Anxiety 233 Jacques Lacan

Anxiety 233

Jacques Lacan
雅克 拉康



1962 – 1963
22.5.63 XIX 224
Seminar 19: Wednesday 22 May 1963

I will return to this. But it is nonetheless also striking, if you consult these articles, to see the degree to which at the end, he gets himself – and undoubtedly for want of any of these(5) theoretical supports which allow a style of study to give itself its proper limits – into inextricable confusion.


It is not enough for the shofar and the voice that it supports to be presented as an analogy of the phallic function – and in effect why not – but how and at what level is where the question begins, it is also there that he comes to a halt.


It is not enough that such an intuitive, analogical handling of the symbol, leaves the interpreter, at a certain limit, stripped of all criteria for there not to appear at the same time the degree to which there is telescoped together, the degree to which there turns into a sort of mixture and confusion that is properly speaking unnameable, everything that Theodore Reik ends up with at the final term in his last chapter.


To give you an idea of it, I will only indicate to you that these points, step by step and through the intermediary precisely of the ram’s horn, of the indication which
is given to us by this of what is quite obvious, of the
underpinning, more exactly of the correlation, why not say for that matter of the conflict with a whole reality, with a whole social totemic structure in the midst of which the whole historical adventure of Israel is plunged.


How, along what path, how does it happen that no barrier stops Reik in his analysis to prevent him at the end from identifying Yahwe with the golden calf?


Moses coming down from Sinai, radiating with the sublimity of the love of the father, had already killed him, and the proof, he tells us, is what he becomes: this veritable enraged being who is going to destroy the golden calf and make the Hebrews eat it in a powdered form. In this, of course, you will recognise the dimension of the totemic meal.


The strangest thing, is that since the requirements of the proof have to pass though the identification of Yahwe not with a calf, but with a bull, the calf in question will therefore necessarily represent a son divinity alongside a father-divinity.


We were told about the calf only to confuse the issue, to leave us in ignorance of the fact that there was also a bull. So therefore, since Moses here is the son, murderer of the father, what Moses has destroyed in the calf through the sequence of all the displacements followed in a way that quite obviously makes us sense that we lack any reference points, any compass capable of orientating us, this is supposed to be therefore Moses’ own ensign: everything is consumed in a sort of self-destruction. This is only indicated to you, I am only giving you here a certain number of points which show you the extremes at which a certain form of analysis can arrive by its excesses. We will have other examples in the (6) lectures which follow.


For our part, we are going to see what seems to us to deserve to be retained here, and for this reason to know, to know what we are searching for, this is what emerges from what I was
introducing earlier as constituting the necessity of our
research, namely not to abandon what in a certain text, which is none other, after all, than the foundational text of a society, my own, the one which is the reason why I am here in the position of giving you this teaching: the fact is that in the principle which determines the very necessity of a teaching, if there is in the first place the necessity of correctly situating psychoanalysis among the sciences, this can only happen by submitting its technique to the examination of what it really presupposes and accomplishes.


As regards this text, I indeed have the right to remember that I had to defend it and to impose it, even if those after all who allowed themselves to be drawn along by it saw in it perhaps
nothing but empty words. This text appears to me to be
fundamental; for what this technique presupposes and accomplishes in fact is our supporting point, the one around which we ought to make revolve the whole arrangement, even the structural one, of what we have to deploy.


If we overlook the fact that what is involved in our technique,
is a handling, an interference, indeed at the limit a
rectification of desire, but which leaves entirely open and in suspense the notion of desire itself and which necessitates its perpetual putting in question, we will undoubtedly, on the one hand wander about in the infinite network of the signifier or, going back to the beginning, relapse into the most ordinary paths of traditional psychology.



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