
The extraordinary importance which Freud attaches to the unconscious meets with scant approval, although it is an interesting point with a certain validity.
A. 佛洛德非常重視人的潛意識,這個觀點很有趣,也具有一定的效度,但是卻讓人難以接受。
B. 佛洛伊德對於無意識的額外重視,遭遇到很少的認同,儘管這個觀點很耐人尋味,而且有某個程度的證實。
But one should not stress it too much; otherwise one robs the conscious mind of its practical significance and eventually arrives at a completely mechanistic view of things.
A. 一個人不能太強調其潛意識,因為那樣會剝奪自己的意識力量,從而失去現實意義,最終導致自己站在一個完全機械的角度看待問題。
B. 人不應該過份強調無意識,否則他會讓他的意識的心靈,喪失它實用的重要性。最後,他所獲得的是一種完全是機械式的事物觀。
rob…of—to stop ( someone or something ) from having 使喪失
Television has robbed the cinema of its former popularity.
But one should not stress it too much; otherwise one robs the conscious mind of its practical significance
= But one should not stress the unconscious too much; if one stresses it too much, the conscious mind will lose its practical significance.
Significance—the importance something, especially when this has an effect on what happens in the future 重要性
We should be fully aware of the significance of television in shaping our ideas.
Arrive at –reach ( something such as a decision ) ,達成,獲得
After many hours’ talk, the committee arrived at their decision.
This goes against our instincts, which have made the conscious mind the arbiter mundi.
A. 這與我們的本能背道而馳,讓意識淪成為仲裁者。
B. 這與我們的本能背道而馳,而我們的本能卻是以意識的心靈,作為最高的仲裁者。
Which 在此是指前面的instincts ,若是修飾前面整個句子,動詞應該用第三人稱單數,也就是 has 而不是have 。
arbiter mundi.—最高仲裁者
A 譯的內容,與原意恰恰相反。
Go against –oppose ( someone or something) 違背
It is no use going against the customs of a country that you are visiting.
It is nevertheless true that the conscious mind has been overvalued by the rationalists. Hence it was a healthy sign to give the unconscious its due share of value.
A. 以前,我們的意識思想被理性主義者過高重視了,所以若能開始重視潛意識,這是很好的,但這種重視程度不應過度,
B. 可是,意識的心靈曾經被理性主義主張者過份重視,也是事實。因此,假如能夠給予無意識它該有的一份重視,那才是健全的作法。
Sign —An event that is experienced as indicating important things to come 被經驗到,作為重要事情會發生的事件
But this should not exceed the value accorded to consciousness.
A. 一旦超過對意識價值的重視,則不可取了。
B. 但是給予無意識的重視,不應該超過給予意識的重視。
A further reason for hesitation is the absence of a real medical psychology, though there may be a psychology for doctor.
A. 我們為何對醫學心理學有各種遲疑?還有一個原因是,雖然有針對醫生的心理學,但卻缺乏真正的醫學心理學。
B. 對於大學開設醫學心理學的課程,我們會猶豫不決的另一個理由是:我們根本就沒有真正的醫學心理學,雖然我們可能有適用于醫生的心理學。
hesitation 「猶豫不決」在此指前面說過的 If I were responsible for a university department, I should certainly feel rather hesitant about teaching medical psychology.(即使我當大學系所得負責人,我應該也會確實地感到猶豫不決,關於要不要開設醫學心理學的課程。)
Psychology is not for professionals only, nor is it peculiar to certain diseases. It is something broadly human, with professional and pathological variations.
A. 心理學並不只是學術化、職業化的,也不是特指某些疾病的;心理學是泛指人性的,既包含專業學術上的,也包含病理上的內容;
B. 心理學不僅是適用於專業人員,也不是某些的疾病特別適用。心理學是某件凡是人都會有需要的東西,只是應用在某些專業及病理上,會有一些變化。

Professionals在此是名詞形式,指的是「專業人員」,不是A 譯「學術化、職業化的」
Peculiar to—特有 Variations—變數
Nor, again, is it merely instinctual or biological. If it were, it could very well be just a chapter in a textbook of biology.
C. 心理學也不僅僅是一種本能或是一種生物學,否則它可能只是生物課本上的一個章節而已。
D. 而且,心理學不僅是屬於本能或跟生物有關。就算它是,它很有可僅是生物學教科書上的一個章節。

If it were,在此是 If it were instinctual or biological (即使算是屬於本能或是跟生物有關,)的省略形,A 譯為「否則」,過於牽強。
Could very well— is likely to be 很有可能 Again –而且

It has an immensely important social and cultural aspect without which we could not imagine a human psyche at all.

A. 心理學涵蓋寬廣,有著社會、文化方面的重要意義,若缺乏心理學,我們很難想像人性究竟會是什麼樣的。
B. 心理學有著極端重要的社會及文化的特性,假如沒有這樣的特性,我們根本無法想像人類的精神是什麼。
Aspect —A characteristic to be considered 應該被考慮到的特性
Not at all 的意思是「根本就沒有」,「絲毫不」
Without which 的 which 指的是前面的 an immensely important social and cultural aspect 極端重要的社會及文化的特性,不是A譯的「心理學」。
It is therefore quite impossible to speak of a general or normal psychology as the mere explosion of a clash between instinct and moral law, or other inconveniences of that kind.
A. 因此,若讓我們對心理學給出一個概要或標準,這幾乎是不能的。心理學表現出了人的本能和道德法律間的某種衝突,或其他類似的衝突。
B. 因此,我們完全不可能提到普通心理學或是正常心理學,僅是當著本能與道德原則的爆發衝突,或是類似的糾紛。

speak of…as 提到、、、當
A 譯將 as 後面的內容,以句點分開陳述,完全背離原意。
General psychology 普通心理學 normal psychology 正常心理學
Mere 的意思是「僅僅」,不是「某種」。
Quite 的意思是「完全」,不是「幾乎」。
Since the beginning of history man has been the maker of his own laws; and even if, as Freud seems to think, they were the invention of our malevolent forefather it is odd how the rest of humanity has conformed to them and given them silent assent.
A. 有人說,人類的道德法律是由早期那些掌權者們自己指定出來的,連佛洛德他也認為,人類法律是由邪惡的先人們製造出來的。那就很奇怪了,為什麼其他人會願意順從並默默認同這樣的道德呢?
B. 有史以來,人類始終就是自己律法的創造者。佛洛伊德似乎認為,即使這些律法是居心不良的祖先所創造,其餘的人為何也一直遵守它們,並且默認它們?這真是令人匪夷所思。
Even if 即使,是連接詞,引導後面they were the invention of our malevolent forefather「即使這些律法是居心不良的祖先所創造」,充當副詞子句,表讓步。A譯「連佛洛德他也認為」,這個「連」變成修飾佛洛伊德,顯然非榮格原意。

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