Anxiety 24 Jacques Lacan

Anxiety 24

Jacques Lacan
雅克 拉康



1962 – 1963
Seminar 4: Wednesday 5 December 1962

The last time I put this sign (- ), in parentheses, pointing out to you that here there ought to be profiled a relationship with the libidinal reserve, with the something which is not projected, with the something which is not cathected at the level of the specular image, for the reason that it remains profoundly cathected, irreducible at the level of one’s own body, at the level of primary narcissism, at the level of what is called erotism, at the level of an autistic jouissance, an aliment in short remaining there for what will intervene eventually as instrument in the relationship to the other, to the other constituted starting from this image of my fellow, this other who will profile with its form and its norms the image of the body in its seductive function on the one who is the sexual partner.


(4) Therefore you see there being established a relationship:
what, as I told you the last time, can come to be distinguished
at this place designated here by the (-jp), is anxiety, castration anxiety in its relationship to the Other. The question of this relationship to the Other is the one into which we are going to advance today. Let us say right away – you see, I am going straight to the nodal point – that everything that we know about this structure of the subject, about this dialectic of desire which is the one that we analysts have to articulate, something absolutely new, original about, we learned through what, along what path? Along the path of the experience of the neurotic.


And what has Freud told us? It is that the final term that he arrived at in elaborating this experience, the term which he points out to us as being for him his destination, his end point, the unsurpassable term for him, is castration anxiety.
What does that mean? Is this term unsurpassable? What is meant
by this stopping of the analytic dialectic on castration anxiety?


Do you not already see, in the simple usage of the schema that I am using, there being outlined the way that I intend to lead you?


It begins from a better articulation of this fact of experience, designated by Freud in the neurotic’s coming to a halt before
castration anxiety.


The opening that I am proposing to you consists in the fact that the dialectic that I am showing you here allows to articulate: the fact is that it is not at all castration anxiety in itself which constitutes the final impasse of the neurotic; because the form, the form of castration, of castration in its imaginary structure, is already constructed here in the approach to the libidinised image of my fellow, it is
constructed at the level of the breaking that is produced at some time because of a certain imaginary drama; and this – as you know – is what gives importance to the accidents of the scene which for that reason is described as traumatic.


There are all sorts of variations, of possible anomalies, in this imaginary break which already indicate something in the material, that can be used for what? For another function which, for its part, gives its full sense to the term castration.


What the neurotic retreats from, is not castration, it is from
making of his own castration what is-lacking to the Other, 0, it is from making of his castration something positive which is the (5) guarantee of this function of the Other. This Other which slips away in the indefinite putting off of significations, this Other which the subject no longer sees as anything but destiny, but a destiny which has no end, a destiny which loses itself in the sea of histories – and what are histories, if not an immense fiction – what can ensure a relationship of the subject to this universe of significations, if not that somewhere there is jouissance?


He can only ensure this by means of a signifier, and this signifier is necessarily lacking. It is the topping up
that the subject is called on to make at this missing place by a sign which we call on from his own castration.


Dedicating his castration to this guarantee of the Other is what the neurotic comes to a halt before; he comes to a halt before it for a reason that is in a way internal to analysis: the fact is that analysis brings him to this rendevous. When all is said and done castration is nothing other than the moment of the interpretation of castration.


I have perhaps been quicker than I intended to be in my discourse this morning. In any case you see it indicated there that perhaps there is a possible way through, but of course we can only explore this possibility by going back to this very place at which imaginary castration functions, as I have just pointed out to you, in order to constitute properly speaking with all its rights what is called the castration complex.



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