

Since Lacan conceived all his contributions to psychoanalytic theory
from the early 1950s as recuperations of Freud’s legacy, against the
reigning discourse of ego-psychology, it does not come as a surprise that
his initial attempts to describe the function and position of the analyst
were strongly flavoured by his trenchant criticism of mainstream


In the ‘Rome Discourse’ he defined the analyst’s task
primarily in a negative way, choosing his examples of bad practice across
the board of psychoanalytic activity. Unscrupulously, Lacan argued that
analysts whose aim is to redesign their patients’ lives, or to restore their
relationships with the outside world, betray their own profession.
Scorning the contemporary ‘analysis of resistance’, he reproached his
colleagues for disclosing personal feelings and for presenting themselves
as role models (ideal egos) within the ‘here and now’ of the clinical


To Lacan, these analysts were breaking their promise of
psychoanalytic treatment because they were simply facilitating
introspection, fostering social competence, building intellectual maturity,
and nurturing communicative abilities, whilst promoting their own lifestyle
as an image of general psychic health with which the patients were
supposed to identify. Lacan believed these therapeutic interventions to
be indicative of the analyst’s avoidance of the symbolic power of speech
and language—the prime source of psychoanalytic effectiveness—in
favour of an imaginary level of functioning.15


Although Lacan’s crusade against the mission statement of American
ego-psychology can be seen as an idiosyncratic act of recalcitrance, he was
in fact merely rewording one of Freud’s admonitions in ‘Lines of Advance
in Psycho-Analytic Therapy’ (1919a[1918]). In this paper Freud criticized
the way in which the Swiss school (Jung) and some American psychoanalysts
had conceived the analyst’s task as similar to that of indomitable educators,
godlike creatures who incessantly attempt to mould the uneducated into
images of themselves. Against this view, Freud declared:


We refused most emphatically to turn a patient who puts himself
into our hands in search of help into our private property, to decide
his fate for him, to force our own ideals upon him, and with the
pride of a Creator to form him in our own image and see that it is
good…In my opinion, this is after all only to use violence, even
though it is overlaid with the most honourable motives.
(ibid.: 164–165)


As an appropriate alternative Freud suggested the ‘rule of abstinence’,
which consists in the analyst’s refusal to gratify the patient’s needs and
demands so that all substitute satisfactions are avoided and a productive
level of suffering is maintained. Freud refused to model the analytic
treatment on a mental hospital’s policy to look after patients and to make
them feel as comfortable as possible inside. He also emphasized that
whatever educational effect psychoanalysis may entail, analysts should
ensure that their patients do not come to resemble them, but are
encouraged in the liberation and realization of their own being.


Lacan’s antagonism between the imaginary and the symbolic followed
Freud’s opposition between non-analytic image building and proper
analytic abstinence. It can be summarized as an antagonism between the
psychic register of insuperable, yet regulated difference and that of
deceptive, yet fascinating resemblance.16 Apropos of the symbolic, Lacan
recognized the paragon of the human symbolic function (the ‘original
symbolism’) in the complex rules of matrimonial alliance, the elaborate
laws of kinship and the practices of exchanging gifts that preside over
otherwise ‘pre-modern’, non-industrialized communities (Lacan 1977e


Whilst none of these regulations is rooted in a preordained
natural order, they structure the natural living conditions in
such a way that distinct group members are continuously forced to
participate in existing agreements and to negotiate new pacts.17 By
contrast, Lacan located the source of the human imaginary in the socalled
‘mirror-stage’ (Lacan 1977c[1949]), whereby the child develops
its identity (its ego) via an identification with the twin image reflected
by the mirror or, in the absence of reflective surfaces, by a similar other.18


In Seminar I, and in reference to Freud, Lacan defined the ego accordingly
as an agency that ‘is constructed like an onion, one could peel it and
discover the successive identifications which have constituted it’ (Lacan
1988b[1953–54]:171).19 Consequently, the human imaginary has nothing
to do with the installation and regulation of difference; it is fundamentally
geared towards the advancement of similarity and instead of a
truce, it induces jealousy, rivalry, competition and aggression.

At the end of Seminar II (1988c[1954–55]:243), Lacan integrated
these two discordant dimensions of the symbolic and the imaginary into
a comprehensive cartography of psychoanalytic treatment, placing the
principles of ego-psychology orthogonally to a clinical practice which
he deemed more loyal to Freud’s inspiration. This schema of analytic
communication (Lacan 1993[1955–56]:14), to which Lacan also referred
as the ‘Schema L’, comprises four terms (S, o, o’ and O) and two
conflicting relations (imaginary and symbolic-unconscious).20

在第二研讨班的结束时,拉康将象征界与想像界的这两个不协调的维度,合并成为精神分析治疗的一个全面的地图制作。拉康将自我-心理学的原则,正统地放置在临床的实践里。他认为这是更加忠实于弗洛伊德的启发。精神分析的沟通的这个基模,拉康也提到,作为是“L型基模”,它包括四个术语(S,0,0‘, O),与两个冲突的关系 (想像与象征的无意识)。

In this schema the therapeutic alliance between the clinician and the
patient in an ego-psychological setting is displayed as an imaginary
relation between an ego (o) and another ego (o’).


Lacan proclaimed that
the majority of contemporary clinicians were viewing the patient as an
objectified other whose ego needs ‘to gather its strength, to realise itself,
to integrate itself (Lacan 1988c[1954–55]:245). In keeping with his theory
of the ego as an imaginary construction, he then argued that the patient’s
ego ‘can only re-encounter and reconstitute itself by way of the fellow
being the subject has before him—or behind him’ (ibid.: 245), which is
of course the figure of the analyst. Hence, the patient and the analyst had
become allies in an imaginary exchange of egos, leading to the
replacement of the patient’s former (pathological) identity by the new
(healthy) identity of the analyst.21


Figure I Schema L
Source: J.Lacan, The Seminar, Book III, The Psychoses, New York,
W.W.Norton, 1993, p. 14.
What does the analyst want? 65

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