Anxiety 27 Jacques Lacan

Anxiety 27

Jacques Lacan
雅克 拉康



1962 – 1963
Seminar 4: Wednesday 5 December 1962

This is what I already expressed before you on other occasions, by saying that what was believed to have been perceived as being a perversion under the neurosis, is simply what I am in the process of explaining to you, namely a phantasy entirely situated at the locus of the Other, the support taken upon something which, if one encounters it, is going to present itself as perversion.


Neurotics have perverse phantasies, and that is why analysts have racked their brains for a long time asking themselves what that means. It can be clearly seen all the same that it is not the same thing, that it does not function in the same way. Hence the question which is engendered and the confusions which multiply about the question of whether, for example a perversion is really a perversion, namely whether it does not function as a question which reduplicates the following: namely of what use the perverse phantasy is to the neurotic?


Because there is all the same one thing that, starting from the position of the function that I have just set up before you of the phantasy, one must begin by saying, it is that this phantasy that the neurotic makes use of, that he organises at the moment that he makes use of it – there is indeed in effect something of the order of o which appears at
the place of Heim, above the image that I designate for you, the locus of the appearance of anxiety – well then, there is
something altogether striking which is that, precisely, this is what serves him best to defend himself against anxiety, to cover up the anxiety.


There is therefore – this can only be conceived naturally
starting from presuppositions which I had to pose at first in their extreme form, but like every new discourse, you have to (10) judge it at the moment that it takes shape and see whether it covers (as I think you have no doubt) the functioning of experience – this object o which the neurotic puts into his phantasy, suits him, I would say, the way gaiters suit a rabbit.


This indeed is why the neurotic never makes very much of his
phantasy. It succeeds in protecting him against anxiety
precisely in the measure that it is a false o. It is the
function that I illustrated for you a long time ago of the dream of “the butcher’s beautiful wife”. The butcher’s beautiful wife loves caviar; only she does not want it because this might give too much pleasure to her big brute of a husband who is capable of swallowing that with the rest, even that would not stop him.


Now what interests the butcher’s beautiful wife, is not at all of course to feed her husband with caviar, because, as I told you, he would add a whole menu to it, because he has a huge appetite, the butcher.


The only thing that interests the butcher’s beautiful wife is that her husband should want the little nothing
that she holds in reserve.


This formula is quite clear when we are dealing with a hysteric;
believe me today: it applies to all neurotics. This object o functioning in their phantasy, and which serves as a defense for them against their anxiety, is also, despite all appearances, the bait with which they hold onto the other.


And thank God for it: it is to this that we owe psychoanalysis.
There was a lady named Anna 0 who knew something about the
operation of the hysterical game and who presented her whole
story, all her phantasies, to Messrs Breuer and Freud who
precipitated themselves onto it like little fish into water.


Freud on I no longer remember what page, 271, of Studien iiber
Hysterie marvelled at the fact than in Anna 0 all the same there was not the slightest defense. She gave everything she had, just like that.


There was no need to work very hard to have the whole
package. Obviously he found himself before a generous form of hysterical functioning. And it was for that reason that Breuer, as you know, really felt it going down; because he, along with the formidable bait also swallowed the little nothing, and he spent some time trying to regurgitate it. He stayed well away from it in future.


(11) Luckily Freud was neurotic. And since he was both
intelligent and courageous, he knew how to make use of his own anxiety about his desire – which was at the source of his
ridiculous attachment to this impossible woman who as a matter of fact buried him called Madame Freud – and he knew how to make use of it to project onto the X-ray screen of his fidelity to this phantastical object, to recognise in it without blinking even for an instant what it was a question of doing, namely to understand what use all of this was and well and truly to admit that Anna 0 had perfectly in her sights, Freud himself, but that he was obviously a little bit harder to have than the other, Breuer.



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