
流覽心理諮商網頁,發現Michael 翻譯的榮格的「什麼是心理學」,譯文流暢精確,幾乎無懈可擊。啄米鳥正饑腸轆轆地想要離去之時,忽然瞥見幾隻小毛蟲若隱若現,於是興奮地回撲上。
Neuroses are still-very unjustly-counted as mild illnesses, mainly because their nature is not tangible and of the body. People do not “die” of a neurosis-as if every bodily illness had a fatal outcome! But it is entirely forgotten that, unlike bodily illnesses, neuroses may be extremely deleterious in their psychic and social consequences, often worse than psychoses, which generally lead to the social isolation of the sufferer and thus render him innocuous. An anchylosed knee, an amputated foot, a long-drawn-out phthisis, are in every respect preferable to a severe neurosis. When the neurosis is regarded not merely from the clinical but from the psychological and social standpoint, one comes to the conclusion that it really is a severe illness, particularly in view of its effects on the patient’s environment and way of life. The clinical standpoint by itself is not and can-not be fair to the nature of a neurosis, because a neurosis is more a psychosocial phenomenon than an illness in the strict sense. It forces us to extend the term “illness” beyond the idea of an individual body whose functions are disturbed, and to look upon the neurotic person as a sick system of social relationships. When one has corrected one’s views in this way, one will no longer find it astonishing that a proper therapy of neuroses is an elaborate and complicated matter.
神經症仍然被 非常不公平地算為輕度疾患,主要是因為其本質是非實體性、非軀體性的。人們不會因為神經症而“死”——就好像每種軀體疾病都有致命結局似的。但是被人們完 全遺忘的是,和軀體疾病不一樣,神經症可以對其精神和社會狀況產生極其有害的影響,經常比精神病的影響還要糟糕,這常常導致患者的社會孤立,當然這樣他就 可以對社會無害了。關節僵硬,腳被截肢,身患肺癆遷延不愈,這些情況在各方面都要比嚴重神經症更好些。當人們不僅僅臨床立場,而是從心理和社會立場來看神 經症時,得出的結論就是這果真是一種嚴重的疾病,尤其是注意到其對病人環境和生活方式的影響時。臨床立場本身不是也不能對神經症的本質做出公正判斷,因為 嚴格來說,神經症更多是一種心理-社會現象,而不僅僅是一種疾病。它讓我們不得不擴展“疾病”一詞的概念,不僅僅把它看做是一個個體的軀體功能失調,而是 把患神經症的人看做一個生病的社會關係系統。一個人如此修正自己的觀念後,在他發現神經症的完整治療是精巧複雜的事情,就不會感到吃驚。(24頁完)
Neuroses are still–very unjustly–counted as mild illnesses, mainly because their nature is not tangible and of the body.
A. 神經症仍然被非常不公平地算為輕度疾患,主要是因為其本質是非實體性、非軀體性的。
B. 精神官能症仍然被視為是輕度的疾病。這是非常不合理的。主要是因為它們的特性,並不是具體明顯,也不是跟身體有關。
Tangible—that you touch and feel 能夠碰觸及感覺
People do not “die” of a neurosis–as if every bodily illness had a fatal outcome!
A. 人們不會因為神經症而“死”——就好像每種軀體疾病都有致命結局似的。
B. 精神官能症不會讓人們「致命」,好像每一種生理上的疾病,結果都會讓人致命似的!
But it is entirely forgotten that, unlike bodily illnesses, neuroses may be extremely deleterious in their psychic and social consequences, often worse than psychoses, which generally lead to the social isolation of the sufferer and thus render him innocuous.
A. 但是被人們完全遺忘的是,和軀體疾病不一樣,神經症可以對其精神和社會狀況產生極其有害的影響,經常比精神病的影響還要糟糕,這常常導致患者的社會孤立,當然這樣他就可以對社會無害了。
B. 但是,人們完全忘記,精神官能症患者,不像生理上的疾病:他們的為害是在精神及社會層面的後果。他們經常比變態狂患者還要糟糕。變態狂患者通常會促成患者離群索居,這樣反而較顯得無害。
Deleterious– Harmful to living things 對生物有害的
Innocuous– Not injurious to physical or mental health 對於生理及精神建康無害
第二行末尾的which ,指的是psychosis 變態狂患者,而不是如A 譯的「神經症」,或是「神經症可以對其精神和社會狀況產生極其有害的影響」。我感到困惑的是,A譯的「這」常常導致患者的社會孤立,「這」指的是什麼呢?第三行的「當然這樣他就可以對社會無害了」,這個「他」又是指誰呢?
An anchylosed knee, an amputated foot, a long-drawn-out phthisis, are in every respect preferable to a severe neurosis.
A. 關節僵硬,腳被截肢,身患肺癆遷延不愈,這些情況在各方面都要比嚴重神經症更好些。
B. 膝蓋關節僵直,被截除的腳肢,肺結核慢性病,在各方面,都比嚴重的精神官能症的狀況好一點。
In every respect 各方面
long-drawn-out 的意思是Relatively long in duration ( 比較漫長的時期)
When the neurosis is regarded not merely from the clinical but from the psychological and social standpoint, one comes to the conclusion that it really is a severe illness, particularly in view of its effects on the patient’s environment and way of life.
A. 當人們不僅僅臨床立場,而是從心理和社會立場來看神經症時,得出的結論就是這果真是一種嚴重的疾病,尤其是注意到其對病人環境和生活方式的影響時。
B. 當我們不僅從臨床,而且從心理及社會的觀點,來看待精神官能症,我們會獲得這樣的結論:它確實是一種嚴重的疾病,尤其是,當我們考慮到,它對於病人的周遭環境及生活方式的影響。
In view of—considering 假如考慮到
The clinical standpoint by itself is not and can not be fair to the nature of a neurosis, because a neurosis is more a psychosocial phenomenon than an illness in the strict sense.
A. 臨床立場本身不是也不能對神經症的本質做出公正判斷,因為 嚴格來說,神經症更多是一種心理社會現象,而不僅僅是一種疾病。
B. 就精神官能症的特質而言,臨床觀點本身並不公道,也不可能公道。因為精神官能症與其說是一種狹義上的疾病,不如說是一種心理及社會的現象。
A neurosis is more a psychosocial phenomenon than an illness in the strict sense.
A neurosis is a psychosocial phenomenon rather than an illness in the strict sense.
= A neurosis is not an illness in the strict sense but a psychosocial phenomenon.
= A neurosis is not so much an illness in the strict sense as a psychosocial phenomenon.
這裏的more 、、、than 的句型,意思是「是什麼、、、而不是什麼」,「與其說是、、、不如說是」。跟比較級無關,不要翻成「更多」。
He is more of politician than of a scholar.
He is more shy than gentle.
It forces us to extend the term “illness” beyond the idea of an individual body whose functions are disturbed, and to look upon the neurotic person as a sick system of social relationships.
A. 它讓我們不得不擴展“疾病”一詞的概念,不僅僅把它看做是一個個體的軀體功能失調,而是把患神經症的人看做一個生病的社會關係系統。
B. 它讓我們不得不將「疾病」一詞作廣義解釋:「疾病」不僅是指個人的身體功能失調。然後,我們才能將精神官能症患者,視為是社會關係出狀況的精神系統。
and to look upon the neurotic person as a sick system of social relationships. 的不定詞片語,是跟前面的不定詞片語to extend the term “illness” beyond the idea of an individual body whose functions are disturbed 平等對稱,中間的連接詞是and ,而不是 but。因此A譯翻成「而是」,會扭曲原意。
至於to look upon the neurotic person as a sick system of social relationships. (將精神官能症患者,視為是社會關係出狀況的精神系統。)我擅自在「系統」前面多加「精神」兩字,是畫蛇添足?還是有助於理解?
榮格在前一章「實踐心理治療的原則」曾將每一位作為生命主體的人,各別當著是一個「精神系統」psychic system 。心理治療的過程就是治療師與病人,作為兩個「精神系統」的「辯證過程」dialectical process.
「社會關係出狀況的系統」a sick system of social relationships 的「系統」,顯而易見是病人作為生命主體的「精神系統」。
When one has corrected one’s views in this way, one will no longer find it astonishing that a proper therapy of neuroses is an elaborate and complicated matter.
A. 一個人如此修正自己的觀念後,在他發現神經症的完整治療是精巧複雜的事情,就不會感到吃驚。
B. 這樣修正我們的觀點後,假如我們再發現:精神官能症要做到令人滿意的治療,是件棘手難纏的事情,我們再也不會大吃一驚。

在詞典裏,proper 一詞有「完整」,「適當」「令人滿意」等解釋。從上下文來推敲,我覺得「令人滿意」比「完整」貼切些。


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