Anxiety 06 Jacques Lacan

Anxiety 06

Jacques Lacan
雅克 拉康



1962 – 1963

Seminar 1: Wednesday 14 November 1962

Let us take the next step: we always remain at the same respectful distance from two great traits of anxiety, but is there in the dimension of movement something which responds more precisely to the stage of anxiety? I am going to call it by its name which I- have held in reserve for a long time, in your interest, as a delicacy. Perhaps I have made a fleeting allusion to it, but only particularly sharp ears were able to pick it up: it is the word émoi (dismay). Here etymology favours me in a literally, _____ ^fabulous way. It delights me. That is why I will not hesitate, when I have told you first everything that it brings me, to further abuse it. In any case, let’s go.


Linguistic sensibility, as it is put by Messrs Bloch and Von
Wartburg to whose article I am expressly asking you to refer – I apologise if it duplicates what I am going to tell you now,
duplicates it all the more because what I am going to tell you is a literal quotation from it, I take things where I find them, and I hope nobody minds – Messrs Bloch and Von Wartburg say then that linguistic sensibility has linked this term to the correct word, to the word émouvoir (to move, to affect).


But disabuse yourselves, this is not the case. Emoi has nothing to do with emotion for someone who knows how to use it. In any case, realise – I will go quickly – that the term esmayer, that before it esmais and even properly speaking esmoi – esmais, if you are interested is already attested to in the thirteenth century – only knew, to put it in the authors’ words, only triumphed in the sixteenth. That esmayer means troubler (to disturb, to frighten) and also se troubler (to show disturbance).


That esmayer is effectively still used in dialects and leads us to the popular Latin exmagare which means to make lose one’s power, one’s energy, and that this, this popular Latin, is linked to a grafting of a western German root which reconstituted gives us magan and which one moreover has no need to reconstitute because in high German and in Gothic, it exists in this same form,^and that, provided you are German speakers, you can refer to mogen to the English may – mogen in German.


In Italian smaqare exists I hope? Not really. It comes from Bloch and Von Wartburg – and means, according to them, to become discouraged. A doubt exists therefore. Since there are no Portugese here, I would have no objection to accepting, not what I am putting forward, but Bloch and Von Wartburg, to bringing into play esmaqar which means to crush, which until I learn otherwise I will hold onto as having for what follows a considerable interest. I will pass over Provencal.


In any case, it is certain that the translation which has been
accepted, of Triebregung by émoi pulsionnel (instinctual impulse) is quite incorrect and precisely because of the whole distance that there is between emotion and emoi. Emoi is perturbation, collapse of power, Regung is stimulation, the call to disorder, even to a riot. I will fortify myself also with this etymological quest to tell you that up to a certain time, more or less the same as the one that is called in Bloch and Von Wartburg the triumph of émoi, émeute (riot) – precisely had the meaning of emotion and only took on the sense of popular movement more or less from the seventeenth century on.


All of this to make you properly sense that here the nuances,
indeed the linguistic versions evoked, are designed to guide us through something, namely, that if we wish to define by dismay a third place in the sense of what is meant by inhibition if we try to connect it with anxiety, dismay, perturbation, being disturbed as such, indicates to us the other reference which though it (18) corresponds, let us say, to a level equal to that of embarrassment, does not concern the same aspect. Dismay is the most profound form of being disturbed in the dimension of movement. Embarrassment is the high point reached by difficulty.


Does this mean that for all that we have rejoined anxiety? The boxes of this little table are there to show you
that precisely we are not claiming that. We have filled in here emotion, dismay, these two boxes here, impediment, embarrassment, these ones here. It remains that this one here and that one are empty. How can they be filled? It is a subject which greatly interests us and I am going to leave it for you for a while as a riddle. What is to be put in these two boxes?


This is of the greatest interest as regards what is involved in the handling of anxiety. Having posed this little preamble from the reference to the Freudian triad of inhibition, symptom and anxiety, the ground has been cleared to speak about it, I would say, doctrinally.



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