Anxiety 71 Jacques Lacan

Anxiety 71

Jacques Lacan
雅克 拉康



1962 – 1963

Seminar 9 : Wednesday 23 January 1963
23.1.63 IX 114

Therefore this article on “General problems of acting-out”, in which there are very pertinent remarks, even though as those of you who read it will see, they gain by being illuminated by the original lines that I am trying to sketch before you.
The question then is to know how to deal with acting-out. There
are three of them, she says. There is interpreting it, there is prohibiting it, there is reinforcing the ego.


You should not have any great illusions about interpreting it.


Phyllis Greenacre is a very very able woman. Interpreting it,
after what I have just told you, promises to have very little
effect, as I might say, if only because this is why the acting out is done. When you look at things closely, most of the time (20) you see that the subject knows very well that what he is doing, is done to offer himself to your interpretation by acting-out.


Only you see, it is not the meaning of what you interpret that counts, whatever it may be; it is the remainder.


So that this time at least, without something more, it is an
impasse. It is very interesting to spend some time scanning the hypotheses.


To prohibit it, naturally that even makes the author herself
smile when she says: all the same, one can do many things, but to say to a subject, “No acting-out”, is something which is all the same difficult. Besides nobody dreams of doing it.


All the same, in this connection, one observes the amount of prejudicial prohibition there is in analysis. Many things obviously are done to avoid acting-out in the session. Then one tells them not to take decisions that are essential for their existence during the analysis.


Why does one do all of this? Indeed it is a fact that
wherever one has a hold, has a certain relationship with what one can call danger either for the subject, or for the analyst.


In fact one prohibits much more than one believes. If I say – which I would be quite willing to illustrate – what I have just said, it is because essentially, and because we are doctors, and because we are good, as someone or other has said, one does not want the patient who has come to entrust himself to us to hurt himself. And the funny thing is that one manages it.


Acting-out is the sign all the same that one is preventing a lot of things. Is this what is involved, when Mrs Greenacre speaks about allowing a more solid transference to be established?


What I would like to remark on here, is that a certain aspect of analysis that is not seen is its accident-insurance, sickness insurance aspect; because it is very funny all the same how much (21) at least from the moment that an analyst has taken on that experience that is called, namely all that he most often ignores in his own attitude, the degree to which short-term illnesses are rare during analyses, the degree to which, in an analysis which lasts for a certain time, colds, flues, all of that is effaced, and even long-term illnesses; indeed, if there were more analyses in society, I think that social insurance, as well as life insurance, would have to take the proportion of analyses in the population into account in order to modify their rates.


Inversely, when an accident happens – an accident, I am not
speaking simply about acting-out – it is very regularly
attributed by the patient and by his entourage to the analysis,
it is in a way naturally attributed to the analysis. They are
right; it is an acting-out, therefore it is addressed to the
Other. And if one is an analyst, it is therefore addressed to the analyst. If he has taken up this place, so much the worse for him. He has all the same the responsibility which belongs to this place which he has agreed to occupy.


These questions are designed perhaps to clarify for you what I mean when I speak about the desire of the analyst and when I question it.


Without dwelling for a moment on the question which changes the question of the way in which we domesticate the transference – for you see that I am in the process of saying that it is not simple without stopping for a moment to say what it is I am always opposed to, namely that what is involved here is reinforcing the ego – because on the admission even of those who are engaged along this path for more than a decade and more exactly for so many decades that people are beginning to speak less about it nowadays, this can only mean, as we see in the (22) literature, leading the subject to the identification, not at all with this image as a reflection of the ideal ego in the Other, but to the ego of the analyst with the result that Balint describes for us, the really manic terminal crisis that he describes for us as being that of the end of an analysis characterised in this way, and which represents the insurrection of the o which has remained absolutely untouched.



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