness covered all Egypt for three days. No one could see anyone else or leave his place for three days.



In this condition we must not expect any very startling results—the uncertainty is too great for that.

A. 身處這種狀態,你別指望還會得到什麼令人吃驚的結果,因為存在的不確定性因素實在太多了。
B. 在這種狀況,我們一定不要期盼有任何令人驚喜的成果。不穩定過於強烈,不可能期盼會有什麼令人驚喜的成果。
the uncertainty is too great for that.
that 是指前面的expect any very startling results

Besides which there is always the risk that what we have woven by day the night will unravel.

A. 除此以外還有有一個 危險:白天我們在諮詢中“織好”的東西,晚上又會被“拆開”了。
B. 除此而外,總是還會有這個危險:我們白天所編想好的解釋,晚上又會被拆解。


The danger is that nothing permanent is achieved, that nothing remains fixed.

A. 也就是說,我們無法獲得什麼持久的成果,沒有東西是能固定不下來的。
B. 這個危險是:沒有持久的成功被獲得,沒有一樣成果是固定。

It not infrequently happens in these situations that the patient has a particularly vivid or curious dream, and says to me, “Do you know, if only I were a painter I would make a picture of it.“

A. 即便患者的夢是非常清 晰、逼真、古怪,他說:“你知道嗎,如果我是一個畫家,我甚至能把這個夢給畫下來。
B. 在這些情況,經常發生的是:病人會有特別生動或耐人尋味的夢,然後對我說:「你知道嗎?但願我是一位畫家,我就能將它描繪出來。」

Not infrequently 經常
If only—I wish 但願


Or the dreams are about photographs, paintings, drawings, or illuminated manuscripts, or even about the films.

A. ”或這些夢就是關於照片、畫像或泥金手抄本,有時候甚至是電影,即便如此,這種情況也常常無法避免。
B, 經常發生的,或者是關於照片,圖畫,素描,或者泥金裝飾手抄本,甚至是電影。

何謂「泥金裝飾手抄本」illuminated manuscrpt?

泥金裝飾手抄本(Illuminated manuscript)是手抄本的一種,其內容通常是關於宗教的,內文由精美的裝飾來填充,例如經過裝飾性處理的首字母和邊框。泥金裝飾圖形則經常取材自中世紀紋章或宗教徽記。


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