sinthome 01 Jacques Lacan

sinthome 01

Jacques Lacan
雅克 拉康

Le Sinthome

Seminar 1: Wednesday 18 November 1975

What I announced on the notice was Le Sinthome. It is an old way of writing what was subsequently written as symptom.

我在公告宣佈的議題是「病徵」。Le Sinthome 是一個以前的拼字方式,來書寫隨後我們所謂的病徵的新式拼法symptom。

If I allowed myself to… this orthographic modification obviously marks an epoch, an epoch that happens to be that of the injection into French, into what I call lalangue, my lalangue, the injection of Greek. Of this tongue about which Joyce, in A portrait of the artist, clearly expressed the wish, no, its not in A portrait of the artist, it is in Ulysses, in Ulysses, in the first chapter, it is a matter of Hellenising, of injecting in the same way the Hellenic lalangue into something or other. Since it was not a matter of Gaelic, even though it was Ireland that was at stake, but Joyce had to write in English.

容我這樣說。我用Le Sinthome 的拼法,而不是symptom 的新式拼法,懸而易見地,是要標示著一個不同的時代。在這個時代,希臘文剛好融入法文,融入我所謂的「語文」,我的法國語文。至於喬埃斯的語文則是英文,在「一位年輕藝術家的畫像」,他清楚地表達這個願望,不,不是在「一個年輕藝術家的畫像」,而是在「尤裏西斯」,在尤裏西斯的第一章,討論到希臘文化的影響,如同要將希臘的語文,融入某件其他的東西。我們不確定是什麽東西,但確定不是愛爾蘭的蓋爾方言,即使愛爾蘭當時岌岌可危,但是喬埃斯必須用英文寫作。

That he wrote in English in such a way that – as was said (10) by someone whom I hope is in this audience, Philippe Sollers, in Tel Quel – he wrote it in such a way that the English tongue no longer exists. It already had I would say, little consistency.


Which does not mean that it is easy to write in English. But Joyce, through the series of works that he wrote in English, added something to it that makes the same author say that it should be written l’élangues. That’s l’élangues. L’élangues by which I suppose he intends to designate something like elation. This elation that we are told is at the source of some symptom or other that in psychiatry we call mania.


This indeed in effect is what his last work resembles, namely, Finnegans Wake which is the one that he held back for such a long time to attract general attention. The one also in connection with which I put forward at a time, at a time when I had allowed myself to be lured into…by a pressing solicitation, pressing, I should say, on the part of Jacques Aubert here present and still just as pressing, into which I allowed myself to be lured to inaugurate, to inaugurate under the name of a Joyce symposium.


That is why in short I allowed myself to be diverted from my project which was, this year – I announced it to you last year – to entitle this seminar by 4,5 and 6. I have contented myself with the 4 and I am very glad of it, because I would surely have succumbed to 4,5,6. Which is not to say that the 4 in question is any less weighty for me.


I inherit from Freud. Very much in spite of myself. Because I have stated in my time what could be extracted in proper logic from the babble of those he called his band. I do not need to name them, they are that clique which frequented the Vienna meetings.
Not one of them can be said to have followed the path I describe as properly logical.


(11) Nature, I will say, to be done with it, is distinguished by being not-one. Hence the logical procedure for tackling it. To call nature what you exclude in the very act of taking an interest in something, that something being distinguished by being named,
nature, by this procedure, only runs the risk of being characterized as a pot-pourri of what lies outside nature.


The advantage of this last proposition is that if you find, in carefully counting it, that to name it is in contrast with what appears to be the law of nature- that there is not in him, I mean in man any naturally (this naturally with every possible reservation)
naturally sexual relationship- your are positing logically as proves to be the case that this is not a privilege, a privilege of man.


Be careful however not to go so far as to say that there is nothing natural about sex. Rather try to see what is in question in each case, from bacteria to birds. I have already made an allusion to both. From bacteria to birds because they have names. Let us note in passing that in so-called divine creation – divine only in that it refers to nomination – bacteria in not named.


Nor is it (12) named when God, fooling around with man, with what is supposed to be the original man, suggests that he begin by saying the name of each little beast. Of what we must call this first blunder around we have no trace unless we conclude from it that Adam was, as his name sufficiently indicates- this is an allusion to the function of the index in Peirce – that Adam was of course, in the joke made precisely by Joyce, a madame.


And the fact that he named the beasts in her language can be safely assumed because she whom I would call Evie, l’évie that I have a perfect right to call such because this indeed is what it means Hebrew – if indeed Hebrew is a tongue- the mother of the living, well then, Evie immediately chattered away in this tongue, since after the supposed naming by Adam, she was the first person to make use of it in order to speak to the serpent.


The creation described as divine is thus reduplicated by the chitchat of the speaking being (parlêtre) with which Evie makes the serpent into what you must forgive me for calling an ass-tightener, later described as flaw or even phallus, since one is certainly
required to make a faux-pas. This is the fault my sinthome has the advantage of beginning with, the English sin, that means péché means sin, the first sin.

上帝創造萬物,被描述為神聖,因此人作為言說的生物,喋喋不休時也有樣學樣。夏娃就稱呼蛇為「纏繞物」,恕我用詞不雅,後來被描述為瑕疵品,或甚至就叫著陽具,因為我們確實不得不明知「失禮」而為之。我現在替我的講座命名為「病徵」,也是根據這種錯誤開始。英文的原罪sin 一詞,指的是亞當與夏娃不聽上帝的戒令所犯的原罪,病徵與原罪有關。

Hence the necessity – I think all the same, seeing you here in such large numbers, that there are some of you who have already heard my old refrains – hence the necessity that the flaw should never cease but always grow unless it submits to the cease of castration as possible. This possible, as I have previously said without you noticing it, because I myself did not note it by not putting in the comma, this possible, I formerly said, is what does not cease to be written, but you have to put in the comma: it is what ceases, comma, to be written. Or rather would cease to take that path if the discourse I have evoked, which might not be a semblance were at last to arrive.



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