Anxiety 51 Jacques Lacan

Anxiety 51

Jacques Lacan

雅克 拉康





1962 – 1963

Seminar 7: Wednesday 9 January 1963

Have we distinguished it, isolated it, designated it, because it must be (11) considered as distinct from what functioned before, because what was functioning before, was precisely that this process should not go towards its discharge before reaching a certain level of the raising of the stimulus? It is then an exercise of the pleasure function tending to get close to its own limit, namely to the arousal of pain.


So where does this feedback come from? No one dreams of telling

us. But I would point out to you, that not I, but the very

people who, psychoanalytic doctrine tells us, should tell us

normally that the Other must intervene here, because what

constitutes a normal genital function is presented to us as

linked to oblativity. Let us be told then how the function of        giving as such intervenes hic et nunc when one is fucking!


This, in any case, has indeed its interest; for either it is

valid, or it is not; and it is certain that in some way there

must intervene the function of the Other.


In any case, since an important part of our speculations concern what is called the choice of the love object, and since it is in the disturbances of this love life that there lies an important part of analytic experience, since in this field the reference to the primordial object, to the mother, is held to be capital, a distinction is imposed as to where one should locate this frequent incidence of the fact that for some people the result is that they cannot function as regards orgasm except with prostitutes, and that for others it is only with other subjects chosen in a different register.


As we know from our analyses – the relationship to the prostitute is almost directly meshed into the reference to the mother. In other cases, the deteriorations, degradations of Liebesleben, of the love life, are linked to the opposition between the maternal body which evokes a certain type of relationship to the subject, and the woman of a certain different type in so far as she becomes the support, is equivalent to the phallic object.


How does all of this come about? This picture, this schema

(pi), the one that I have once more reproduced here on the upper part of the board allows us to designate what I mean.


Is the mechanism, the articulation produced at the level of the (12) attraction of the object, which becomes or not invested for us with this glamour, with this desirable brilliance, with this colour – this is how sexuality is designated in Chinese – which  means that the object becomes stimulating precisely at the level of excitation?


This is why this preferential colour will be situated, I would

say, at the same level of signal which can also be that of

anxiety, I am saying then at this level here i'(o). So then it will be a matter of knowing why, and I am indicating it

immediately so that you can see where I want to get to: by the branching off of the original erogenous cathexis from what is here qua o present and hidden at the same time.


Or that which functions as a sorting element in the choice of love object is produced here at the level of the framing by an Einschränkung, by this narrowing directly referred by Freud to the mechanism of the ego, by this limitation of the field of interest which excludes a certain type of object precisely in function of its relationship with the mother.


The two mechanisms are, as you see, at the two ends of this

chain, which begins at inhibition and which finishes with anxiety whose diagonal line I marked out in the table that I gave you at the beginning of this year. We have a right to distinguish two different mechanisms in inhibition and anxiety and precisely to conceive of how both one and the other can intervene from top to bottom of every sexual manifestation.


I add the following that, when I say from top to bottom, I am including in it what in our experience is called transference.


Recently I heard an allusion being made to the fact that we in our Society are people who know a good deal about transference.


To tell the truth, since a certain work on transference which was done before our Society was founded, I know only one other work which has been evoked, namely that of the year that I devoted to it with you here.



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