
All this naturally does not prevent us from doing our utmost to make the patient normal and reasonable.
A. 這一切順其自然的做法,不會妨礙我們盡最大努力地幫助患者,讓他們恢復正常、合理的生活。
B. 這一切自然並沒有阻止我們盡我們全力,使病人恢復正常及理性。
Naturally 是副詞,修飾動詞prevent ,不是修飾「做法」。
If the therapeutic results are satisfactory, we can probably let it go at that.
A. 如果治療的效果是令人滿意的,我們就任其發展。
B. 假如心理治療的結果是令人滿意,我們可能就這樣適可而止。
Let it go at that—not to worry about ( something) 就這樣就算了。
He said that he hadn’t understood the rules, and we let it go at that.
( we said no more about it)
If not, then for better or worse the therapist must be guided by the patient’s own irrationalities.
A. 如果不是這樣的, 治療師則必須遵從患者的本能,無論結果會更好還是更壞。
A. 假如結果是不令人滿意,心理治療師必須要順著病人非理性的部份前進,不論結果是好或壞。
Here we must follow nature as a guide, and what the doctor then does is less a question of treatment than of developing the creative possibilities latent in the patient himself.
A. 我們必須順應本能,醫生要做的並非治療本身的問題,而是去探究如何如何開發患者自身就具備的、極富創造性的巨大潛能。
B. 在此我們必須跟隨病人的天性,作為引導。醫生所要做的,與其說是如何治療的問題,不如說是要發展病人本身潛在的創造性可能。
Less…than—not so much…as 與其說是、、、不如說是
What the doctor then does is less a question of treatment than of developing the creative possibilities latent in the patient himself.
=What the doctor then does is not so much a question of treatment as of developing the creative possibilities latent in the patient himself.
What I have to say begins where the treatment leaves off and this development sets in.
A. 我不得不說,當治療停止的時候,這種潛能開發就開始了。
B. 從治療停止及創造潛能發展開始的地方,才是我必須要說的東西。
Leave off = stop 停止 set in =begin 開始
What I have to say 我必須要說的東西,
這是名詞子句,充當begins 的主詞
where the treatment leaves off and this development sets in
這是副詞子句,表示地方,修飾前面的動詞 begins
Thus my contribution to psychotherapy confines itself to those cases where rational treatment does not yield satisfactory results.
A. 因此只有那些理性治療模式無法奏效的案例,才幫助我對心理治療真正做出了一些貢獻。
B. 因此,我對於心理治療的貢獻,僅局限於理性的治療沒有產生令人滿意的結果的那些個案。
where rational treatment does not yield satisfactory results.
這個where 引導形容詞子句,修飾前面的 cases
The clinical material at my disposal is of a peculiar composition: new cases are decidedly in the minority.
A. 我的臨床資料組成很特殊:很少有新案例。
B. 我可以處理的臨床資料,屬於特別的性質。非轉診的新個案無可置疑是占少數。
Decidedly –Without question and beyond doubt 無可置疑地
At my disposal –available for me to use 可使用
He will have a car at his disposal for the whole month.
In the minority —to form much less than half of a large group 占不到一半,少數
Most of them already have some form of psychotherapeutic treatment behind them, with partial or negative results.
A. 大多數個案都嘗試過了很多模式的心理治療,但結果大多不理想。
B. 這些個案大多數都已經有過心理治療的某些病歷,有些有部份療效,有些則是反效果。
About a third of my cases are not suffering from any clinically definable neurosis, but from the senselessness and aimlessness of their lives. I should not object if this were called the general neurosis of our age.
A. 在我的個案中,三分之一的人並沒有患任何臨床定義上的神經官能症,而只是感到生活失去了意義 和目標,這讓他們很痛苦。
B. 我三分之一的個案病人,並沒有遭受任何臨床定義上的神經官能症,而是面對人生的無意義及無目標感。我並不反對將他們統稱為「老年人一般性的神經官能症」。
Fully two thirds of my patients are in the second half of life.
C. 我的患者,大約有三分之二都是處在自己生命的後半段。
D. 我的病人,足足有三分之二處於人生的後半輩子。
Fully —completely, entirely 完整地

This peculiar material sets up a special resistance to rational methods of treatment, probably because most of my patients are socially well-adapted individuals, often of outstanding ability, to whom normalization means nothing.
A. 這部分特殊個案,他們對傳統理性的治療模式很阻抗,可能因為我的大多數患者,都是社會適應良好的個體,通常擁有非凡的才能,對他們而言,“正常”兩個字沒 有任何意義。
B. 我個案的這個特別性質,對於理性的治療方法,形成一種特別的抗拒。可能是因為我大部份的病人,都是在社會上適應良好的個人,往往還有傑出的才能。對於他們而言,「過正常生活」沒有多大意義。
As for so-called normal people, there I really am in a fix, for I have no ready-made philosophy of life to hand out to them.
A. 面對 這些所謂的“正常人”,我還真不知怎麼辦,因為我沒有一個現成的、準備好的生活哲學手冊分發給他們。
B. 面對所謂的「正常人」,我真的束手無措。因為我並沒有一個現成的人生哲學,可分發給他們。

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