The Psychoses 20

The Psychoses
Jacques Lacan


In saying to someone, You are my woman, you are implicitly saying to her, / am your man, but you are saying to her first, You are my woman, that is, you are establishing her in the position of being recognized by you, by means of which she will be able to recognize you.


This speech is therefore always beyond language. And such a commitment, like any other utterance, even a lie, conditions all the discourse that follows, and here, what I understand by discourse includes acts, steps, the contortions of puppets, yourselves included, caught up in the game.


Beginning with an utterance a game is instituted, entirely comparable to what happens in Alice in Wonderland when the servants and other characters of the Queen’s court start playing cards by dressing themselves up in the cards and themselves becoming the King of Hearts, the Queen of Spades, and the Jack of Diamonds.


An utterance commits you to maintaining it through your discourse, or to repudiating it, or to objecting to it, or to conforming to it, to refuting it, but, even more, to complying with many things that are within the rules of the game. And even should the Queen change the rules from one moment to the next, this changes nothing essential – once you have entered the play of symbols, you are always forced to act
according to a rule.


In other words, whenever a puppet talks it’s not the puppet that talks, but it’s someone behind it. The question is what is the function of the character one encounters on this occasion. What we can say is that for the subject it’s clearly something real that is speaking. Our patient is not saying that there is someone else behind him who is speaking. She receives her own speech from him, but not inverted, her own speech is in the other who is herself, the little other, her reflection in the mirror, her counterpart. Sow! gives tit for tat, and one no longer knows whether the tit or the tat comes first.


That the utterance is expressed in the real means that it is expressed in the puppet. The Other at issue in this situation is not beyond the partner, it is
beyond the subject herself – this is the structure of the allusion, it indicates itself in a beyond of what it says.


Let us try to orientate ourselves by means of this game of four implied by what I said last time.7


The small o is the gentleman she encounters in the corridor and there is no
big O. It’s small o’ who says, I’ve just been to the butchers. And who is I’ve
just been to the butcher’s said of? Of S. Small o said Sow! to her. The person
who is speaking to us, and who spoke qua delusional, o’, undoubtedly receives
somewhere her own message in an inverted form from the small other, and
what she says affects the beyond which she herself is as subject and which,
by definition, simply because she is a human subject, she can only speak of
by allusion.


There are only two ways one can talk about this S, about this subject that we radically are. These are – either truly to address oneself to the Other, the big Other, and to receive from it the message that concerns you in an inverted form – or to indicate its direction, its existence, in the form of an allusion.


The reason that the woman is strictly a paranoiac is that for her the cycle contains an exclusion of the big Other. The circuit closes on the two small others who are the puppet opposite her, which speaks, and in which her own message resonates, and herself who, as an ego, is always an other and speaks by allusion.


This is the important thing. She speaks by allusion so well that she doesn’t know what she is saying. What does she say? She says – I’ve just been to the butcher’s. Now, who has just been to the butcher’s?


A quartered pig. She does not know that she is saying this, but she says it nevertheless. That other to whom she is speaking, she says to him about herself – / , the sow, have just been to the butcher’s, I am already disjointed, a fragmented body, membra disjecta, delusional, and my world is fragmenting, like me. That’s what she’s saying.
That way of expressing it, however understandable it might appear to us, is nevertheless, to put it mildly, a tiny bit amusing.


There is another thing which concerns temporality. It is clear from the patient’s words that we do not know who spoke first. To all appearances it was not our patient, or at least it was not necessarily her. We will never know since we are not going to time dereal [dtreel\ utterances, but if what I’ve just sketched out is correct, if the response is the allocution – that is, what the patient actually said – then the I’ve just been to the butcher’s presupposes the response, Sow!


In true speech, on the contrary, the allocution is the response. What responds to speech is in effect the consecration of the Other as my woman or as my master, and so here it’s the response that presupposes the allocution. In delusional speech the Other is truly excluded, there is no truth behind, there is so little truth that the subject places none there himself, and in the face of this phenomenon, this ultimately raw phenomenon, his attitude is one of perplexity.


It will be a long time before he attempts to restore an order, which we shall call a delusional order, around this. He does not restore it, as is thought, through deduction and construction, but in a way that we shall later see is not unrelated to the primitive phenomenon itself.


The Other being truly excluded, what concerns the subject is actually said by the little other, by shadows of others, or, as Schreber will express himself to designate all human beings he encounters, by fabricated, or improvised men. The small other effectively presents an unreal character, tending towards the unreal.


The translation that I’ve just given you is not entirely correct, there are resonances in German that I’ve tried to render with the word fautu, fabricated.



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