
My aim is to bring about a psychic state in which my patient begins to experiment with his own nature–a state of fluidity, change, and growth where nothing is eternally fixed and hopelessly petrified.

A. 我的諮詢目標就是營造這樣一種心理情境:患者呆在其中時,會開始感覺到一種流動的、改變的、不斷成長的本能,在這兒沒什麼是永恆不變的,也沒什麼是毫無希望的。
B. 我的目標是要形成一種心靈狀態,讓病人在裏面開始試探他自己的天性。那是一種流動,變化及成長的狀態。在那裏,沒有什麼東西是永恆不變的,是絕望地麻木僵化。

Petrify 的意思是「麻木僵化」Make rigid and set into a conventional pattern

I can here of course adumbrate only the principles of my technique. Those of you who happen to be acquainted with my works can easily imagine the necessary parallels.

A. 我當然可以勾勒出自己諮詢中的技術原則,那些和我共事過的人,可以輕易尋覓到這種軌跡。
B. 在此,我當然可以將我的技術的原理勾勒其輪廓。你們當中,對於我的著作偶爾有所認識的人,能夠很容易地想像出必要多那些對比。

Works 的意思是「著作」,不是「工作」work
happen to be acquainted 的意思是「偶爾有點認識」,跟「共事」無關。


I would only like to emphasize that you should not think of my procedure as entirely without aim or limit.

A. 我很樂意地說,別以為我的諮詢過程是完全沒目的性或設置的。
B. 我只是想要強調,你們不應該將我的治療過程,當著述完全沒有目標或是沒有限制。
Limit 應該就是「限制」,不是什麼「設置」。


In handling a dream or fantasy I make it a rule never to go beyond the meaning which is effective for the patient; I merely try to make him as fully conscious of this meaning as possible, so that he shall also become aware of its supra-personal connections.

A. 我在處理一個夢或幻想的時候,技術原則就是:找到那個對患者有諮詢效果的意義,這是最重要的。我要做的就是幫助患者充分意識到那個意義究竟是什麼,或許他 就能因此獲得超個人的聯結了。
B. 當我在處理夢或幻想時,我養成的習慣,是永遠不要給予超越對於病人有效用的意義;我僅僅設法使他盡可能充份地知道這個意義。這樣,他才會知道超越個人的聯想,也就是集體潛意識。

Make it a rule 的意思是「養成習慣」,have a habit of ,不是「原則」
He makes it a rule never to borrow money.
Conscious of = aware of 知道

何謂supra-personal connections 「超越個人的聯想」?

This unconscious, buried in the structure of the brain5 and disclosing its living presence only through the medium of creative fantasy, is the suprapersonal unconscious [ [which I take to mean the suprapersonal consciousness of which we are usually unconscious」 It comes alive in the creative man, it reveals itself in the vision of the artist, in the inspiration of the thinker, in the inner experience of the mystic. The suprapersonal unconscious, being distributed throughout the brain-structure, is like an all-pervading, omnipresent, omniscient spirit. It knows man as he always was, and not as he is at this moment; it knows him as myth


For this reason, also, the connection with the suprapersonal or collective unconscious means an extension of man beyond himself; it means death for his personal being and a rebirth in a new dimension, as was literally enacted in certain of the ancient mysteries. It is certainly true that without the sacrifice of man as he is, man as he was–and always will be–cannot be attained. And it is the artist who can tell us most about this sacrifice of the personal man…6


“ Civilization in Transition” by Carl Jung
卡爾 榮格:「轉變中的文明」

For, when something happens to a man and he supposes it to be personal only to himself, whereas in reality it is a quite universal experience, then his attitude is obviously wrong, that is, too personal, and it tends to exclude him from human society.

A. 所以,一件事情發生在患者身上時,如果他覺得這種事都是針對自己的,而不會意識到它發生的普遍性,那麼他的態度顯然就有問題 了。他這麼想太個人化了,會把把自己隔離在人類社會之外。
B. 當某件事情發生到某人身上,他以為這件事情只是屬於他個人。但是事實上,這是相當普遍性的經驗。因此,他的態度顯而易見是錯誤。也就是說,他太偏重個人,這樣會將他從人類社會裏排除出來。

By the same token we need to have not only a personal, contemporary consciousness, but also a supra-personal consciousness with a sense of historical continuity.

A. 出於同樣的原因,我們不僅需要個人的、現代的意識,也需要超個人的、延續人類歷史的意識。
B. 同樣的理由,我們不僅需要個人的當代意識,而且我們也需要超越個人的意識,擁有一種歷史延續性的感覺。

However abstract this may sound, practical experience shows that many neuroses are caused primarily by the fact that people blind themselves to their own religious promptings because of a childish passion for rational enlightenment.

A. 儘管這 聽起來非常抽象,但實踐經歷證明:那些神經症患者的病因就在於,他們無視真正屬於自己的宗教,而一味幼稚而狂熱地追求所謂理性的啟示。
B. 無論這話聽起來多麼抽象,但是根據實際的經驗,我們看出,許多的神經症患者的病因主要是:人們由於對於理性的啟明,過於幼稚的熱衷,結果對於他們自己的宗教的教導置若罔聞。

Prompting的意思是「教導,藉由暗示說服」Persuasion formulated as a suggestion


It is high time the psychologist of today recognized that we are no longer dealing with dogmas and creeds but with the religious attitude per se whose importance as a psychic function can hardly be overrated.

A. 現在,當代心理學家 們終於認識到:我們要做的不再是處理那些教條和信條了,而是懷著一種虔誠的態度,直面每一種心理功能,因為它們都極其重要。
B. 今天的心理學家應該是要有這個體認的時候:我們正在處理的,不再是武斷學說及教條,而是宗教的態度本身。作為一種心靈的功用,宗教態度本身的重要性,我們無論如何給予高估,都不過份。

Religious attitude 意思就是「宗教的態度」,不是「虔誠的態度」


It is high time that the psychologist of today recognized that…
= it is high time that the psychologist of today should recognize that…

這一句是現在事實相反的假設法,recognized 雖是過去形式,表達的卻是現在「應該體認」should recognize,因此不能譯為「終於體認」。


The importance of the religious attitude per se as a psychic function can hardly be overrated.
= It is nearly impossible for us to rate too much the importance of the religious attitude per se as a psychic function.


Cannot—overrate = cannot rate —too much 越—越好, 無論怎樣、、、不為過

We cannot overemphasize the importance of health.
= It is impossible for us to emphasize the importance of health too much.


And it is precisely for the religious function that the sense of historical continuity is indispensable.
A. 同時,那種帶有歷史延續感的宗教感也是非常重要,不可或缺的。
B. 確實就是對於這個宗教功用,歷史的延續感是不可或缺的。


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