Anxiety 201 Jacques Lacan

Anxiety 201

Jacques Lacan
雅克 拉康



1962 – 1963
Seminar 15: Wednesday 20 March 1963

It has to be said, he is not what for the woman is an anxiety-provoking character. It can happen that the woman really senses herself to be the object at the centre of a desire. Well then, believe me, it is then that she really flees! We are now going to enter, if we can, into Lucia Towers’ story.
(13) She has two men – I mean in analysis. By God, as she tells
it, she always had very satisfying relations with them from a human point of view.


Do not imagine I am saying that the affair is simple, nor that
they do not hold out for a long while. They are two anxiety
neurotics. At least that is the diagnosis that she posits,
having examined everything carefully.


These two men who have had, as it should be, some difficulties
with their mothers, and with what are called “female siblings”, which means sisters, but which situates them as being equivalent to brothers, these two men now find themselves intimately acquainted with women, we are told, that they have well and truly chosen in order to exercise a certain number of aggressive and other tendencies, and to protect themselves in this way from a penchant, that by God is not analytically contestable, for the other sex.


“With both men”, she tells us, “I was quite aware of the
contributions which they themselves made to the difficulties with their wives, namely that both were too submissive, too hostile, in a sense too devoted, and both wives”, she tells us – for she enters boldly into an appreciation of the point of view with a lorgnette – “were frustrated for lack of sufficient uninhibited masculine assertiveness from their husbands”, a way of affirming themselves as men in an uninhibited way. (cf 240)


In other words – we immediately enter into the heart of the
subject, she has her ideas about things – they do not pretend
enough. For her part, of course, without knowing what might trap her in this, she herself feels very “protective”, a little too “protective” although differently in’the case of the first man: she protects, she tells us, his wife a little bit too much, and in the second case him a little bit too much.


In fact, what reassures her, is that she has a much greater
attraction for the second, and this – you have to read the things all the same in their innocence and their freshness – because the first one has all the same some “psychosexual problems” that are not too attractive.


This one, the first one, shows himself in a way which is not all that much distinguished from that of the other. Both really tire her with their mumbling, their halting speech, their
circumstantiality – that means they go on and on – their
repetitiveness,and minutiae. But after all she is an analyst:
what she notices in the first one, is this tendency to attack her own power as an analyst.


The other has a different tendency: for him it is rather a matter of taking an object from her than properly speaking of destroying it as frustrating. And of course in this connection, she says to herself: “Well now, after all, by God, it is perhaps because the second one is more narcissistic.”


*In fact this does not hold up, as those who have a little culture can remark, with the other references that we have about narcissism. For on the other hand it is not so much narcissism which concerns him here as what is called the anaclitic aspect, as she will clearly see from what follows.


Moreover on the other hand, she tells us, however long, however
fastidious may be the path which is taken with the one and the other without anything showing the efficacy of the analysis of transference, it nevertheless remains that there remains in all of this something which does not have anything fundamentally disagreeable about it, and that in fact all the counter-transference responses that she perceives in herself do not at all, she says, reasonably go beyond this limit where one could say that any female analyst would risk losing her way in connection with such valuable characters if she were not on her guard. She is very specially so.


And very especially, she pays attention at what is happening on the side of this woman over whom she watches perhaps a little more specifically: the wife of her first patient. She learns that she has had a little psychosomatic accident. She says to herself: “By God, that’s not too bad. Since what I feared, was that she was drifting towards a psychosis, here we have an anxiety that is well bound.”


And then she thinks no more about it. She thinks no more about
it and the situation continues, namely that one may well analyse everything that happens in the transference, and therefore even the use made of it in his analysis by the patient – I am speaking about the first one that is involved – of his conflicts with his wife, to obtain from his analyst all the more attention, to obtain from her the compensations that he had never found with his mother, still no progress is made.



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